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Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16, 2013

           If you ask me, it looks like a bass ukulele. Trust me, only sick-minded guitar players could possibly produce brain-farts like this. For crying out loud, it has nylon strings that sit a quarter inch above the frets. But, somebody somewhere must be shelling out $350 for these things. It sounded terrible and would never be loud enough on its own.
           I’m reading a religious book that Jackie at Jimbos gave me. Yes, we know Jackie can’t read but save the comments for later. He was told the book was enjoyable reading for an intelligent person. Since he could not find one of those, he handed it to me. Called “Soul Harvest”, it is not your mainstream God is everywhere type of reading. It is more along the lines of my own religious practice, where the Big Guy gets honorable mention whenever He gets things right. I’ll read more. One can follow the plot without some jerk force-feeding you Jesus in every other sentence.
           Who was the guy that said Darwin was wrong because at that time offspring were believed to be a mixture of the parent’s characteristics? Thus, in a few generations, all variation would be lost. This is nonsense and Darwin was careful to explain he did not know how heredity worked, only that it did. Some years later particulate genetics was discovered which explains why black cats and white cats don’t all eventually become grey cats. (The white gene and black gene are discrete entities that don’t change, they just get passed on, one dominating the other in each individual.) This is why whenever somebody wants to argue about evolution, ask them to define it before you start.
           My second week on rabbit food and I’m edgy, have trouble sleeping but not falling asleep, and skip meals even when I’m hungry. It’s probably familiar to all dieters but new to me. This food does not give you any extra energy when you need it. Which brings me to Sunday rehearsal. Um, shall we say a poor rehearsal makes for a great opening night. My limit seems to be around sixty songs unless they are all played regularly. When I learn tune number 61, something else falls into my mental recycle bin.
           Another annoyance is my difficulty with song titles. You know I was born with a syndrome about names and that extends to music. I really have to strain to memorize a song I would not normally play. “Set Me Free” comes to mind. So does “Mercy, Mercy”. Once I hear the intro, I can jump right in, but if somebody says let’s play it by name, I draw a blank. Oh. That song. Think of it as a severe case of “hum a few bars”.
           What’s next is sheer hypothesizing and it means nothing until I say it does. I’ve mentioned my place is too small for me. I like around 1,200 square feet just for myself. That includes separate office, den, and workshop. Indoors and air conditioned. I’m comfortable here but I’m more dissatisfied when I have a choice to have better things. Do I have a choice? Funny you should ask. Something has come up.
           My plan to buy in Boca could take indeterminate weeks or years. While I could stay put quite happily, something has happened that could change that. Something that would make my wait just a little more enjoyable. A party has come along and offered me a pretty good price for this place. In fact, such a good price that with that and my reserves, I could get quite a big place right now. The expenses, except for higher electric bills, would stay identical. Here’s how it works.
           Just up the road there is a nice place for sale that is in my range. A doublewide two-bedroom and single bath. It is perfect for privacy, the driveway can only be accessed by a dead-end road around back, where there is only room for a motorcycle to turn around. It has a 28 foot porch along the front of the structure and plenty of room for a work shed. That would ensure not only comfort, but a degree of luxury as I wait on Boca prices to get reasonable.
           Financing? Between what I have socked away, the sale price of this place (which is pure profit), and a fund I could tap into, I’d only have to come up with $3,000 extra dollars. What is that fund? Wallace’s money. I know I haven’t advertised it, but it has been put aside all these years, the full amount, in case he apologized. But that has not happened and even if it does, he’s left it too long. He got greedy and stayed greedy.
           So keep an ear out for changes. If this deal goes through, it will happen very quickly in the immediate future. Everything would have to fall into place in the right order. No promises, but a place three times this size would be right for me. I could hole up there forever it need be.
           Last, JP called. The Mazda has been tuned up. And it already has a glitch. This happens in older vehicles after they wear into their unique mechanical harmonies. You replace one part and it throws off another. This is why the test run is still pending, probably middle of this week. I’m okay with chancing long distance trips in older vehicles, but only when I’m alone and responsible only for myself. I began traveling alone in my early thirties and found it to be a more adventuresome experience. Taking a woman to Hawaii is like taking a sandwich to a banquet.
           Wait, there is one more thing. Around two months ago I ran a computer simulation to see what could enhance my appearance. Get rid of the goatee it said, but that did not allow for my weak chin. So I compromised. Gone is the moustache part but I widened the short beard, what I call the “half Abe”. I’ve been getting compliments and this evening in Dunkin Donuts as I waited on my laundry, a teenage girl said it was the nicest she’d seen. I’m okay with that.

Peeps, if you think pro sports is as much of a joke as I do, you have to watch this video of a Brit calling a baseball game: baseball