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Monday, December 21, 2015

December 21, 2015

One year ago today: December 21, 2014, just another day.
Five years ago today: December 21, 2010, trailer court shopping.
Nine years ago today: December 21, 2006, no bicycles allowed.
Random years ago today: December 21, 2011, first known coupon.

           More down time, that’s what you need when you find out the old lady who said she had a crush on me wasn’t kidding. I mean, seriously, She can’t sing, she can’t dance. She can read and write but never does. I can already cook, sew, and do laundry. Yep, time to head over to the library. She definitely will not be at the library. Here is the house up the block, just last year the guy put in a yard swimming pool. Now it is all boarded up, as is the entire corner across from where the new condos will be.
           And they are moving fast on those condos, I’ll get some pics as soon as they start pouring. I’m curious who bought out this property; it must have cost a pretty penny. Please, somebody buy me out. For ten grand, I’ll move tomorrow.

           I’ve mentioned how Senor CafĂ© has expanded over the years. Too bad I don’t have a decent camera, or I’d have got a classic shot this morning of how their clientele have done the same. Four fat-ass people taking up an entire counter space that used to serve six. It was funny, it was gross.
           I’ve measured out the hot water dimensions and this might be easier than planned. I’m beginning to think of salvaging the small hot water heater for my eventual workshed. I will get one, you know. It all depends on the throughput of a tankless heater. And I’ve never abandoned my idea for a small “bachelor” dishwasher that does two place settings.
           The “new” Outlook has another a-hole change. You cannot block spam as a group. You can delete it, but not block it unless you open each individual mail. What kind of senseless goof comes up with this stuff? You have to open and therefore at least look at junk before you can block it. And the new Outlook will not block short urls, Yep, time for a big changeover.
           And I watched the trailer for the Benghazi movie, “13 Hours”. Based on a true story means what? This blog is based on a true story, but only a fool takes anything as fact. I would go see the movie if it explained what happened. It explains nothing. I can only ask again and again, what in hell does America have embassies in these places for in the first place. The reputation is that they are all CIA operations and the “ambassadors” are political hacks. When they die, there are fewer hacks. Easy to grasp. Now sit back and wait for the next attack and don’t forget to act all surprised.
           And isn't that [movie] a message for dumbed-down America? Masses of people still support evil candidates no matter what facts are presented. Ah, but when the movie comes out, then it makes the difference. Now they get it. The media has all the shit-heads in America eating out of their hand.

           Talk about a dead town in the pre-Xmas run-up. The high point of my day was doing the laundry. This gave me time to run the numbers on Margaritaville. The musicians I know who play there are, weeks after it was said here, realizing that the place is just a hotel. Call it a resort if you want, but you don’t have to spend $200 a day to got to Hollywood Beach and as for things to do inside the hotel, there is only one: spend money. But it’s a better deal than the Diplomat.
           It seems Trent and I managed to tour all the establishments with entertainment except the big restaurant. That was our one visit, though there is a persistent rumor of a “members only” club on the top floor. If, in fact, the house pays $150 per musician per night, I have long ago calculated the max-out on that is a duo playing two nights per week. The problem is convincing anyone else of that. The occasional solo night will outdo the duo tip jar, but in the long run, all solo acts taper off as the crowd becomes inured to that style.

           At any given time, there seems to be around 800 adults in the complex by early evening. There seems to be no on-line listing of the entertainment, although I have not tried looking up the individual night spots. Ah, here it is, the “License to Chill Bar” says it is exclusive to hotel guests.
           That makes sense. The American hotel experience promotes the culture that if you spend a thousand a week on a place to sleep, you will want to meet other people who are doing the same. Yeah, well I’ll bet the place is open to all good musicians, which I would like to test out, being an old lounge lizard myself. (I'm saying I'm going to have a go at getting myself into that "exclusive" spot--and get paid to do it. I love music.)
           The restaurant we did not visit is billed as “prime steak and lobster”, for those who like that sort of thing. No me. As far as I’m concerned that’s “prime steroid-laced pseudo-food and cockroach of the ocean”. If there is a source of who’s playing where at the resort, it doesn’t appear to be on-line. That’s not very bright, Coral Entertainment. What’s the philosophy at work here? Just drive over and have a look? Not very effective thinking considering the roadways in most Florida towns.

           So, I’ll tell you what I did. I went over to a pub on Dixie for Xmas cheer. What a revolting experience that was. Wallace would have loved it, even considered it paradise. The place was full of absolute sleaze-ball middle-age-plus hookers in it for the money. Go for it, Wallace. I was paying attention because of the Miss Universe mixup. I didn’t really know that rolly-polly guy’s name was Stever Harvey until now. For that matter, I would not even have known the pageant was being broadcast.
           Harvey can be forgiven, since basically the contestants in these non-Trump operations are pretty much all alike. You get that when they start giving beauty prizes to non-blonde women. It’s fine to do that if you are into that sort of thing, but I’m not. Look at the size of the butt on Miss Philippines in this photo. I can tell you first hand, almost literally, folks, that is not natural Filippino butt. Way to big, way too high-carb.
           Ah, some say, that is “prejudice”. Not so. Have you not noticed that for a blonde to win, there are certain other qualities that she must possess that the non-blonde contestants don’t have to bother with? If you have not noticed that, don’t you be calling me the prejudiced one. I’ll leave that with you to figure out what I’m pointing out here.
           And I do know what I’m talking about. When I lived in Manila (at a guest house) and traveled through the islands to Kalibo, I had dozens of Philippino ladies. They are generally much alike in form and feature and some were better-looking than Miss Universe. I’m saying, Harvey, old boy, that anybody could have made that same mistake even without the politically correct candidate’s name on the card.
           Politically correct? Yep, unless you have not noticed lately that runner up prizes, got that—second best, not as good as best, loser, also-ran? --is always, always the blonde. The blonde never gets past second spot any more. We get it, Mainstream Media, dammit already.

           Sadly, an acquaintance of mine bought a condo a while back. The swimming pool was on top of the parking garage. He’d noticed dripping water. Finally a chunk of concrete dislodged and fell on the hood of his neighbors car. They had to drain the pool and put in a series of 150 ton hydraulic stands. Fortunately he works for the port authority who have such things in abundance. But loss on this condo: a hefty uninsured $180,000. And to make sure everybody can’t sell at once, they all got slapped with a $15,000 “special assessment”.

           Allied propaganda and misinformation. One of the top crocks of manure is, in my opinion, the oft-parroted tale of the Battle of Britain. The sure sign of puffery and hoopla is when a story does not change in the slightest for 50 years. How the underdarmed and outgunned Brits prevailed against overwhelming numbers of battle-hardened Hun pilots by nimble use of radar and husbanding their airplanes. There’s a passel of big lies in there somewhere.
           Some of the gaps in the story would include why, if the German fighters had such short range, they never used the well-known ferry drop tanks. Or when the English detected aircraft, how they knew precisely how many and what kind of fighters to scramble. Can anyone explain to me how the Brits, if their method in the Battle of Britain was superior enough to “defeat” the invincible Luftwaffe, why did that same method continue to lose air battles over North Africa, France, and Italy for years afterward?
           The British only win (against armed European powers) when there was a set-piece battle and they outnumber an exhausted enemy. Can you believe that the air war over England was the single exception? I personally do not. The English just ain’t that smart. And why is the truth still suppressed all these years later?

Last Laugh

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