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Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015

One year ago today: November 9, 2014, my 3D printer idea.
Five years ago today: November 9, 2010, 26¢ a month.
Six years ago today: November 9, 2009, a nation of equals?
Nine years ago today: November 9, 2006, money takes time . . .

           That she be, my camper. I just spent half the day giving the cPod a coat or fungicidal green paint. Actually, it is a water-resistant exterior latex that, when dry, is anti-mildew. You can see where I got started up to a complete coat on the exterior panels. This gives a good idea of the square-footage involved. Lots. The color was, as usual, random. But I think maybe it does not look so bad. It covers reasonably well and is low VOC. I’m considering using a layer on the interior. The gallon cost just $9. Recoat time is two hours, so I’m taking a break.
           If anybody asks, I’m telling them it’s “Russian tank paint”. Something in the yard has changed. I like to tame the wild birds, but just to the point they don’t scatter when I step out the door or walk around. Babes notice these things, like you must be a gentle soul or some equally ridiculous sap. But today, the birds panic at any movement. Something is scared the daylights out of them. A hawk? A drone? Patsie’s hairdo?
           Why painting when I’m not done with the hardware and glides? Answer, we have another hot spell. I’ve got the digital thermometers set to record the maximums, so watch for that. Now, these are not the temperatures reported by the media. Those are averages and taken in the shade. Sound Florida is not a shady place.
           Hence, when I report the temp, it will be the level you could expect to be hit with on the sunny side of the street with no breeze. The humidity is still up there, so add in the heat index as well. I’ve got a nice shade tree in the back yard to work under Most people do not.

           Next, I drank 32 oz of iced tea in six hours. That spells heavy duty work for me, so I came inside to play bass and listen to NPR. Their surveys have to be the shallowest. Instead of asking indirect questions that reveal people’s true opinions, they trust direct responses. That’s like asking my brothers if they have a sense of humor. Of course [they] do, you dumb prick, what kind of asshole question is that?
           Outside, I’m listening to secretary music. It’s the closest station we have to easy listening. Every fourth or fifth tune is an over-romantical housewife fantasy, you know, “Up Where We Belong” and “I’m Not In Love”. Fortunately, my years in a cubicle gave me the super-powers to ignore most slow music long before any edges fray. I was further mulling over the music style of the lady guitar player on the weekend.
           She drops chords. This usually means whoever accompanies her strumming had better know the tune inside out and backwards. I can do that, but should I. Let me give her a call right now. Her home number was on the business card, guys. Yeah, we talked and are right now exchanging, what? I can’t hear what you just said? Anyway, we are exchanging song lists. And demo videos. She has the usual solo artist resistance to teaming up with anybody when she does not really have to.
           On the upside, we both have the same stage presence and dislike of fancy venues, although for different reasons. You want to know why I don’t like fancy gigs? Because Florida is not fancy and it grinds my gears when it tries to be. Take the Diplomat. There is a bar in there. But the people are the dregs. You’ve got the poor type who saved up to go there thinking the place is swank, to find out it isn’t. And at the other end, you have the local fat cats who have enough money to go there all the time and turn it into a hangout. I have nothing in common with either.

           One of the tunes from Saturday was “Volcano” and it is stuck in my brain. My bass playing is refined to the point I will often play a piano pattern when the riffs go up the scale and a drum pattern when they go down the scale. Follow? No? Think of it this way, if I walk down from a C to a G, I play the standard bass notes that are easy to identify with. But I’ll play a drum beat pattern that is also familiar, and you hear both. Volcano is a tune highly made for that treatment. And now it won’t leave me alone.
           By later, I’ve given the whole exterior of the cPod two coats and one coat on the interior. This is very good paint for nine bucks. Paint and primer, but it does not like to stick to gloss surfaces, like shiny metal bolt heads. I’m waiting for the last coat to dry so I can reassemble the pieces for overnight storage. Here’s the extreme temperatures I promised.
           Yep, that was over 120F in the back yard and nearly 94F inside the Florida room. I could put a bigger A/C and probably would if I had any intention of staying here.

           Have you heard the latest on gold? I would apply the same to silver. The word is a “strong” dollar is forcing the metal price down, so far three years in a row. The Federal Reserve said on MSN that gold will fall below $1,000 and that this is “not a buying opportunity”.
           And if you cannot trust the Fed and Microsoft, who can you trust, I mean really? Below a grand, even I might buy. Said “technician” Rich Ross in the same article, “. . .obviously we're going to need to see a change in the narrative with the macro technical backdrop across asset classes to even make that a possibility." He actually said that, he did.
           So the authorities are saying it is not a good buy. And they have people like Rich Ross backing them up. At least I think he is backing them up. And after all, he is a “technician” and we all know technicians are highly educated people who understand things we don’t. All the time. The Titanic and the space shuttle come to mind.

           Palatka. The middle of nowhere? Actually, it is more like off to one side of nowhere, somewhere between St. Augustine and Gainesville. It is in a zero-crime area, and also a zero-movie, zero-library, zero-club and zero-beach area as well. Some guy there says he’ll sell me five acres with a 2 bedroom mobile (needs work) for $6,000 down and 60 payments. This is not a bargain, that is what things sell for in that part of the world. Palatka has been mentioned in this blog before, but as a joke of a place to buy county bonds.
           This is a completely unknown area to me. I have not even every driven through there, but it made top billing as an example of the possibilities of what could be done right now without upsetting the system. Would I live there? Nope, it is too far out of town, but now that the area is on the radar, maybe it is worth a look. That is 300 miles from here, a full day by motorcycle. And what would I need five acres for?
           And this place called Holiday still tops the listings. Seems everybody there is selling out, same as last year. Meanwhile, we wait for a drop in the market.

           Yep, we went out for a few brews tonight. Why not? Everything of any immediate importance around here is already painted green. More than once. This picture is just the sunlight playing on the still-somewhat-wet surface of the interior cabin base, turned upside down. This assembly will not be anywhere near as watertight as the last design. Why bother, now that I know most places don’t care if the unit is fancy. I already have a tarp that will cover the entirety of anything shown here.
           If you think it through, as long as I have a tarp that keeps me dry at night, the only part of the camper that needs to be watertight is the travel configuration, that is, the outside box. And this we know how to do.
           I got a reply from the lady guitar player. She’s a bit on the disorganized side, but this is not unexpected in many ways, the more so in musicians. She advertises to start a duo, then says that she does not have much time to devote to the project. I’ve seen this before, so I’ll proceed cautiously. The idea is to work up a single set. If history repeats, they will soon find things very boring without me. Funny, it always takes them considerably longer to figure out that the tip jar is filling up faster, too.

           And here is a possible repeat gif. Batman vs Shark. This, to me, typifies all television programming.

Last Laugh

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