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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 8, 2015

One year ago today: September 8, 2014, on trying too hard.
Five years ago today: September 8, 2010, she knows everything.
Six years ago today: September 8, 2009, borrowing the ante.

           Germany, Europe, time to wake up. I just spent the morning talking to people who spent a month in an area being flooding by fake “refugees” streaming across the Hungarian border. That first-hand report says there were very few families, almost no women or children. It is thousands upon thousands of well-fed military-aged men carrying brand new cell phones, cameras, wristwatches, expensive sneakers, store-bought fashionable European clothes, and stacks of brand new €100 notes. Refugees, my eye.
           Equally troubling was an eye-witness account of US and Canadian television crews paying the few families in the mob to cuddle together for posed photos and staged interviews and pretending they represented a larger group. It has been a while since the west has seen anything but these kind of Liberal newscasts and it is too obvious these foreigners are drooling over the white man’s social programs. Better in jail in the west than to fight for their own freedoms.
           For that matter, there have been reports of Canadians coaching the illegals how to to chant "Freedom" for news footage whenever they see a television camera pointed their way. The question remains, why are they “fleeing” for central Europe and not neighboring countries back where they come from which share a more similar culture? You get one guess at the answer.
           Germany is a favored target, although Germany actually has few enemies in the Middle East. There is foolish talk of letting in another 120,000 but that is just a ticket to start letting in millions. I’m afraid it is already too late for Europe. Their only hope now is to start opening fire on these invaders. I did not say they should, I said that is their only hope.
           And it would serve both sides right. All Europe is going to get from me is an, “I told you so.” Those self-righteous Nordics looked down their noses at white Anglo Americans who were to deal with our own illegals. Mexicans and Cubans are just a foreign to America as Syrians in Austria. The bottom line is that white Americans were never asked if they wanted to be assimilated—because the answer was always a resounding “No!”.
           Now, we shall see. Europe is gone unless they get tough in a hurry. Sweden is gone, France is up the creek, Italy can’t control half their own country, England is full of mosques. Why? Because they elect wimps instead of leaders. We do that in America, too, but if worse becomes worst, the American population has 60 times as many guns.

           Here’s a lady to watch for, the Donald Trump of England. She calls the illegals cockroaches and would send in the gunships. Now there’s a lady with balls. I love the way she calls her opponents down about their crybaby ways and favorite arguments that don’t match reality. The fact is, most people on any kind of government benefits are, indeed, quite willing to let others pay for their lifestyles. And, Katy Hopkins agrees with my point that people on welfare should not be living in places where rent is going up. They should have to move to small towns.
           More in Hungary from the bakery, where there was pretty much a community meeting about the troubles. I gather the Hungarian government just spend millions beautifying the train stations throughout the country. And the “refugees” have turned them all into massive public toilets. Europe is a goner thanks to their bleeding heart Liberal politicians. Even if the tide is turned now, they will never recover. Liberal stupidity is universal in that aspect, it is the death knell of all great nations who allow themselves to be overrun by outsiders.
           I could understand the guilt of Americans over slavery or Brits over colonialism, but Germany and Hungary owe these people nothing. I say again, if they are refugees, where are the women and children, the tattered clothing, the signs of hunger? These people are not after freedom. They are an invading army. And you Europeans can deal with it, see if you have learned anything. Ain’t been no bombings in Israel since they built their wall.
           The reaction of the bleeding hearts is that it is somehow England or Italy at fault when an over loaded boat sinks south of Malta. It’s the traditional Liberal stance, that it is all about the poor, poor, poor illegal wanting his better life, but the neighbor the Liberal would tax to pay for it all? Screw.him, no mercy. Tax him, make him pay, screw the world up even more so the mess the Liberals have already made of it today seems not so bad in the near future.
           As you may have guessed, the bakery is back and they asked me to stay for an extra hour this morning—and the free coffee made me a believer. But I do want to get back to the regulated sanity of working on my robots and such.

           Here's a picture of stupid. Tomorrow, I'm going to publish a short article on the stupid gene. Meanwhile, ponder just how stupid you'd have to be for this. I have a collection of these photos from around the Internet, maybe I'll publish them as a public interest feature. Studying is actually fun once you get used to it.
           By the way, what has happened to Trump? He’s not getting the headlines and his enemies are circling the wagons, not that it will do them any good. I attribute Trump’s popularity mainly to the fact he says things that people shout at their televisions but would be too cowardly to state in public. Like stupidity and fatness being classified as disabilities or people who get mortally offended when you catch them lying, like you caused the problem.
           I don’t care for the way he is tiptoeing around the Bible thing, his “second favorite” book. It is complete nonsense for those seeking political office to bring the Bible into it. And it is a sickening spectacle that in a modern country like America, the most backward of voters require these little displays before they can make up their uneducated little minds. Do you know anybody like that?
           Trump does have a vision of America getting back to work. That brings to mind his comment that 93 million are “out of work”. Which immediately the statisticians jumped on. It is obvious Trump did not mean “unemployed”, which the same stats people keep trying to tell us is only 8% or some equally ridiculous low number. The same bunch that want us to believe a person who has given up is to be counted as having a job. Why, even a Bible nut can see those two situations are equivalent.
           I believe what Trump meant is that there are 93 million adults living in this country that do not work for a living. Hence, no matter what excuses and distinctions are made, those people must, in the final analysis, be living off the system. That is, living off the hard work of others. And that is far too great a number for the American system to continue to afford. Every system that hands out welfare checks is breeding and nurturing a permanent underclass of parasites who blame everybody but themselves.
           My solution? Turn charity over to the churches. If nothing else, it would allow those people who believe in rewarding laziness into paying for it themselves. I’ve heard all the sob stories that but the bottom line is there are millions of others subject to the same pressures every day who don’t burden their neighbor. I am not against welfare, I am against forcing others to pay for it against their will.
           It’s the Libertarian in me. No, we are not "all in this together". You do not have the right to steal money means you also do not have the right to elect somebody else to steal it for you.

           That was fun, I composed a harmony bass line to Skynyrd’s “Call Me The Breeze”. I totally enjoyed that, as the way I naturally play bass filled in the missing guitar parts. Missing in the sense that song has at least four guitar parts. That let me find all those notes that disappear when a guitar player tries to fake it. Then I said the hell with it and went out for some brews. The usual nothing happening (except two middle-aged divorced housewives gossiping much too loud) means I had time to sketch my circuit diagrams and conclude that I must have a bad batch of transistors.
           But that’s all. Hope your night was better.

Last Laugh

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