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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December 22, 2015

One year ago today: December 22, 2014, I’m not playing Santa.
Five years ago today: December 22, 2010, 4U IWILL.
Nine years ago today: December 22, 2006, bicycle parking citation.
Random years ago today: December 22, 2007, Professor Oz.

           No somersaults today, I’m cleaning up the yard. Moving stuff into the shed. That little bit of scrap left from repairing the water heater got me a citation from the office. It no longer amazes me how some people have nothing better to do than look in other people’s back yards. My Xmas present this year is a lithium battery charger. Face it, I’ve got all the other toys except a good-looking young wife. Well, okay, not wife. I meant live-in girlfriend. Wife is so last-century.
           The three bags of weeds in my yard, however, are last month. I took turns raking and bagging and fixing minor items. Such as my scooter speedometer. I could not find the problem until I took the entire assembly apart, including removing the cable. Ah, here we go. That little spindle thingee on the front axle ain’t workin’ right.
           Oh, it turns when I’m watching, sure enough. So I connected it to the electric drill to see if it would spin the tire. Nope. It looks like the entire piece comes as a unit, just you wait and see.

           Another mini-run of houses for sale in the Winter Haven area, there is a pattern to all this. But what? Anyway, accepting the odds of missing a deal, I’ve decided to filter out ads that do not have an address or do not answer their phone. Nothing but a waste of time. Particularly the snarfs that you know are there listening to the phone ring, but will only call back after they’ve done a credit check on your phone number data. JZ and I did not tour Winter Haven, I’m eyeing that for a visit within the month.

           I finally got to see “Censored Voices”. It’s a well-done piece that counterbalances much of the existing underdog versions of the Six Day War (1967). Caution, to get the full value of this otherwise boring documentary, you should have a very in-depth understanding of Israeli history, Zionism, and the basically fake history being spoonfed to students by equally naïve professors.
           The recordings made after the short war are in Hebrew, with subtitles. These often wash out when overlaid on old black & white newsreel clips. The translation is accurate and the producers are careful not to echo popular myths. Example, the much-vaunted capture of the Wailing Wall. Hebrew does not sanctify buildings or rocks. Yet the wall is often projected as a “holy place”.
           Those are examples, the whole movie is kind of deep. It also gets deeper as it goes, so there were people walking out after the first 45 minutes. I was fascinated, notably by the comments by front-line troops that this was not a victory at all, rather the start of real trouble. The speakers were early soldiers to the region but recognized they were often pushing Arabs off of their own land. (However, this was only true in war, it was not true in the run-up to the way. At least not on any large scale.)
           I would not recommend this movie unless you have a true and profound interest in military history as it applies to the Middle East. There is a human interest side as the soldiers were basically civilians caught up in a whirlpool they could not control nor understand.

           Here’s an interesting curve on our travels. I know the side roads, and the one time JZ and I went to Deland, we took the freeway. But to the interior, he is amazed by the small towns and places to stop when I’m showing the way. That’s important, when I’m the navigator, otherwise, he can get lost going around the block. Thus, the five or so trips to the “heartland” have never been the same road twice. He is intrigued and believes these places to be closer than Deland.
           For instance, here is an abandoned camp we found taking a side road near West Palm. Hungryland Slough is not on the map. JZ is fascinated by these ancient places. This photo was intended to show the gate visible in the upper left corner. See the sideposts and the top bar? On that bar was a plant that looked like stag horns, but it was not a skeleton. Just a chance growth that resembled coral.
           As for Deland, in reality, the difference in distance [to where we’ve been traveling] is less than 30 miles. (251 miles vs. 222 miles) And we easily lose that distance by taking the back roads and stopping for coffee, at my insistence, every two hours.
           I found a nearly ideal property, but it is too far away. Three hundred miles. Similar to the Deland site of last May-June, but on the Gulf side, also 30 miles inland. Two separate buildings both 2/1 (two bed 1 bath) on somewhat wooded lots. And half the price. These could be rented for around $400 each, but that presumes you could even find tenants in such out-of-the-way place.
           On the upside, it is five times the size of the town I was raised in, and only an hour to Orlando.

           After the movie, I stopped for a brew at the club, where they were having the Xmas party. When I mention what happened, remember that this is the club I chose to hang out when my old place closed a year ago. I am very leery of women who do not take an immediate shine to me. Hence, I am not impressed by women who “decide” after some time that just maybe there is more to me than the next bar fly. Let’s say I got more than enough attention tonight and leave it at that.

           The Miami Liberal Anti-Trump White-Hating Herald by quoting the equally pro-foreigner PolitiFacts statistics. PolitiFacts are consistent. When anybody but Trump mentions the middle class, they are “addressing their concerns”. When Trump does it, he is ‘exploiting blue-collar fears”. I have some examples of how desperate the establishment is to bring down Trump by branding him a liar. Here are some of the cheap shots:

           A) The Mexican government sends the bad ones here. The retort is that there is no evidence to show that. Well, what kind of evidence should there be? Maybe the Mexican government needs to publish a manifesto before it’s considered fact? And since when did lack of evidence mean a thing to the American press?
           B) Whites killed by blacks, 81%. This gets twisted to imply Trump meant “killed by someone they know”, and Trump did not say that. In that case, say the pundits, it is only 15%. But the pundits are idiots, because that only means 85% of whites killed by blacks are strangers. Double duh. And we feel so much safer now.
           C) Domestic product below zero, who ever heard of this? Of course, Trump meant in the room in these times. Not covering all of history. Perhaps the media has never hear of a “figure of speech”?
           D) Trump says unemployment is 42%, the government statistics say 14.8% at the highest. This one is a judgment call, but I do know who has been lying about the statistics for the longer time. Having a job is not the same as having a career at something you chose, no matter how the government ignores this issue. In the balance, I believe Trump more than I believe DC.

           In the end, the Trump’s critics are parroting the same line. They keep belly-aching that Trump supporters are disillusioned and will eventually come to their senses at voting time. Then why all the nit-picking over his infrequent hyperbole? If it is all the farce that the Mainstream Media say it is, they sure are worried enough over it. Trump, keep up the good work. You’ve got them running scared.
           I see that the only reason PolitiFacts was even quoted is because 77% of their “conclusions” involved berating Trump. None of their conclusions was positive. The other candidates got, on average, less than 1.6% mention each. Let’s talk about fair and impartial, shall we?

Last Laugh
On tailgating . . .

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