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Thursday, June 30, 2016

June 30, 2016

One year ago today: June 30. 2015, real estate click-bait.
Five years ago today: June 30. 2011, anesthetic hangover.
Nine years ago today: June 30. 2007, she’s rated a 4F.
Random years ago today: June 30, 2004, California, the meth state.

           See, aren’t you glad we started way over in the back room? Because now when we got to the bathroom, we had experience and the work went five times faster. Who was right about that, come on, you can say it. I’m still reluctant to show the bare joists, but they are in excellent shape. What you see here is some sheets of ¾” subfloor plywood thrown over the open areas to keep the area usable. The balloon framing is also evident, but you’ve seen that particular corner before.
           You are supposed to be noticing the ideal working conditions. The room has two industrial fans and plenty of music. Note the top quality of all new materials. We are not paint and flip artists. I don’t know what you’ve seen by way of renovation jobs, but I’m confident you’re amazed at the spotlessness of this environment. Why, it approaches pristine. Heavy lifting is minimal. The wallboards you see will be covered by tarpaper in a day or two.

           We picked up a further couple hundred dollars in materials, including some 2x6 planks. I am going to use deck screws to install sister joists along every existing rung although they do not require it. JZ had never seen the pre-cast pylons, so I also bought one of those to show him how cleverly it fits between the existing concrete blocks and is much easier to work with. (You are cutting wood rather than leveling concrete.)
           As long as everything is properly braced, it also appears that a new set of joists under the bathroom floor will not take that long, either. These are not famous last words, I ripped out a two-foot section of flooring on either side of that section. This is in addition to the bathroom floor I ripped out y’day to expose the termite nest. It has been soaking in 10% melathion solution overnight.

           In fact, take a look at the rear side of the bathroom wall in this distorted iCool picture. Actually, I ‘m not so certain whether it is the camera or the brains of the Millennials that are twisted at the corners. I have no idea how this picture slipped past the censors. But let’s direct your attention to some relevant details. On the right, you can see down the hallway to the bedroom to the same back wall in the other picture above from today.
           At the center of the photo, you see the framing of the day, with the recessed cutout for the medicine cabinet. This caused a laugh when we found it was one of those cabinets that had the slot in the back to dispose of razor blades. Ah, you’d forgotten about those, didn’t ya?

           That’s correct, in the old days, people used those double-edged “safety” razors, and when done, you just slipped the dull blade though the back of the med cabinet. It fell between the walls, only to be uncovered years later and endangering the workman. It was duly noted that after potentially 40 years (when the bathroom was added) that only the Gillette blades had never rusted.
           On the left is the closet in the corner of the living room, I’ll get to that in a moment. At the bottom is the sofa that I sleep on. You cannot walk behind that sofa, that is one of the floor sections I removed a couple of paragraphs back. Giving you another moment to admire how clean and dustless the work area is, we got directions to the landfill from the real estate lady and drove most of the way to the next town to find out we only had a tiny amount but still had to pony up the $10 minimum fee. I sense I’m going to be glad I have two storage sheds.

           We then drove south on the Lakeland road to a roadside catfish diner we’d spotted two months ago when viewing the “doggie-doo” place. For curiosity, we drove over there for a look, on Tammy Lee Lane. Somebody bought that manufactured home and painted it blue. Yuck. Anyway, back to the catfish, it was okay but not spectacular. Not as good as I had on my birthday on Beale Street back in ’13. The catfish is breaded, I like deep fried. Plan on spending $36 for two at that place, as the menu has everything unbundled, which can double the advertising prices once you order a drink.
           Before I give the impression we sit around eating restaurant food, let me say we got so far ahead on the job we decided that’s enough for this time around, and we drove back to Ft. Lauderdale for a beer. We hit the usual patches of summer downpours around Lake Okeechobee. Now that we’ve made the trip often enough, it seems like just a drive downtown. Say, that’s an interesting parallel. I have been caught in Miami traffic that really did take three hours to get downtown.

Last Laugh
(I know a few people who tried anyway.)

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