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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 14, 2013

           Minor as I would have considered it not that long ago, I’m happy to put in a quarter-day on the trailer. On the way to morning coffee, I see this arrangement. I like that bumper vise. It reminds of that plumber guy that says “Git ‘er done”, although I know nothing else about that character. During horoscope readings this morning, I learned that the City of Hollywood will not issue a license for psychics or palm readers, anything to do with superstition. Now it makes sense as you cross into Hallandale you see all these operators.
           Two hours and that is plenty for me. I was up to Home Depot for supplies, my one outing for the day. I wasn’t pleased to learn acetone is now nine bucks a quart. I prefer acetone for cleaning paint brushes because you can do it the next day (other products only work if you use then right after you finish painting). I also got some fine tooth saw blades.
           That’s for cutting the steel mesh that forms the floor of the trailer. I priced out the plywood (3/32” good-one-side) and it is only $35 per sheet. Heap strong material. I’ve been keeping an eye out for a regular box of some kind that I could just strap on there but nothing seems adequate. Plus, just you try to do a search on “box” and try sorting out that disaster. Trivia, I learned the difference between a box and a crate. A crate fits around a frame that supports itself, that is, if you remove the outer sheathing, a crate frame remains standing. A box has no frame, it is all sheathing. Thus, a cardboard box is really a box.
           Over the year’s I’ve had considerable fun on the forums toying with the crowd who claim the moon landing was a hoax. For example, the guy who says the photos were photoshopped. I pointed out the Apollo program ended in 1972, some thirty-one years before Photoshop was invented. Yeah, we know what he meant, but I just said I was having fun. Be damned if the guy didn’t send me a lengthy e-mail outlining his position. He does raise some valid points that could be thorny to explain.
           I have not followed up on his most convincing topic, moon dust. He points out the lack of dust on descent and ascent, but yet there was plenty of dust thrown up by the lunar rover. The only descent photo I’ve seen is the one of the camera pointed straight downward as the surface nears and there is plenty of dust streaking away from the rocket blast. In the original video you can hear Armstrong say at 8:28 “Picking up some dust”. Just not very much of it.
           Trivia. The rich can opt to have their driveways paved with crushed meteorite. It is the only gravel known that does not produce dust. The hoax yahoo also goes on in the same e-mail to claim Roosevelt knew in advance of the Pearl Harbor attack. Actually, so did everyone else, but it was still a surprise. Roosevelt would have been better served by a victory if he’d known when the attack would come. They had to cover the possibility of it being in the Philippines, for example.
           He brings up the 911 event, saying the buildings collapse much “too easy”. What he means there escapes me, unless he means they should not have collapsed at all. But then again, he’s got me asking why, when the damage was on the upper floors, did all the lower stories crumble to the ground?
           He then dwells on the Kennedy assassination and misplaced support for Israel. He’s kind of all over the place. But my degree is in physics, so the only spot I can go toe-to-toe with him is on the moon landing. Myself, I believe that anti-Kennedy political forces were definitely complicit in the killing. Only other politicians could mess things up so royally, as it were. I also believe that the US should cut off all aid to Israel but that will not happen due to embedded Jewish influence in the American power structure, noting that also I believe the US should get out of the Middle East altogether.
           For amusement, I watched some videos of how to use those dovetail jigs. You know, I think I could do that. Its mostly just regular guys who in the videos, not pros. That would be so neat to be able to do that. There’s a scene where the box is so strong it didn’t need any glue. We are also looking at various ways to cut metal that aren’t inherently dangerous.
           Wait, something has come up. I'll have to cut it short here. That guitar player from Coconut Creek has been back in touch. Ha, I warned him about wasting time on Craigslist with all the wannabes. I dig how a guitarist wants a full backing band but that is not how you start in this town. I correctly guessed he had disappeared for a while to audition with other bands. He just sent me an e-mail of the horror story that was. Good, nothing wakes a guitarist up faster than finally meeting someone like me who does the job and isn’t full of shit.

           Ah, I see the motorcycle camper is an excellent draw. Let’s run over a few details to make sure we are looking at it the same way. Right off the bat, the term “camper” and anything like that is far-fetched. I don’t have the knowledge or tools to undertake such a project. What I have is a wagon with a berth on it that provides an economical place to sleep while traveling to a destination. Anything more is extra. What I can tell you now is some of the planning going into the project, which will always exceed what the finished project will be.
           I will retain the word “camping” because it is convenient. The box is intended to look only like a tow-behind cargo crate (not a box). Camping attracts attention, folks, and free camping is called “boondocking”. Don’t be conspicuous or you will regret it. Beyond that, there are dozens of places where you can park and camp for free if you are clever. Remember to check before camping at Walmart or Sam’s, since some cities strictly prohibit overnight parking and love to target Walmart parking lots. Also, local police tend to be “hostile to unconventional lifestyles”.
           Nothing works as well as arriving late and leaving early. Beware, RV “parking” is not the same as RV “camping” allowed. A motorcycle is the most visible of overnight campers since normally they have to pitch a tent, so no amount of stealth will work. Places to rule out are my old standbys, a construction zone (put a “Bob’s 24 Hr. Plumbing” sign on your door) or the employee parking lot of a big box store. Hospital parking lots can be a choice, but have your cover story ready (you are waiting to visit aunt Martha, with kidney stones).
           However, I’m not here to give away the farm. Let me just say that basic accommodation on the road doesn’t have to skimp on comfort. There are three things you need besides a sleeping berth to stay happy. Electric light. Sure, you’ll do without it the first couple of nights, but being able to read or play music is such a treat, I recommend you consider the extra expense.
           Next, you need a way to “go” if you aren’t near a Y or a public library (public libraries have the cleanest restrooms). There is no getting around this, go buy a Luggable Loo. It’s a toilet seat that snaps over the rim of any ordinary five gallon bucket. You line the bucket with TWO heavy duty plastic liners. You will thank me for this advice. If you can, try to be near a Denny’s. Even if they have a wait-to-be-seated sign, they will wave you through if you pretend to be wiping work grime from your hands.
           Last, you will want some way to heat water. You don’t need to boil it. One of those solar cookers will do the job and if you pour the water into a hand-pump sprayer, you’ve got a quick hot shower. But you will need hot water, if only for a morning coffee or an evening cup of tea. Buy filtered water in the gallon jugs, it’s cheap enough. People ask about a cooler. Nope, not worth it. Besides, when traveling by motorcycle, you should be stopping often enough to buy cold drinks or else buy a monster thermos.
           The only item that takes brains is the electric. If the motorcycle alternator is any indication, don’t think you can run some wiring to a spare battery and keep it topped up as you drive. The alternator can’t handle it. What I’m looking at is the 45W solar charger from Harbor Freight. It comes with a charger that tops up your batteries as you drive along all day—the solar panels work much better when they are cool, so mount them on the roof of your camper.
           Inside, you have several options but whatever you do, you need deep cycle batteries that don’t mind being repeatedly charged and discharged (but not more than ½ the rated voltage). Boat batteries work well. One option is to get an inverter and use ordinary 110V appliances. If you do, a convenient item is a computer battery supply. If the charger goes dead, it will automatically switch to battery power, but I have not tried this. All I really need is the lights and 12V LED systems work fine. Just make sure not even the tiniest peep of light is visible from the outside.
           Invest in some Gamma lids. They are for much more than storing food. You can even do laundry in a pinch.