Watching those mobile home prices, there’s another inducement making the rounds. Low rent for the first year. But rent is rent and it never goes down. As a rule, I don’t respond to mobile home ads that don’t specify the lot rent, and neither should you. These new people will not say what happens after the year, so they don’t get my cash either. (They insist you drop out and then they’ll talk. After you’ve committed the money for the trip.) Here is one place I rejected for missing information, but the price tag, at $13,000, is right for me.

An article by Dan Lewis just took
Tropicana orange juice off my diet. I didn’t care for the 100 calories per glass anyway, and then I find out I’m not drinking as much orange juice as I thought. The stuff is reconstituted after having most of its nutrients boiled or destroyed. And it was getting up near $5 a quart anyway. I’ll find a replacement.
The guy from Sarasota called back. It seems he’s had seven or more offers for his sidecar that could not come up with the money. Really, golly gee? I told him to call me when he got fed up with the Florida big talkers. He called. I’m no expert with motorcycle prices, but this guy would have sold long ago if he was desperate. I’ve contacted the club about a day trip out there later this week. Always the club, those who don’t belong to a good one will never reap the benefits. It’s a club of intellectuals, not some weekly poetry reading.
For that matter, I’m cleared to travel again. (I wasn’t when I hit St. Augustine last year, I played hooky.) As of this morning, my test results are in, it is now an official six months between checkups. I made it and I confirm there is no magic: It is diet, exercise, and getting the stress out of your life, even if it means quitting your job. In my case, the job quit for me, and you don’t want that. There is a section at the bottom of my heart, detected by three different tests, that will never work right again. But I have a certain experience with things that don’t work right so I’ll be fine.

In celebration I stopped at BK and tried the new sweet potato fries. At 290 calories, half of it from fat (small size) it’s worth a try for the novelty. But if you don’t like sweet potato, deep-frying doesn’t help. If you’ve never done so, read the
BK nutrition chart. You’ll see what’s not on your local menu. You’ll have to go to Texas for the BBQ whopper and Vermont for the maple syrup (flavored) oatmeal. You’ll also learn to hold the deadly mayo. It adds 150 calories of almost pure fat.