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Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14, 2012

           Oh boy, real estate again. This gem is in Colorado, about 22 miles from Marion’s place. But that’s over the horizon on a gravel road, so I said no. Otherwise, I was okay with the $500,000 drop in price to just $25,000 and was amused by the agent trying to sell me on the $90 per month mortgage. I was born on the prairies so this looks okay to me. In fact, the garage is about the size of the home I was raised in. It costs plenty less than the nearest motel room. (The price is a Zillow quote, but it failed to bring a single bid when auctioned last month. Prices are tumbling in Colorado everywhere except the biggest cities.)
           Most have never heard of Videotex. But I saw this demo video years ago at the phone company and again today after a reminder from Dan Lewis. I first used an on-line bulletin board in 1982 and did not like it—it was as full of shallow, narrow-minded people as the Internet is today. What I did not know is the Videotex pilot project was right here in Florida. It is essentially text-based Internet. Do read the comments for a laugh. Like the guy who says the reason it failed is that it did not include porn. Good, er, point?
           Just my luck, I think somebody came up with the full price for the sidecar I was negotiating. It’s gone. The other option is expensive, if I chose that, I’d have to give up Colorado. I regularly search three states but haven’t yet found a bargain. If you need convincing how badly the US dollar is doing, look at the price of anything imported. A Ural sidecar (for crying out loud) these days carries a sticker price of $15,000.
           The last local book exchange, Dekka, is discontinuing this service. They need the wall space. I’m reading Cussler’s “Golden Buddha” so you don’t have to. It is one of his weakest yet. While the actions are possible, they get far-fetched but are trite as hell. The hidden compartment, the rubber mask, the dagger dipped in poison, the easily-duped billionaires. Duped, because although self-made, they forever lack the discriminating tastes that the good guys acquire as assassins and cutthroats for the CIA. What? Oops, I meant “operatives”. Change that to operatives for the CIA. My bad.
           That’s another thing about Cussler’s billionaires. They all made their money through crime or software, never inheritance. They instantly develop a yen for brunette prostitutes and recently stolen artwork. It’s like whenever I get my monthly stipend, I grow this hankering to boost the Mona Lisa. Must…not…yield….
           I’m relearning Denver’s “Country Roads”; it’s been years and the learning curve continues. Where I can hear the slightest chord or tonal variation across a crowded room, Billy-Bill needs to hear the song at full volume, rumbling the furniture. While I am tone-deaf to 7ths, I can easily tell which guitar string is out of tune. Not which note, which string when a chord is played. I smile at hearing how their last bassist [must have] played some of the material. I’m sure he played their music, but the quality must have been a joke. When the bass man doesn’t need to care whether it’s major or minor chord, he ain’t in my league and probably can’t get there. Ask my brother.
           By late evening, I drove over to Buddy’s for the Karoke. And got in four songs, which is easy when you arrive early. Even did a duet, which the crowd over there has never appreciated yet. There were a couple of good looking babes, but they didn’t have the verve to signal if interested. So let somebody else do the honors.
           Last, a couple more comments on real estate. You real estate agents suck. We both have sensitivities, but mine aren’t a result of life-long blind obedience and lack of formal education. When I ask you if a neighborhood is good or bad, you know damn well what I’m talking about. Unless you are God, who are you to grow an attitude about what other people want? Not like they would ever answer that question.

Five Compliments I Get Most Often
Good handwriting
Great musicianship
Incredible powers of concentration
Expert solving logic problems
Very intelligent