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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 13, 2013

           The club meeting was [held]here today. It makes sense, this is where all the tools are in perfect shape, the supply bins are full, and you can fall asleep any time what the hell. The wire mesh that forms the trailer bed had to be cut and we tried to find the best way. Personally, I have a pair of sixty year old tin snips in perfect condition that I prefer and just happen to have laying around. Agent M opts for power tools. This is he in the patio shade during the hot afternoon.
           Shown here is selecting drill bits for the metal where the bolts will clamp down the trailer bed plywood to metal In the background you can see one of the red lenses from the new LED tail lights. Another feature of holding the meetings here is that my place is better equipped for fine detail work, with fans, A/C, better lighting, shop vacuum, things like that that make a workshop a home home a workshop.

           That tail light doesn’t tell the whole tale. The price was $49 but during the club discussion that precedes all work, we noticed that a certain combination of discounts, coupons, and sale items means I got the tail lights for about half price. In fact, for an extra $12, today I bought another $91 worth of gear today including a heat gun, paint brushes, batteries, tarps, and got a free flashlight to boot. Sure the coupon thing was complicated but look at the bundle we saved. It was hardly a challenge for a well-organized club like this.
           Later I was in the clinic for a shot, one that really hurt this time. I limped until six o’clock. Despite that, we got the big TV over to Jimbos for their daily Bonanza-fest. If it wasn’t so embarrassing, I’d have taken a picture of their old TV that was turning green and black instead of color. The screen randomly would randomly go blank. I knew I had kept that Magnavox for a reason. That, and because I want a flat screen.

           Here are the trailer marker lights for comparison. The new LED model is on the right. I should be impressed that there is standardization over these parts, but I actually expect things like this to be that way. The LEDs draw 1/8th as much amperage as the filament bulb inside the left lens.
           Silver finally pokes above $21 for the first time in months. I didn’t get that much when it was down, as I’ve been over quota for some time. The quota is the amount needed to get me a free house if the market spikes. This quantity has nothing to do with the traditional calculations used for investing. So what I need now is a down payment on something I can occupy instead of this place while I’m waiting out the economics. I am not the least surprised that silver took a bath right after I had completed my accumulation phase. Story of my life.
           The talk is the next run will be palladium. But nobody knows where to buy the metal. The nearest dealership is in Jupiter and my distance between cities site has been majorly blocked by my anti-spyware and anti-virus apps, so I’m guessing it’s at least a two-hour round trip. Another cautionary side is that only one government on the planet makes the bars. Canada. That alone is reason enough to avoid it.

           My coin dealer says (later) that Switzerland also mints palladium, but it sells at a 5% premium and another 3% when cash in. So the 11% rise predicted this year works out to a big chance for a very small return. To me, speculation is short run and unless it is gold or silver, holding anything more than a year tries my patience.
           Of course, you want to hear how my diet is going. Still a plateau, but all the initial symptoms and side effects are done. Now, when I say I’m hungry, I’m hungry. The 500 calorie per day diet gets clobbered the first week by fat cell conversion. The second week, your system isn’t fooled any more. It craves real food and lots of it. Will I quit? Nope. This time things have to work. Today passes the half-way point and the loss is 13 pounds. Not nearly enough.

           During mid-afternoon, I watched the 1980 movie “Virus”. The plot is so worn out that what kept me watching was the concepts being portrayed. For example, the scene where the Antarctic base has 500 men and 8 women. There is a speech about how these women will have to “make sacrifices” and “rethink their sexuality” as the camera pans over their horrified faces. Now THAT’s acting, ladies! Sex with a hundred men a day with no time for housework and you are worried about relationships? By 2013, 8% of the enlisted men and 40% of the officers would “volunteer” to help out. Actually, the movie isn’t that bad considering all the stock footage.
           I told you I didn’t like that damn MicroSoft Outlook e-mail abortion. Now the entire system is crashed and I can’t get the phone number of a guitarist I finally met who is not like the rest. Outlook infects your system via negative option, that is, sooner or later you forget to uncheck some tiny box and next thing you know, you’re a victim. I dislike anything that spreads this way. Ponder that it requires immense and expensive resources to get a program to do this, so I can only imagine why MicroSoft is devoting that kind of money into forcing it on people. (MicroSoft will not provide instructions on how to delete the app. Since e-mail must open ports on your computer to work, I strongly suspect MicroSoft has embedded something in there they do not want you to get around.)

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