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Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015

One year ago today: October 1, 2014, a MicroSoft lawyer . . .
Five years ago today: October 1, 2010, so, you’re single . . .
Six years ago today: October 1, 2009, drones, here, in 2009?

           Here’s another before and after photo with the home-made wide angle lens. It is not enough of an improvement to bother with. The lens has blurry spots near the edges and it weighs more than the camera. One should keep in mind the rate at which this blog uses photos means a man on the spot, so convenient equipment supercedes any fancy staged scenes. And move fast, the casino doesn’t like anyone taking pictures on their property. I don’t know. D’y’think they are, like, Mafioso?
           Where is JZ. He was supposed to arrive this morning. No sign by the time I got back from the bakery, who are miffed that I don’t stay there long enough. I think the problem is that the new Miami Herald crosswords got easier. I have coffee, I work the puzzle page, I leave. This is similar to how I go out for a beer some evenings. I always have something to read or write along, since you don’t find many interesting people to talk to.
           I went out for an hour late last evening, actually, I had gone for groceries, and walked over to the club from that parking lot. I had to calculate some silver ratios, but you might find this interesting. I was not there ten minutes before all the women (four in this instance) moved over to sit beside me. I don’t know them. We did not talk. But it is the same old story. They know if they sit near me, the men don’t dare bother them.
           These gals could not possibly know that I never ask women for sex. The wise man knows you don’t have to ask. I point out these were not my type, or I may have at least talked. But let’s see, which one would you choose?
           The crazy one who hears voices that say rap music is “devil worship”? The one who weighs 290 pounds and has screwed every man in the bar except yours truly (my decision)? Or possibly the one with the tattoos who wins so many pool games. Or maybe you’d prefer the one who thinks nobody knows she is hiding her Chihuahua inside that massive purse?
           You get first pick.

           Bam, don’t tell me there is no link between Ann Coulter and Donald Trump. I have not followed up a thing, but there is a little too much coincidence in Ann’s recent interviews. I both predicted and advised Trump to snap back at trained audiences, and Coulter just pointed out a room full of deadbeats who voted for immigration because they knew the cameras were trained on them.
           Again, I’m not saying I’m first or that they are using my material. I’m saying there is a pattern to it and I’m the pattern guy. Also, in her recent talks, she is emphasizing what I’ve been stressing for years: white middle-class America was not asked if they wanted to be “assimilated” because the answer was known to be, “No.” So the liberals don’t ask and then claim nobody told them they couldn’t. So smart.
           My contention is that Liberals should be deported, too. Of course, the Liberals will always say two wrongs don’t make a right. But a good man knows three or four will sometimes get the sucker working again.

           JP showed up and we had plenty of work backlogged. Talk about a load of useless chasing around. That includes the $55 I spent on that eBay spare Honda rim. I told them send the rim, not the refund, or we will nail their eBay account’s ass to the wall. It’s obvious they sold the original for a higher price, thinking we’d take a refund. Wrong. We want that rim. Next Tuesday the batbike is scheduled for that brake job. $120.
           The important aspect of the on-going conversation this time around was Tennessee. Ohers are not anywhere near as averse to living in Tennessee as I am. In fact, when I showed JZ this picture, he was ready to move in today. Note, this is not the cabin I had originally found, [that one] is sold. However, this is representative, although this cabin is smaller, has no windows, and rests on stones.
           The one I wanted was half again as long, a slightly bigger fireplace, and had recent double-paned windows installed around each wall. A more modern look and a brighter interior. There was no lake, but a “crik” went through the property. No view, but views wear off in less than a month. I was careful to find a place facing south, on type 3 soil, outside any town limits, private well, indoor plumbing, and light annual snow fall.

           A reminder, we are not looking to buy a property together, we are seeking two separate places. The recent bump in prices [here] caused, coupled with increased advertising for out-of-state properties) me to look further away, even into spots with a real winter, such as northwest of the Appalachians. I prefer to stay south, on the Georgia side.
           JZ spent time there in the 80s, and I base nothing on his reports of “sexy women”, I do hear his accounts that the winters were gentle, but cold. We semi-agreed on a semi-price we’d be willing to spend to live there. What I’m recommending is that I buy a place first, then JZ crash there a few months, see if he likes a smaller town. Less entertainment. Fewer women. No night life to speak of. Higher prices.
           Since the lot of us caught the same flu at the same time, I’m back to liking avocados. But many flu bouts can be strikingly similar to mild food poisoning. FYI, most mild food poisoning in the USA comes from hamburger. It just is not good for you anymore. Unless you make your own.
           Avocados are kind of an signpost of how degenerate the American system is taking the Internet. When it came out, there were 500 related recipes, one each from 500 authors. And they were free. The free exchange of information, that was the premise. If it wasn't free, it did not belong on the Internet. Now there are still 500 avocado recipes, but it is 5 authors with 100 each—and to see them they want your identity papers, home address, and $12.99 a month for a free membership.

