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Sunday, March 13, 2016

March 12, 2016

One year ago today: March 12, 2015, not influenced by theory.
Five years ago today: March 12, 2011, cutting my sandwiches wrong . . .
Nine years ago today: March 12, 2007, Pudding-Tat arrives.
Random years ago today: March 12, 2001, it’s still there, waiting.

           This is that community garden across the way on Dixie. It has now expanded to five times the size and grown a small fence. I always wondered how they watch for garden raiders, not that potatoes are over a dollar a pound at the market. I was visiting at Fred’s, who is back to his old hobby of hand carving acrylic figurines. He’s go this amazing horse-drawn wagon, a team of horses pulling a wagon of wooden casks. Amazing. I can’t even carve a propeller.

           That’s interesting. Some violent hoodlums cause a Trump rally to be cancelled. The reason for their protest? Trump is violent. It shows you how far out in front Trump is when the opposition is nothing but these fringe groups with obvious vested interests. Mexicans and Syrians protesting Trump wants to stop them from coming here. To stupid people, them’s fightin’ words. That’s Libtard patriotism for you, fighting for your country’s right to send its people to America. Duh.
           These protesters are slow-brained because they increase support for Trump as their disruptions just prove to America how desperate they are to stop progress. You see, the Donald has become synonymous with getting us out of the slump, and your average Joe knows it. Then, there is the factor of these low-lifes who just want their 15 seconds of fame. I’m wondering how long before one of them gets what’s coming to him.
           Folks, if you are part of the tiny minority against Trump, you should be saying so at the voting booth and not his campaign rallies. Let’s see, on the other hand, if you like Trump, every place is okay. See, how can I be more fair than that? But if anything does happen to Trump, it will be time to head for the hills. I like the definition of a redneck: anyone who is winning an argument against a Liberal or a Democrat.

           So, you want to build a robot. I just came from the hardware store and the bolts you’ll need are 19¢, the nuts are 23¢, and the lock washers 11¢ each. So each combination is 54¢. That sounds like nothing to anyone who does not comprehend the number of bolts needed. What you really need are pressure nuts (nylon) but make sure you win the lotto first.

           My friend in western Canada reports houses that sold for $40,000 in the 1970s are now comm anding prices in the millions. Shall we say Canada is about ready for a collapse? Or more like total implosion. Let me tell you, Canadian monetary policy has never been world class. There are no shortage of people predicting a drop to drastic levels (fifty cents down to half a cent). They could be the ones that understand how closely the loonie (the Canadian dollar coin) is tied to their resource and commodities industries.
           As with America, the first warning signal is food prices. For the things I need, prices have tripled in about f ive years. The loonie has lost about half its value since oil prices plummeted. One calculation shows t he true productivity of the oils sands can only support a market at $8 per barrel, which of course would b bankrupt the country. Only Canada like to ignore the fact it’s public sector is enormous. A third of the work force is on the government payroll, but they make a disproportionate amount of the national income, in many cases three times as much as similar jobs in the private sector.
           A reminder that another third of the country is outright on welfare, which does not include the millions who receive some type of government benefits. All welfare and public employment behaves alike a narcotic that dulls any incentive to change the system. You’ve heard me refer to the Canadian elections as a vote auction, and that is accurate. Since Canada has no real military and lives off what resources it can sell off to America, the only huge target left for social improvement is to attack the welfare state. And you can’t do that in a country where two-thirds of the population is automatically and financially against any change in the status quo.

Wiki picture of the day.
Freddy Meyers!

           If you are going to ask Wal*mart if you can park overnight, it is clear from that you are wiser to ask a man than a woman if they are the store manager. This is not sexist, this is something you can look up for yourself. But having said that, what did you expect? Women don’t get anywhere giving you a break, at least not from their point of view.
           As before, a majority of Wal*marts that say no [to overnight parking] is due to city ordinances. America is an increasingly anti-RV and anti-budget traveler atmosphere. But then again, my rig will fit in a parking spot at Denny’s. It will park in just 13 feet, and I need only 16 feet to open the clamshells.
           I ran the last of the electrics in, which took until past dark. If you see an interruption or change in the blog, it is just the first real sidecar trip in a year. One thing I’m not equipped to do is keep up with the blog on the road. I’m reliant on finding friendly libraries. You know, who let you use the computer without signing away your life, have free parking, and charge a reasonable fee for non-residents. Only in America could a library discourage new patrons as a deliberate policy. Like Auburndale, where they want your firstborn.

           This is a photo of the finishing touches on the cPod. That’s finishing for now, for in a sense this is a new breed of trailer. This unpainted board is part of the weatherproofing which is a quantum spike more complicated than the single-shell model. That’s presuming it can even be done with my skills.

           I need some kind of wind-powered fan inside the camper compartment. Other than that, everything checks out, including the 120V service. It remains to be seen if that can power a fan overnight. There are always problems on the shakedown cruise, but it would not be anything like the first time. Those were the days, a test run to JZ’s place, then next day head out to Seattle. That was back when I wasn’t sure I’d be here to tell the tales today.
           Assuming I will leave soon, there will be no GPS or cooking on this trip. It is pure travel and look-see. The only thing I can say for sure is I am not traveling south or east. Meanwhile, we need only my gumption to get out on that road. So what if I get wet, it is part of the adventure. I really need to rig up a way to get hot coffee happening on the sidecar. There is no secure place to prop anything. Oh, and it is official, people can tell the difference with my old coffee maker over the new model. They taste identical to me, guys, and I know my coffee.

           Shown here is my work area after an intense session of testing the cPod electronics. The mess is apparent due to my limited space, but I can easily see how the progress happened, from drill bit containers on the left, to DIY testing boards at center (below my $1,600 Tiffany lamp), and the vise clamp under the drill press. I dream of having a real work shop some day.

           Getting sick of that Window’s License expiry notice very ten seconds, I did what anybody who hates MicroSoft would do. I went on-line to find how to disable the message. Ah, but has anyone else noticed over the past few years there are fewer and fewer sites willing to give out these kind of directions. And most of the sites are monopolized by Millennial morons like sven1458, of Torrence, CA. Say’s Sven, all you have to do to get rid of the message is do the Win10 upgrade and the message will disappear.
           Sure, Sven, maybe call MicroSoft up and tell them you have pirated software, too. Sven is part of that whole new generation of imbeciles who think they are computer experts because they know how to follow orders from Redmond. Hey, Sven, I’ll tell you how to fix a flat tire in a way you’ll understand. Simple, don’t drive on tires that go flat and you’ll be okay. Sven, I see a career for you at the Hollywood Library. Did you know you write with a lisp?

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