When I grumble my place is too small that does not mean uncomfortable. I fell asleep in the rock-a-lounger again, and that’s a restful deep snooze. But face it, small is not my style. I found a low priced three bedroom [manufactured home with the land] in Boca, but once again my alarms say that ain’t right. The supposition has to be that something is wrong with the place. How about I put the dilemma to you and see how you fare with it? Two things to consider above all else.
One, I cannot find anything wrong with it and the real estate lady says go look. It was built in 1975 and the oven has never been used. Two, roughly five other nearby places have sold for similar prices in the past 90 days, all in a tiny area a few blocks long and wide. Maybe I’ll drive up there for a peek though I’ll likely find nothing. In Florida, silence is golden indeed for those who fail to tell the whole truth, since there is no law and certainly no cultural mentality against that brand of scam.
Six hours later, I cannot find anything amiss. There is an HOA fee of $1 per month, that is it. Is this the place? No, because they have six cash offers for the full asking price, which I cannot quite match yet and the owner “will choose one of them on Saturday”. Still, we are getting very close. Also, I seem to have found an honest and attentive real estate agent. Really. Seriously. But I lost this one. So what, I was looking for a place when I found it and time is on my side. Just letting you know I’m right on top of it.
The keyboardist for "The Doors" passed away. Here’s a video but I won’t even claim to have followed his career. It is as difficult today as it was back then for me to identify with rich kids to “went into” music. For me, music was a grueling uphill fight against family and community. I begged for my equipment and often had to abandon it to go find work. To anybody with the smart-mouth comment that such things improve character, please kiss my rosy red rectum.
The video is great, but I still don’t connect with his point. Is he saying he went into music because he met such a swell bunch of guys so why not? At the time he talks of graduating from DePaul, a private university, and moving to California to attend film school, I was standing in the ditch hitchhiking in Montana to the nearest lumber mill. I just don’t identify with musicians talking about the struggles of their early days when they are showing me pictures of them playing a Hammond B3 through a Leslie, and I think, “Gosh, you guys, it must have been rough.”

Mind you, I did run across an interesting English company that makes real blind bolts and such off-beat products as temporary railway crossings. See Lesmac. It consists of blocks of rubber that form a level path over the rails. It’s called RRAP foam or something like that.
I met up with DeeDee for morning coffee. Sadly, the bakery is getting too popular and my little hideaway gets swamped at times. I do horoscope readings, so much better with all the drama I’m capable of adding. What a pity all the women there are Libras, whoops, I didn’t say that. I take it back. She’s heard of 3D printing but like many, has little idea where that is going. Folks, I’ll say it again, 3D printing is the biggest thing we’ll see this time around. There is talk of the astronauts printing their food on long trips. If you have not been following this invention, you are falling behind.
The brilliantly educated Columbian woman also came by, the one who loves the sidecar. Guys, she’s married with kids. We’ve exchanged 900-page books if you want to know. Here’s something. Her son has to submit a science fair project in September. That’s coincidence but I think he may be too young for this, though I could guaranty he’d win first prize. In case anyone is wondering, yes, all these ladies have seen the ROM, it was in that coffee shop I completed all the preliminary drawings. There is no need learn electronics to see the close match in both my sketches and prototypes, and the narrowness of the dates between them.
Okay, already. Here is your picture of RRAP foam. I can just hear all the criminal minds going to work on this one. Scriptwriters, sharpen your pencils. You don’t see something like this everyday. Well, not unless you are a regular here, in which case it is at least once in while.