Now that you've created her market, trust me, she’ll soon be dumping him and selling out to the highest bidder. To the US newspeople: we don’t need artificial consent laws, we need anti-stupid laws against imbeciles like you. If I can find a photo, I’ll publish it here. Let’s see what a 67 year old can buy with all that money.
McAfee’s escapade is serving to keep the local nonsense off the front pages, we are happy for that. But have you seen the disgusting behavior of the American media hounds? They are truly beneath contempt. I’m a top advocate of the fifteen-foot rule. Reporters should be required to stay that far back from anyone in public. The law that says freedom of the press doesn’t mean the right to press a camera into people’s faces and ambulance windows. You reporters can cover the news without getting so close they have to smell you.
Do I like journalists? There is an article about Social Security in today’s paper (not specified) that lifts itself topic for topic out of this blog. But it isn’t word for word, so I have no recourse. The tip off is that what I write maintains a certain order or it fizzles, and this is a skill that cannot be taught. My next phrase won’t make any sense unless you know this one first. If you’ve ever wondered why seasoned writers always recognize their own material it is because said logical sequence is unique to each personality. Intelligent presentation is by no means an inherent quality of the human race, but the fingerprint of a few.
For example, I’ve written how impossible it was to reason with Wallace. You could talk to the guy, but not philosophize. He felt any notion that floated through his mind was a relevant part of the conversation. With zero experience incorporating what had just finished being said, he simply could not follow any conversation if it involved associating two separate concepts at once. (Separate concepts like “keep” and “promise”.)
It is a commonplace defense mechanism of the huddled masses. They only know facts in isolation and are never persuaded when those same facts are presented in an organized pattern. That would require thinking and inductive reasoning, not using a $2,000 laptop to check your email and read the weather report. Wallace is forgiven, now that I know it runs in his family.
This just in from Connecticut. Another school massacre and another legend created by the US media. How does a crap-tard get his name in the history books? Buy a gun, confirm himself a loser, and American cable TV does the rest for free. Pictures, background, education, even his baby pictures, plastered everywhere. Fox, CNN, MSN, get yer asses over to his mother’s house so she can tell us what a nice boy he was. The gunman has not been identified, but we know he is another useless, deadbeat, nobody, just another shit-head in the congested mob of nobody shit-heads. Pierced earlobe, tattooed arm, low marks, dismal failure with the ladies, another coward. But the six o’clock news is his instant ticket out of a depressing, meaningless life of drudgery. That’s quite a lure.
[Author's note: so I was wrong about the pierced ears and low marks. This geek didn't have the guts to get pierced anything and by the sounds of it had nothing to do but get high marks. Congratulations to the newspapers that told the world his brother's name. Now he's marked for life for your stupid mistake. And since the killer also gunned down his mother, the same media dirtbags began interviewing, get this, children.]
In local crime, there was a big deal over on Federal this week. Not that I follow this, but if it has to do with computers, I usually hear about it. These two twenty-somethings approached a bum over near Taft and tell him they’ll pay him $20 if he finds them a hooker. He does, but they don’t have the $20. So one guy stays and the other goes home, but he comes back with a laptop. The bum doesn’t want the laptop, he wants the cash. A fight ensues. So they kill him behind the auto parts store.
[Author's note: this crime was not front page news once again because the murderers were non-white. Bias is common around here. The perps are Jose Carlos Llano, age 14, and Juan Xolo, age 17. They stabbed a 32-year-old man with a pen, when he fell, they beat and kicked him to death. The local paper reported this on page 3, section B in the
"Around Florida" column. Lest white folks get some crazy ideas over what Latino parents consider normal behavior for their kids on a Friday night. At least I suppose that is the reason for the hush-up.]

Them cops, they like to catch the stars because they’ll never be one. And it is always for drinking and driving, where no homework is required. Forget reasonable and probable cause, the arbitrary roadside pullover works way better than that dumb old Constitution, anyway. If there is one thing US law enforcement learned from the KGB, it’s to hell with tedious investigations. Just twist everybody’s arm until you catch a big one.
Who do I run into but Chopper Harley? He’s playing over on Mayo tonight but I’m not in a sit and listen mood. That club is too pricey for itself anyway. That’s why I don’t do the Octopus. I don’t feel some barmaid serving a drink constitutes a personal favor. I got worries of my own without pushy staff laying their attitude on me. This town needs a self-serve bar. Then I’d go out on Fridays.
So let me think, do I stop to see Chopper, then head to the Bluegrass show at the bandshell, or stay home with a mug of hot chocolate? Check in tomorrow and see.
Today it is trivia, unless you are the student involved. The average cost of a medical degree at a public school now exceeds $200,000. Do you know in Saudi Arabia they tell jokes about how in America if you want to become a doctor, you have to pay for it yourself. The average debt of today’s medical grad is $161,220.00. Ouchie-wah-wah.
I’m good with numbers, so allow me to look at that. If you graduate at age 25 and opt to pay the loan back over 30 years (according the New York Times this happens very often) beginning January, your [interest] rate is 6.8%. You’ll make your last $1,050.90 payment in December 2042, when the North Koreans are living on Mars. You’ll pay back $378,325.23 with after-tax money.
Most doctors in that kind of debt work for a salary. That salary, says Payscale, ranges from general practitioner $121,000 to cancer doctors $198,500. If the blended tax rate on the GP remains at 28% (it won’t), the annual burden is $25,000, leaving $96,000 take-home, or $8,000 per month. Lop off a grand for the payment, and the average doctor today is barely doing better than I was in 1995. I spent eleven weeks of that year doing the wild thing in Venezuela. And I'm not even including the overtime.