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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6, 2013

           I think a lot of people are able to make accurate predictions. It is the timing that messes them up. Take inflation. I could state with total confidence prices will double. For that matter, I just came from CVS and they did. A tube of toothpaste is pushing $6.00 and a package of disposable razors is nearing $12.00. These are items I buy in bulk and my last 12-pack of anti-cavity glop was only $9.99. The same quantity today would cost $72, making Crest a better short-term investment than silver.
           I decided to walk through Zumba class tonight, that was an experience. Normally this hour burns 600 calories, but brisk walking I’ll rate at 200. Try to subtract that from a 500 calorie per day diet and your system fights back. Every signal your brain gets says you are running on empty and you must stop now. It isn’t a physical tired from the exercise, but a dead sleep tired. I’m hitting the sack for ten hours minimum tonight.
           I told of extra pep from burning up triglycerides, but this type of energy rush has no endurance. I don’t know the facts, but I’d say it is pretty obvious the human tract is able to supply energy far faster from eating than from reconverting stored fats. While you feel the good effects, you are always a few minutes of exertion away from real exhaustion. I lasted the hour by pacing it out instead of hopping around.
           After 72 hours, your appetite starts to play tricks, which is why I spent much of the days here. It is a controlled environment. I watched old movies. I’ve discovered a rule for making any movie about British soldiers in the desert, particularly North Africa. You must, even if it entails stilting the plot, include a scene of men standing around in shorts and shaving. Possibly, their parliament has enacted this requirement into law. Plus, the patrol is always spotted by a German airplane.
           The neighbor was over to look at the trailer, he may be able to scrounge some channel iron, but I have no way to cut it. But I’ve learned it is called channel iron and for all I know it is cheap. If I sleep in it 14 times, it will pay for itself, so I’m waiting for a nice day to continue. Shouldn’t be long.
           Trivia. Those big wind turbine blades, the monstrosities of north Texas, are reinforced with nano-fibers. They have a life span of 20 years and apparently cannot be made to last longer without some scientific breakthroughs. Then I discover that nano products are not recyclable. They are custom built molecule by molecule and once their purpose is fulfilled, it is time for the trash heap. I’ve also read that nano-particles are toxic if only because they are completely new substances for which we have no evolved resistance.

           It is also review time for my Mensa-grade dating club. Not one worthy contender. Same as before, the women are no different than they were thirty years ago, most would rather die alone than make a compromise. I’ve drawn conclusions about this and will continue to do so, since it is evident how disappointed I am with this club. The dating pool there is also tiny, maybe 60 females in my range. Eliminate the funny-looking, the fat, and the fussy, you are down to a dozen. And most of those quickly reveal they’ve never learned their lessons.
           I see now, five months late, that most older women are seeking repairs or replacements for their pasts, whether real or imagined. Most don’t want the relationship they claim to be seeking, they want husband like the one they imagine they had (if only he had tried) or dream that other women have. Advanced education has not helped them on that count.
           That very education has let them down, since they know they have something to offer the world and yet it doesn’t seem to be doing them any good. This may sound odd, but hear me out. These women, who are certainly extra-normal career and money-wise, seem to display a mildly desperate longing to be assured you are average in every way. If you have anything in your profile that is not a degree hanging on the wall (except wild claims to be the rugged outdoorsman) these women run like chickens at the first hint you aren’t a bump on the log. There are probably exceptions, but I have not encountered any.
           It is further apparent that talent does not rate much with this crowd. Let me refine that by specifying I mean unless you are in the major leagues, athletics (like anything else that gets worse with age) is not a talent. My profile seems to be the only one that even mentions a non-sports pursuit as a hobby. This automatically tells me a lot about the crowd. We are dealing with purportedly grown women here who still say things like they want a man for company “and more”. I mean, geez.
           The men are no better. A lot of them want to make up for lost times they never had, but double standard or not, I can’t blame men because they are hard-wired that way. However, I researched all profiles long before I joined to see what I was up against. That means I’ve seen the majority of them post a generic “pick me” type ad and let it run unchanged for years. Another thing I’ve noticed in the men’s section is zero turnover, just the odd new guy. They park there and wait. They say dating is a numbers game, still I can’t understand why they pay the annual fee without ever changing (or improving) their approaches.
           By contrast, my profile changes regularly. It is meant to slightly stand out. I’m not interested in dweeby women to who don’t notice my style right down to the indented paragraphs. While there is nothing ostentatious in my blurb, just looking at it would tell a truly intelligent woman that something is substantially better, if only the attention to detail. The result has been, for me, about one half-hearted “notify” per month and they burn out after the second e-mail. I wanted to avoid saying this, but the fact is, they appear to expect men to come across as desperately willing to take anything they can get, or their interest in him falls exponentially.
           And definitely, none of them like to talk about whatever area they say they have their degree in. They have at least learned to say they are 38 or 48, never 39 or 49. To assist the newcomer in writing dating profiles, I have composed a list of pairs in an Okay—Not Okay guideline. These are hard-bitten lessons, for instance, it is okay to say you like traveling, but never say you like moving. Here goes:
            OKAY THINGS ------- NOT OKAY THINGS
            Sports ------------ Music
            Jazz Fusion ------- Rock Fusion
            Laughter ---------- Wit
            Talking ----------- Singing
            Cats -------------- Budgies
            5’10” ------------- 5’5”
            Reader ------------ Writer
            Movies ------------ Museum
            Chess ------------- Checkers
            Outdoors ---------- Indoors
            California -------- Manitoba
            BMI --------------- Sexy
            Occupation -------- Income
            Chinese ----------- Ukrainian

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