           I planted the avocado seed. Here are the same directions I first used forty years ago. Be patient. Some trees never bear fruit. And if you don’t want tall and spindly, you do have to pinch back. If you do things right, this is what you will expect to see in 8 to 10 weeks. Not 6 weeks like some places say.
           We waited until after dark to go looking why everybody is having electric problems. Turns out there is a stretch of wiring between the power company panel and a stand box between every two units. Told ya. If that segment goes bad (between 1962 and now), the park as to replace it.
           So what they did was go around after the Canucks left this spring and replace each unit’s breaker’s 50 amp fuse with a 20 amp. I’ve said before how these yahoos were geniuses. These ancient breakers are hard to find replacements.
           Ah, but did I not say how recently I had sprayed for weeds? Over by my box, we found the old breaker. The electrician must have dropped it in the (then) deep grass. It’s hardly any challenge for a robot club to make a 40 amp look like a 20 amp, now is it? I didn’t move here so the other bastard could save money on my comfort. Now, I didn’t say we are going to do it and neither did I that Saturday after the office closes would be the ideal time.
           I found out the Canadians all have the same trouble but are too shy of the authorities to ever dare complaining. I’m okay most of the time because most of the time I don’t have a neighbor. The Canucks report being unable to run an air conditioner and a microwave at the same time. They’ll be back by the dozens in 14 days. To grin and bear it.
           What’s more, JZ has never met Hayley before. Talk about taking an immediate shine to each other. She’s half his age. Well, make that 2/3rds, maybe 11/15ths. He asked if she had any kids. I told him I don’t know. I’ve only known her five, no six, years and that is not normally a question I ask barmaids.
           My relationship with barmaids is strictly business. Which reminds me, if you go to anywhere along Dixie, the clubs are all now owned by the same outfit. And pay only with small bills, the staff there “expects” a bigger tip if you pay with a twenty.

           JZ was intrigued by the silver, which I had left lying on the work table. He’s the type that only takes serious interest after the fact. Particularly after the fact that somebody else might make an easy killing. I’m given to believe there are some who actually think it is possible to simply follow the leader to success. Remind me to take that silver off the table.
           There is also another factor to consider. JZ gets exposed to an entirely different way of financing things (with cash) when here than in his home environment. Heaven knows I’ve demonstrated these are two different lifestyles, not merely some variation on a financial theme. Not only have I never counseled him to do what I do, I’ve actively warned him against it. But some overlap is inevitable. He is also free to view the files on the secure computer (the Florida room makes an excellent Faraday cage). Sadly, his attention is always drawn to the “best case” page, which has never happened yet in my life.
           But JZ is the gambler, he is quite aware the way my portofolio is postured, I could be richer than him in a wink. What he does not see is that I do not have to live and pay bills out of my float. My portfolio is separate from my day-to-day cost of living. His is not, in fact, he is nearly (I said nearly) totally reliant on a steady outflow from his float on a month to month basis. This is a volatile admixture because I know he takes what he sees home with him.
           He does not understand the easy ways to make money are gone. I have to starve somebody out.

           Wow, that link to famous deportees was a hit-generator. What Wiki never shows is the big picture. For instance of the 300,000 deported last year, around half had been convicted of felonies. The only name of mention on the list was, to me, Ernst Zundel. Remember him? He was shunted out of the US under cover of night to Germany, were it is illegal to be a Holocaust Denier. Oddly, he never said it didn’t happen. I’ll recap for you.
           Zundel was a naturalized Canadian citizen from Germany. He published some very well-researched material that showed the Holocaust could not have happened the way it has been portrayed in the media, and the media is you-know-who controlled. The problem is, he was annoying the Canadian you-know-who community so badly, they firebombed his house. In Canada! Our peaceful neighbor to the north.
           Well, the Canadians did a foolish thing. They put him on trial, the foolish part being that trials are public records. His team showed that witness after witness for the prosecution was lying. His defense, rather clever I’d say, was that if these people actually saw the holocaust events, why did they have to lie? Worse, every picture and artifact presented as evidence turned out to have a valid alternative explanation. Like the lampshade, it tested as pig DNA.
           The outcome? Zundel was innocent, but remember Charles Vernon Myers? As they went to leave the courtroom, the doors were all blocked by RCMP. They were re-arrested for the same crime (double jeopardy is supposed to be illegal in civilized countries) and re-tried in secret (secret trials are also not part of civilized legal systems) and convicted. Zundel fled to the US, where the you-know-who caught up with him and sent him to Germany, where I believe he was jailed for 15 years.
           Again, he never denied it. He simply said it did not happen as portrayed by the victors. There is a lot of propaganda about World War Two. For instance, our school children are taught that Hitler was a madman, that he started the war, and that he wanted to conquer the world. Funny, I thought that was Churchill. The British Empire didn’t just materialize, methinks.
           Or how about that Hitler invaded Russia (the Soviet Union). The fact is, Stalin had massed millions of troops on the border, hoping for a repeat of World War One. When the Allies and Germany exhausted each other, he was poised to race to the Atlantic coast. And in 1939, everyone knew that. When Barbarossa commenced, the reason so many Russian soldiers were captured was because they had no defensive positions built, they were prepared to attack. Later, when they built such defenses around Moscow and Leningrad, the Germans (not the Nazis, in fact Nazi is not even a German word) were stopped.
           However, that is not the version we are continually told. It is best to remember that if you meet someone you don’t like and it later comes to your attention that person is you-know-who, that is still classified as anti-semitism. There are also not supposed to be secret laws, but if you try to find the text of the Holocaust (which is also not a German word, it is a you-know-who word), you’ll get sites like this. All the material is blanked out by placeholders.

           Until further notice, it is probably wisest to like every you-know-who you meet. It is the law. You basically cannot dislike a single you-know-who person without hating the entire Jyou-know-who population of the planet, and that is illegal. No, I’m not saying try it and see. I happen to know a lot of you-know-who people. But we never talk religion either way.