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Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012

           Y’day after the movies, I saw one of the Karma Fisker autos on display. (See blog of May 11, 2012. In fact, go back and read that post.) It is a heavy lunk of a car but the styling is justifiably worth the $113,000 price tag. Um, think of all the money you’ll save in gasoline. It is a gas hybrid that cranks out 20 mpg in gas mode.
           Poor Zuckerberg, he just lost $5 billion or so. That loses his spot in the top 40 richest in the world. These funny-looking billionaires don’t have it all their own way. Facebook, the shares you bought because your Facebook friends bought the shares because you bought them. Silver continues at a two-year low. Meaning all who bought since 2010 have either overpaid or are buying well during a period of falling prices.
           My electronic studies have been stalled by (of all things) a dirth of replacement soldering tips in the state of Florida. Ere long, there will be a quantum leap in the complexity of tasks since integrated circuits no longer confuse me. Still, it is probably easier to get robot parts in Alaska than here. Hey, Florida, as a demo of how third world you have become, here is a video of helicopters playing the James Bond theme.
           Next, and this calls for a celebration later, I rewrote the bass line to “Pipeline”. It still has all the ingredients from the Ventures, but I’ve got a shadow riff I do between chord changes that redefines subtle. It stems from y’day when I criticized the way guitarists think bass is played. I thought, why not use the guitar concept, but play it right? I’m pretty pleased. The way a lead player picks thirds on a bass is so wrong, I corrected it. It works great in that one song but is too subtle to pursue as a trademark.
           Troubling news from back west. It is too recent to give names, but please be advised that $100,000 is not enough to retire on. It seems a friend of mine went through his nest egg in six years. I warned him. He did not set up any type of retirement income with the cash, but used it for “emergencies”, as if the whole world isn’t geared to screw those who think that way. I think it worth noting that I’ve already outlasted him as far as defining retirement. If you think you can live off your savings, then you really will need two million to retire.
           I project my basic monthly expenses will increase 33% in the next five years. I’m not worried about rent as I’ll be buying property. By 2017 my discretionary income has to go up by that amount to break even. (Actually, in that year it will go up by a guaranteed 24% leaving me to arrange for the balance.) If things are too rough by then, I speak Spanish and I like Panama. I’m more concerned about the Federal plan to tax entitlements than I am about inflation. If I forgot to mention, I won my court case and I’m free again. Wallace made one stupid move not honoring our original partnership contract.
           So I did celebrate. I drove the scooter up to a lounge and drank an expensive beer. A game show came on the TV. I’m just as amazed as anyone how I can get all the non-people questions. I beseech you, America, to always throw a penny in the urinal in memory of how my father raised me.

           Okay, so market manipulation by the feds and the banks means house prices did not drop by 66%. I confess, I did not know how intricately bonds and securities were tied to the housing market. I was aware of the connection, not that the bondholders had the power to prop up prices anything like this. Here’s picture is the Palm Beach Shores, read on.
           I still say I’m right in the long run. But these boomers are clinging on to their houses with their bloody fingernails. This only means instead of buying in Palm Beach, I may just share, rent a room seasonally. There are always people near FAU looking for roomies, and I’ve traditionally done well with female collegiates.
           I may even take a course or two just to get back on campus. It’s the kind of guy I am. For now, I’m staying put and inspecting every change in the economy. I will be leaving as soon as finances permit. That might take years.
           One interesting option I examined was a rental contract at the Palm Beach Shores. Some lady is outright selling (not renting) her timeshare for $5100, which is 75% less than the lowest rentals in that area. My scooter would look great between a Lexus and a Rolls. The place is furnished, so I’d have a desk to set my soldering iron and bench vise. My neighbors would be as quiet as a bunch of old billionaires. And just you look at the living room. That’s the kind of furniture I love to prop my feet on. While practicing my bass at three in the morning.