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Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1, 2012

           It didn’t rain for three hours today. That’s just enough time to get back together with the new band and run through a half set of songs. I think this is going to fly. The sound is loose enough to fake everything. But it don’t take me long to catch on and we were jamming to older rock/surf-a-billy. This is a random still from the session, but I thought to publish it because it contains tons of information to the trained observer. I can see at least 5 illuminating clues in this photo.
           For example, the most obvious is the positions of our left hands on the necks. That is anything but random. It shows that we are definitely not playing standard guitar-bass patterns. That says fantastic for a second rehearsal. We should be playing out, I do know places that would take us right now, but naturally, we’d like to be paid more than tips. I’ll book us somewhere for Barbarossa Day, June 22.

           Question, or at least pardon me for asking. When people have multiple personality disorder, why is the dominant personality always such a pain in the ass? And to all you people who said I was making it up that old ladies smelled like foot powder, read this. Or how about an electric unicycle for $1,700.00? I’m thinking on it, that it would be handier than the eBike which is difficult to bring inside (for security).
           I read a list of the “top ten” survival items. Suppressing a laugh, I wonder what the average American would do with a compass and map. Well, the map could double as toilet paper, but compasses require brains and face it, he’s lost enough already. Or how about the flares, survival knife, fire starter, and machete? Stash them in your carry-on. In seriousness, make a lot of noise, most wild animals only bite if you surprise them.

           My survival kit consists of the knowledge to start a fire. That’s it. You can boil your drinking water, signal, stay warm, and keep animals away. When you can walk, go downhill until you find a creek, follow the creek to a river, follow the river to a city, find a Burger King. Or cook something without a license, the game warden will find you.
           Argh, I finally found a course for designing search engines and bookmarked it. Except, it [the bookmark] didn’t take and I can’t find it again. I still want to design a self-policing search engine that weeds out the crap you don’t want to show up no matter how well it fits your criteria. You know, when you want free information and all you get are booksellers, ad lists, forums, membership requirements, and redacted opinions.

           My search engine would collect votes which could in turn be used as a filter. You simply click that you want to learn about giraffes, not join giraffes-r-us, see zoo advertising, or donate to the Borneo giraffe fund. Advertisers would hate me, especially because I would have a special category for people who say free but it’s like a 30-day trial. One could reject all youTubes ads and block Alibaba completely. I’d restore the distinction between information and information for sale that was destroyed by
           Here’s an alarm clock for those lacking time management skills. The idea is simplicity defined. If you sleep in, the clock shreds your hundred dollar bill. It has several operating modes, including shredding just a little of the bill each time there’s a "mental discipline issue". I think it the perfect gift for New Age types, the ones who think time is a Swiss confidence trick. Let them prove how New Age they are by letting you use their hundred dollar bill.

The Five Most Beloved Pets I've Had
Spot (like the story book)
Nipper (collie poodle cross)
Columbus (mongrel lab)
Memphis (budgie)
Pudding-Tat (cat)

           May is my mid-year, not June. So my review of the previous six months is already complete. All developments have been behind the scenes. I hope to rectify that. The big disappointments were not completing the robot prototype and still no active band. It’s no excuse some matters were beyond my control as I should know not to place myself in that situation. But, like any true product of North American society, I can find innumerable excuses. I bought all the robot parts in town, now I’m out of inventory. T’was guitar players ruined my recording career, and them alone. See, with the right tone of voice, blaming others is so easy.
           If I sidestep some of the facts, I could find encouragement over the recent past. Take my electronics designs. It is now established that a lot of the “experts” out there are mediocre specimens. As I reach the advanced stages, I see nothing but projects that I sketched out months ago. Many are ideas that I’ve already hashed around and, in many cases, come up with better solutions. The difference is I did not graduate from electronics school and hold myself out to be some kind of leader.

           One more thing. Twenty-seven years ago I pulled a fast one. It was nothing at the time, but I’m glad I did. Today I learned over the years dozens of people who tried to misuse the data came up with nothing. If you can figure out why I kept the same car for twenty-one of those years, you’ll piece it together. I’ve done the same thing dozens of times since and the misinformation is now firmly in the hands of people I don’t really like at all.
           Actually, there is even one more thing. Today marks a keen change in behavior. For the first time in my life, I went through the entire day doing what I normally do without being concerned about the cost. That may sound mundane but I've never been a spendthrift. Although I've never "ran out" of money like some people, that's partially because I was ever more aware of "what I had on me". That feeling, at least toward day-to-day spending, is banished and I won't miss it.

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