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Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013

           This is the working prototype of the ROM built in-house here. You’ve seen the layout before, but not the completed working model shown here. I finally found that nagging short and although it is fixed you may notice the LED that is smack in the middle of the numeric display is a little dimmer than the others. I shrunk back from the difficulty of replacing that one component. Here you see me pressing the number 5, 2, and 8. The ROM is the panel of lights in the center.
           In real life, the diodes would be the regular type that don’t light up. They are cheap but I would not have been able to catch the countless mistakes made during development. There is still a ton of work to turn this into a kit for sale. Everything here except the clothespin keys was made from scrap. I’ve had weeks and months to plan this thing out and the sale price will be much higher than I first thought. Probably $200 or in that range.
           Top Story of the Day. A childhood friend of mine from Louisiana moved up to Canada to work in the oil patch in Fort McMurray. This is the much-vaunted Athabasca Tar Sands project where crude oil is extracted from soil. Unfortunately nobody calculated it takes more energy to make fuel this way than it provides. Nonetheless, it is a government undertaking so it went ahead, producing a boom town in the arctic.
           My buddy decides to sell his house and move south. He puts it on the market and the next thing you know, a German TV station is sending a crew to film his place. They are doing a documentary on what a house that sells for less than half a million looks like in Fort McMurray. I’m surprised. Not at the price, but that a buddy of mine would live in such a seedy building. Ha!
           A day at home does not mean a nothing day, at least not around here. My diet is so restrictive I don’t want to go near any temptations, so let’s recount anything from right here that isn’t routine. First, the yard work. I saw the clouds gathering so I trimmed all the wild things before it came down, noticing that little cactus in the back yard I spiked with fertilizer is blooming. I’ll get a picture for you asap, the plant itself is now some ten feet tall.
           I also closely examined the wire mesh for the camper bed. I am not satisfied with how brushes spread the paint. The wire pattern is three dimensional and the brush doesn’t work unless I wind up dripping a third of the paint onto the ground. So I wire-brushed the entire surface smooth again and have decided to try a good paint roller, and to lay the wire out vertically so any drips merely move down the grid.
           Next, I cleaned and polished all small tools and oiled every joint. I’ve heard people go on about how 3-in-1 oil attracts dust but in years of comparison, I find it is no worse than anything else. What’s happening is people are putting too much oil and not damping up the excess. I also manufactured some small jogs for the drill press as it didn’t come with that part I call the “anvil”. What I mean is the fussy looking set of clamps that fit on the bottom drill plate for precision work.
           Weather permitting, I’ll get the LED tail lights tomorrow since I cannot proceed until that is completely working right. None of the above accounts for the whole day, so I’ll reveal the missing hours. I did it again, third time in a row, I made a full pot of New Orleans coffee. I put on an afternoon movie, poured a cup and promptly fell asleep in the easy chair for three hours. The trick to taking life easy is to do it right.
           Did I learn anything at the shoemaker’s two years ago? Sure, I no longer polish my shoes. Ah, this is another idiot test. Are you an idiot? If you think I said I walk around in scruffy shoes, you are. Nope, I all I said was no polish. Polish is expensive, takes time, wears off, dries out in the can, and can be hard to find in the right color. Instead, I clean my shoes with leather soap and then spray paint them in gloss.

           History and war. I find it impossible to study them separately. So today I saw several short documentaries on the start of World War II. It is amazing how few people see only one side of the story—until you realize that there is not a single publication or source in the West that tells any other version. Every Western documentary blames the entire war on Germany yet it is well-known in Europe that British power politics brought about an inevitable and long war. England knew well before 1939 that there was no way it could defeat Germany without pulling in the Americans and the Soviets. It was England who advised the Poles to negotiate but not to make any concessions.
           Interesting how the Poles are portrayed as innocent victims while in fact, the Polish Corridor ran through areas where 97% of the population was ethnic German. The Poles enacted laws that made it illegal for those people to vote on reunification as provided for by international law. They also did lots of nasty things like confiscate their property and deport them from border areas into the Polish interior. The British and French also encouraged the Poles (by promising military aid) to act tough with Germany. This is the same "defenceless" Poland that had invaded Russia in 1919, just twenty years earlier.
           But the most blatant lie is that the Germans attacked the Soviet Union without provocation in 1941. Rather than argue the point, let’s look at what the Allies say. The story is that the blitzkrieg smashed through unprepared Soviet border defenses and in no time killed, captured, or drove back six million soldiers. Hitler had been in power since 1933, so why were the defenses unprepared? Put another way, what were six million Soviet soldiers doing along the border without having constructed any defenses? Ah, they were waiting to attack.
           It was well known at the time that the Soviet plan was to let Germany and the Allies fight themselves into weakness, then to pour across the borders into central Europe. Stalin caused a famine in the Ukraine by confiscating all the food to sell for money to buy modern armaments. Hitler, in return for peace with England offered to completely withdraw from all Polish territory, one of 16 separate peace offers. Folks, that is a complete withdrawal, proving once again that all the tales of Hitler setting out to conquer the world are pure Allied propaganda.
           Germany did not even go on a war economy until mid-1943. Even then, they never incorporated women into their factories like all the “peace-loving” peoples did. The wild tales that Germany was a total war machine are also false. The country, throughout the so-called total war, produced 15,000 tons of wallpaper. I think most people would be astounded to learn the other side of the story, of how reasonable Germany was until they had practically no choice.
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