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Saturday, June 12, 2004

June 12, 2004

           A Saturday and I made it to the library. For most of the day, I sat there. Since I had not the energy for much else, a lot of the blog entries around this time (June 2004) are derived from notes on a calendar at my work desk. Yes, I was still working in 2004 but it was taking a toll on my entire lifestyle. Because my desk calendar was not private, I see an abundance of codes (that I used back then) that indicate my bank balance was climbing like crazy. That makes sense, I had not the health to go spend the money. One reason I remember 2004 so well is I only went out and partied late once and that was on my birthday.
           JZ called and says he'll shoot me fifty bucks to help him paint a garage next week. Since he knows how little I can do, maybe mix the paint, there's not danger he'll overwork me. We talked about buying a place and fixing it up, but I'm afraid to commit to anything long term. And to me, long term is the next twelve months.
           I have no recollection of the event but it says here I played somewhere tonight and made $42 in tips. All I can say for sure is that was not with that skinflint, the Hippie.
           Today in 1965, The Beatles received their MBEs from the Queen. That's Sir Ringo, to you, Ralph.