Once again, another fake investment agency is shut down, this time two Hispanics running a silver investment scam. Collecting money to buy and store silver, but using it to make up for lost time. Took some oldsters they did for $2 million. Which is not all that much, and you know, if they had not printed up phony statements saying the precious metal was bought and stored, they could have gotten off by saying all the spent money was valid business expenses. The sad part is one will turn on the other when subjected to legalized blackma… what? Oops, I meant plea bargaining.
[Author's note 2014-06-18: this was an amazing post when you consider it contains all of the revelations eventually attributed to a "spy". I don't work for the government, which proves most any man on the street can figure out what the bureaucrats in DC are up to. This country has been taken over by non-elected idiots who put us all to shame.]
In a truly disgusting spectacle of after-you’ve-been-caught lame smooth-talk, we have this year’s complete moron. Keith Alexander, the head of NSA. Am I worried about criticizing his stupidity? Nope, even if he 7822’s me, it will just bring me the one thing I crave: good publicity. Alexander gets the booby prize for worst performance trying to lie his way out of the domestic spying scandal. Claims it prevented 50 events, but that is little more than his confession that he can’t do his job without invading privacy. But, as usual, these Neanderthal-looking idiots totally miss the point.
Allow me to spell it out for you, General. The issue is NOT terrorist plots. Quit trying to change the subject. The concern is that government departments NEVER limit their use of the technology only for good. The Constitution makes it clear that all policing activity must be based on reasonable grounds. Spying on people and covertly reading their mail does not fall into that category and you are liar for saying it does. People act differently when there is an expectation of privacy and you, soldier boy with all your gleaming medals, and your ilk have an ape-like brain wiring which prevents you from ever understanding that.
The issue is that you and your kind will never stop invading privacy once the original cause is gone. Bureaucracy feeds on itself, and you are nothing but another damn bureaucrat. You should be ashamed to call yourself American for you certainly know nothing about the freedoms you pretend to be defending. The danger is when you turn the technology away from criminals and onto ordinary people. Madmen given power never know when to quit. Sorry, you loathsome dunce, but I remember when a driver’s license was a license to drive and nothing more.
That’s today’s quota of controversy. Any cutsie who says he doesn’t mind illegal surveillance because he has nothing to hide should go out and get something. Having nothing to hide is the very definition of useless bastard. Only a fool gives up a right just because he isn’t personally using it at the moment. My personal stance on the matter is that while America should be defended, we don’t need people breaking the law to do so. Nobody could both invade and hold America ransom, there are too many guns.
Want to free North Korea? Fly over the countryside at night and drop just enough guns and army food for two months. We need army types that think like that instead of electronically enslaving their own population after swearing under oath to protect them.
What is different about this shoelace pack that everybody in the room here can tell except you? No, it isn’t that I make my own aglets from electrical shrink tubes. They are the standard color and size, six pairs for a buck. Give up? Keep reading. People have gotten rich on pet rocks and here is another dumb idea. I can sell you this for $2. I don’t want to set up a factory for my great-grandkids to bankrupt in the future, but I’d like to sell 50,000 pairs really fast. Still don’t see it?

DeeDee was in for coffee and I walked to the Bodega to pay the electric bill. There was a bottle of fluid that said it promised all kinds of alluring mystery and relaxation, so I bought one for the lass. But it said no skin contact, so when she wanted to sample the aroma, I poured it on some shoelaces and why not? Wow, what a concept. Feng Shui shoelaces. It’s as pleasant as it is unexpected.
Don’t laugh. I’ve seen scented toilet tissue. And scented toilet tissue rolls and tubes and you don’t laugh. The bottle scent is made in Medley, FL, and is probably five times stronger than necessary. It should last, since people don’t normally wash their shoelaces (most gym shoes use other fasteners), and the concept of a fresh smell when you least expect it probably has merit in a lot of circles.
So, we brainstormed for an hour. Athlete’s foot? Or a bubble-gum scent for kids, maybe baby powder scent for them little bootie thingees. As usual, my idea is not to go into business selling things. Heaven’s no; that is too much like work. I laugh at “self-employed” people (like drywallers) who profess to own a business but only bought themselves a job.
My plan is to build the prototype and market the idea, turning a fast buck before the competition has time to react. What happens if somebody copies my idea from this blog? No offense or at least very little, but that will be the day. There's a better chance of someone like Keith Alexander admitting he was wrong.
[Author's note: that is worded funny. My plan is always to make a fast dollar, so this post should not be taken to mean I meant for this idea alone. Most ideas are stolen, but only a few of the thieves turn them into money.]