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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September 9, 2015

One year ago today: September 9, 2014, another coincidence, hot water.
Five years ago today: September 9, 2010, and marry a Kennedy.
Six years ago today: September 9, 2009, DIY police scanner?

           I’m convinced that scientist have long since found the stupid gene. They are terrified to announce it because of the horrendous public backlash. But it must definitely exist, in many cases, side-by-side in the same families, I mean Einstein was not exactly an only child. I say there are around four major categories of stupid genes that can exist in any combination. For example, when all four stupid genes co-exist in one individual, you’ve got your basic dyed-in-the-wool religious fundamentalist.
           My theory says the mildest form of genetically stupid is the too lazy to learn better category. These people know they should turn off the breaker first and they are the reason the airline has to repeat the buckle instruction on every flight. The usual symptom is having contrary opinions on closely related topics. That's the type that are all for women’s lib but want to ban abortions.
           Then your half-stupids. If you don't know what those are, you've never been to the DMV.
           When you’ve got a three-out-of-four admixture, that explains New Age adherents and meat salesmen. They actually have an advantage in that there are so many self-tests available. For example, answering yes to any or all of the following questions is certain proof one has three of the four stupid genes.

                      1) Are you absolutely certain beyond doubt you are the smartest person in the room?
                      2) Have you ever written as an Internet comment, “Your stupid.”?
                      3) Do you give unsolicited advice to friends & co-workers?
                      4) Did you vote for Nixon or Obama more than once?
                      5) Are any of your children named Tyler or Chantelle?

           Some might say voting for Obama only once is somewhat less conclusive. But that would be over-thinking the situation. Onion reports Americans are 65% stupider than in 1980, citing the advent of “save money on your phone bill” advertisements and “win the lotto” scented aerosol sprays. And let’s not forget the Walmart stance that “sustained, long-term economic growth cannot be insured without the influx of still-stupider shit”.

           No hot water. That’s what I found this morning. A quick inspection shows the tank needs replacing and these things have doubled in price in the past year. No problem, the solution is to call up JZ and repair the old tank good enough. This was kind of messy work under the floor bed, as the tank had been leaking. See photo.
           Also, the tank, a solidly built American model (Ruud—whose website was designed by ‘tards) was not that old, but was rusting up. Who builds a water tank out of material that can rust? Solid or not, it needs replacing. But JZ got it working again and as long as I get a few more months out of it, then it ceases to be an emergency.
           Naturally, the discussion went toward the newer tankless heaters. JZ says his brother installed one and thinks it is great. Yet I remember the bakery model that cratered in two years and one day. They went all over town and could not find anyone who would repair it. But they sure as hell will sell you a new one.
           This few hours of work gave time to discuss our house-buying strategy and I now agree the best thing to do is wait. Even if I lose out on a deal or two between now and 2016, the consensus is to wait and see. Rents are going up everywhere and I don’t want to be caught again like I was in my college years. Rent was the biggest monthly expense, the first ten working days of every month went to paying rent.

           This discussion went on into early evening, stick around, you might find this interesting. The general feeling is that this recent “recovery” is all a big fake. The job stats, the house prices, all the rising numbers belie what can easily be seen all around. The official statement is that one house in 80 is underwater, but the reality is that everybody is struggling and worried. The only light on the horizon is Trump, or some other get-tough candidate to start cleaning up the mess.
           If prices go up, nobody will be able to afford them, if they go down, I’ll have saved by waiting. Now I’ve been dead wrong about the economy many times before, but that just taught me one strategy is just as good as another. And if I do nothing until January, it is because that was a deliberate decision. Not to be confused with waiting around to see what happens.
           Tomorrow, I will review the housing market in all my usual Florida spots, western Tennessee, and selected towns in Texas/Arkansas. Maybe Demopolis. Heck, I’ve got hot water now, so why not take the day off? Sounds like another plan to me.

           Who remembers that Chinese submarine incident in 2006, where they surfaced undetected a few miles from the center of a US battle group off Okinawa? I do, and I’ve followed a few forums since then to see if anybody has come up with a viable explanation. In close to nine years, nobody has. But I do have a theory, though it has to meet several criteria at once.
           First, these undetected enemy sightings are actually quite common. Certainly much more common than the military likes to admit. Surprise always works and it always will. The soldier-boys hate surprises.
           Second, it was a diesel sub, not nuclear. The threat is the homing torpedoes, which seem to have been down-played. Instead, the media goes on about how noisy the subs are. Not so, the newest diesel subs are nearly dead quiet.
           Three, I think it possible that the Chinese have salted their coastline with devices that fool magnetic anomaly detectors. Once the US begins to ignore all the false alarms, it is entirely possible the submarine commander simply rested on the bottom, knowing sooner or later an American fleet would sail over his position. And then he surfaced to play chicken.

Last Laugh

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