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Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29, 2012

           Once again, you get the most unique or exciting event of the day and it ain’t my fault there’s nothing much to do in this town. Here is my new rechargeable battery for my power tools. They both look brand new. I can explain that, just hold your horses. It is side-by-side with my old battery which only holds enough juice to drill five pilot holes or saw half through a 2x4. That likely has something to do with when I first bought it. I used it once then forgot it in the charger, um, for a year and a half. Never did work right after that. End of explanation.
           The cooler weather adds incentive. I also repaired the scooter running lights, replaced the toilet float valve, and balked at repairing my propane range upon discovering the oven thermocouple is sold only as a $90 assembly (Gaffer & Stattler). And replacement stoves have tripled in price (to $550) in the past 24 months. Ouch. Maybe I’ll just use the range part and invest in a convection microwave. It’s not like I bake pies every weekend.
           Now, the hurricane, Sandy. That’s the name of the gal I forgot. The one who blew up when I suggested we have a less permanent arrangement than marriage. You know, like the arrangement she had with the father of her kid. Sandy, after all these years (24 of them) may I say your kid was genetically gimped and I also saw you still had his phone number on the wall. Strange how you’d think a phone company employee wouldn’t spot that. But for it, woman, we were this close.
           The hurricane managed to catch a sailing ship at sea. That’s a “duh”. Sailing ships and hurricanes are like Mexican busses and bad brakes. Rescue the dumbasses—and send them the bill. We’ve become a nation of professional casualties. Favorite victim quotes: I thought that storm warning meant everyone else but me. I was too occupied fighting for my gender and race rights to buy insurance for living 15 inches above sea level. Where am I s’pose a’ git money to “ee-vack-you-eight”? Come git me by helcopper. Po’ po’ pitiful me.

           Cancel the library. The lot was full of voters hoping the lesser of two evils gets in. We are definitely in the definitional decline of democracy. Instead of voting for higher ideals, every bastard is in there to keep his social benefits while denying them to others. On welfare? Vote for Obama. Not on welfare? Vote for Romney. Anywhere in between? You only think you are voting. The November vote auction, copied from Canada.
           The newspaper today says both candidates will have to outthink those seeking to harm Americans. Apparently neither is tasked with removing the root cause of the problem—Yankee interference with foreign cultures and politics. DC talks about being allies with Pakistan like that’s a good idea. As if the world hasn’t heard about Muslim bravery in the face of their bloodthirsty enemies. Which seem to consist largely of Israeli markets, crowded movie theaters, and Indonesian discos. Throw in the odd 747, Olympic dormitory, and twelve year old schoolgirls. No wonder those Muslims feel surrounded.
           How cold is it today? These weather patterns upset the whole ecology. Down below 60 degrees is uncomfortable around here. That’s why I stayed in and followed up every link found by a search on “veryatlantic”. At least all the links on the first 65 pages and let me say, the search algorithms are insane. The word “veryatlantic” was chosen because it is not a naturally occurring term and has no meaning in any language. It is truly amazing how often it randomly occurs in other people’s prose.
           I also checked the “similarsites” function. The nearest thing to this blog was a high school robot post and a few outfits that print circuit boards. The remaining results show less than a 40% match, all of which have to do with electronics. Strange, because before 2011, robots and such are rarely mentioned here. What follows from this? Could it be of the 200 million blogs out there, nothing comes close to this one? And if so, how come I’m not rich and famous? I mean, do they expect us to believe that all those millions of other blogs are the same repetitious twaddle about politics, sports, pornography, and gossip? Over and over, time after time?
           An aside to those in dismay that I chucked my kitchen table. All I can say is eating does not occupy a central place in my life. The only time I "dined" in my life was when I had a fine lady to do it with. Eating is not, to me, generally a form of entertainment. I know which fork and knife to use but beyond that, it's all putting on airs. There has been no such thing as regular "full meals" for me in nine years. Here is a typical brunch for me, taken while at my computer desk. (Whole wheat, that's curry powder on cucumber and red goulash paste on raw onion.) My primary daily activity is reading, not watching other people eat.

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