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Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013

           I was out in Pembroke Pines to see my cardio people and then a trip to the book store. I would have continued straight out for a trip around Lake Okeechobee but I’d forgotten my cell phone at home. Since I have no use for an alarm clock, I used my cell and there it sat. My vital signs are fine but I’m due for another nuclear stress test and an ultrasound on my extremities. There’s some puffiness going around which I don’t have but don’t want to get either. The outcome of today is the go ahead to up my exercise classes to as many days a week as I can handle it. That’s significant, because they are used to patients who don’t set reasonable personal limits.
           This beautiful sunset is something I’ll never see. It is on Mars. We aren’t there because NASA betrayed us. Sold out for thirty years being more interested in keeping their paychecks than exploring. The shuttle was so useless, they had entire departments who strained their brains to come up with “experiments” to justify the waste. You know the old joke of why the shuttle exhaust was so hot because it was really burning bales of thousand dollar bills.

           Yet here is a scene of beauty from a new era and now there is no longer any assurance America will even be the first to get there. Other countries solve their problems by ignoring them. Here, we give them everything they need to live for generations without ever knowing the joy of hard, sweaty, labor. The problem with putting lazy people on welfare is the result is more lazy people.
           In the bookstore I saw a reference to a book printed in 1852 predicting the effect of steam and electricity on human society. By now, we were to have achieved perfect harmony of mind and muscle, with cheap energy to do our work. I was in the store an hour reading up on Arduino. Much more has been written since we began. And we have a drawer full of them. The problem is, without something physical to connect them to, they are not challenging. Since we don’t have the mechanical ability to build intricate objects, the controllers sit idle.

           This Friday I will again attempt a visit to LAB @ Miami. What advertising they do concerns Arduino projects and I’d be more likely to pursue code if I was working on a team. Nobody yet has connected an Arduino to a 3D printer, probably because at first glance it doesn’t make sense. But my thinking says why limit the printer to a static file? What happens when the input changes as the object is built up? Trivia. One of the first objects printed by new owners of a 3D printer is a universal hand-cuff key.

           [Author's note 2020: Wow, let me put the following in perspective. What had just happened is they had asked her some prepared question and she was too dumb to remember the prepared answer. Plus, you know from history I do not care for that "housewife" look so try to picture this woman without makeup--I see a cross between Oprah and Whoopie. I think beauty contests should emphasize, along with beauty, a lot of wholesome, natural good looks. But political correctness goes too far handing trophies to plastic posers like this one. I really do not find this sort of woman attractive. She's like an over-age Playboy bunny, only without the . . . (what? I can't say that here.)]

           I overheard some laughter concerning the degree of stupidity that was worse than usual during a beauty contest. I looked and found this picture of Miss Utah. She’s not only stupid, but in my book, ugly too. If this is what twenty-one looks like, I don’t want to see her at thirty-one. She looks like Miss Utah’s mother. Completely plastic, she has that body type that will go to seed fast. Her arms are already going to flab.

           I long for the days they [very carefully] pinned the ribbon on the prettiest blonde babe with the perkiest hooters. Now don’t get me wrong. I perfectly understand what your average beer-drinking dumb jock man would find attractive about this cross between a middle-aged Sophia Loren and Octo-mom, but I would not hit on her. That’s about all I can say about the looks of this woman. Except that I went to high school with twenty gals who would blow her away in the tight blue jean segment.
           But this one even looks like a bar bunny. If there are fifty ways to leave your lover, she's used them all up. There, is that controversial enough for you. Hey, Ken, she’s your type, but then again, what isn’t? She’s even got that sense of humor you only think you have. How do I know? Well, she entered a beauty contest, didn’t she?