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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 27, 2012

          Google seems to have removed the internal search from blogger. There used to be a text box that would restrict your search only to the blog once it was opened. Gone. Where do they even find such idiots? Google has become the next MicroSoft, sticking their noses everywhere they don’t belong. And did you know the police don’t need to a warrant to search your email if it is more than 180 days old? I’m all for them doing their job, but not at the expense of personal privacy. I believe no such evidence should be allowed in court if it was obtained without a warrant. Yes, even your garbage is your property.
          So, the Mexican beauty queen was killed in a shoot-out with the police. With drug killings approaching 50,000 since 2006, there’s no telling what was going on. My guess is she was not felled by a head shot. The slugs would have bounced off all that makeup. Still, what a waste, since I view drugs as primarily a male activity for the betas who could not score otherwise. What was a beauty queen doing with that kind of people?
           And I still cannot locate any video of the latest Bieber-boo at the Grey Cup. the bombs won’t do Bieber any good now. Nothing personal Beebs, at 18 I looked like you, I identify with your revulsion when Macarthy violated your space, but as a musician I don’t like rap. I don’t like people who like rap. I don’t even like people who like people who like rap. Some pirate version will make it onto youTube and when I find it, I will gladly post a link here. Where at least 33,000 people will see it. Meanwhile, this is proof enough. The superstar drive-thru is overcrowded and needs to be culled. Censoring is wrong.
           Here’s something which supports my dissatisfaction with most authors of electronics publications. (I don’t like their arrogant way of half-presenting topics and their brazen attitude that you are supposed to know what they mean.) This month’s Scientific American has an article by a Cambridge (no less) professor of “developmental psychopathology” that reveals engineers are likely carriers of the geek gene. I said likely.
           That’s correct. Families with autistic children are five times more likely to have a father who is an engineer and nine times more likely to have a grandfather who was an engineer. And mothers with an autistic child were more likely to have an engineer as a father and more likely to marry someone whose father was an engineer.
           This correlates with my experience in college. Certain engineering courses were dominated by geeks who would never admit they didn’t understand something, allowing the equally geek professor to skim over the exact intermediate topics you had paid good tuition to have explained. Think about that. I’m describing how most people who take a college course already know the basics, but need them fleshed out.
           Instead, you get one or two cursory beginner’s examples and then some geek teacher leaps into star wars material with the other geeks nodding like they got it and we who want a better explanation are holding up the class. This explains a lot of things. Why most of the websites repeat the same droll projects (traffic light, water meter,dice). Why engineers never invent anything new. They learned it geek-style and now they teach it geek-style. And I can confirm the field is stacked with obsessive compulsives.
           (Sorry 'bout the repeat, this was written earlier.) It was blanked out of the media, but J-Beebs (Justin Beiber) got booed by a huge stadium of people at the Grey Cup. Well, Beebs, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but I guess most of them weren’t Anglo Canadians. Might be time to get a job, you know, like 99% of the rap crowd that listens to your half-tribal croaking. Say, have you been taking haircut lessons from Donald Trump?
           To all of you Internet websites that say you won’t share my email address if I join: then what do you want it for? I’m not expecting any love letters from you.
           Later. I didn’t get to the new Bond movie (Skyfall) and maybe that’s okay. I’m hearing some rotten reviews at street level, though the ratings are quite high. Most report all the stunts are repeats and the women aren’t that pretty any more. That’s got me thinking, but the real reason I didn’t make it was a piece fell off my door frame and I had to repair it. I knew it was loose. To make it up to myself, I bought my first (in my life) powerball ticket for the $500 million. If you never hear from me after tomorrow, you’ll know how it went.
           Meanwhile, I went downtown to buy a leather briefcase and couldn’t find one. Just that cardboard imitation plastic neomodern junk, laptop cases I think they call them. WTF? A real briefcase would handily carry a laptop, so what do you need something custom for? Their availability everywhere shows you the majority of men truly like that thrift-store look. You know the difference between a fat lady’s purse and a laptop case? About a hundred dollars.
           And the new Superman movie has taken the red shorts off his costume. Now he might actually get the blonde instead of settling for the mousy brunette.

           Agt. M lost his phone. So, I’m working in isolation and I got to thinking. I’m going to say it first, then look to see if such a thing exists. If it does exist, it never appeared on any searches in the past two years. I speculate that one of those laser cutters would be perfect for producing printed circuit boards. Even drill the through-board holes. Stand by. Moments later, yes, it has been thought of. But I didn’t know that and derived the idea independently. It would produce super-accurate, if expensive, copies.
           Here’s another case of finding something after figuring it out on my own. The territory of electronics learned here so far has followed that same backwards pattern. I searched every possible avenue of PCB production to find a clear set of instructions before finally giving it up. Not one laser cutter was mentioned by any of the countless authors I reviewed. Glory unto the man who rips electronics away from the hold-fast grip of the elitist geek-droids. Trust me, there is nothing difficult about electronics if only it was taught properly.
           And proper teaching is the impulse behind my booklet on resistors. Right now if you read lots of articles on resistors, you’ll keep finding things the others left out. That is not research, that is wasting time. If that happens, the authors are doing a bad job, because there is nothing about resistors that could not be presented right the first time. For instance, it was probably the 30th article I read before anybody told me that the resistor reduces current, not voltage. Yet every author goes on about voltage drop.
           Even later. Now hold on. As I deep-read some of the author’s claims about PCB laser production, I’m hearing a different tune. Some are merely etching the board pattern, not burning away the copper. That means the acid wash remains, as well as the tedious task of drilling the holes. Plus designing, printing, and placing the template by conventional methods. Even cutting the copper board to size is a manual step. When you add it up, that’s probably a worse than doing things the old way. My concept was to put the pattern into a computer and have the laser go to work on the finished product. So we are not done here yet by any means.

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