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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 7, 2016

One year ago today: June 7, 2015, a cabin in the woods.
Five years ago today: June 7, 2011, cooking with chicken.
Nine years ago today: June 7, 2007, this makes it 41 years.
Random years ago today: June 7, 2012, women are famine victims?

           Whew, did I clear out in time. Tropical storm Colin blasted into the Gulf coast and headed straight for my yard. But, my six mature oak trees will buffer all but my south side and the building has survived anything throw at it in nearly 70 years. I’m up off the ground and there is a swale to the south should any water approach from that direction. But can you believe this heat? Over 95° every day in a row.
           I was going to delete this photo, showing a typical small town clock tower on my return trip. Then, I thought it captures the darkening tones and poor visibility of the approaching storm. You can tell Nature is about to unleash its fury. This is all the more surprising, considering this picture was taken last Wednesday morning and is grainy because my camera batteries were going dead.

           NPR is going into contortions to save face along with the Liberal press corps. Now that Trump is crushing all their arguments, they have collectively started the old “only doing our job” justification. Saying they were only after clarification and truth, but as usual, that was not what they were up to at all. They are trying to obscure the fact that they were only doing their job on Trump, while the rest of the candidates got off scot free with easy questions.
           I estimate I became aware of some 75 Liberal papers, stations, reporters, mouthpieces, pundits, experts, talk show hosts, and Internet sources that totally ignored everybody but Trump as they launched negative and often creepy attacks. I never heard of these people until they closed ranks along their establishment lines. They ignored Benghazi, they ignored the executive orders, and they all tried to bring up things Trump said before he was a politician. That’s sleazy, since the context is totally different when you are chasing ratings rather than votes.

           Now their agreed-upon angle is, “Okay, Trump is winning, but for all the wrong reasons.” Why, he is “tricking” people. This is Liberal nonsense. It’s funny because they are revealing how incompetent they are at trying to adopt non-politically correct counter-attacks. They are forgetting they only reason they have the guts to try is because the Donald broke the rules for them.
           With the impending likelihood of his landslide, they are simply setting the stage to be able to contend they were nothing but reasonable, why just look at everything they said after the fact. Ignore their initial blitz to discredit the man. There isn’t one of them who didn’t contend that Trump was racist and called Mexicans rapists, when in fact he never said that.
           I glanced over the tactics of that Hillary, the one with tons of insider experience, who owes hundreds of millions to campaign contributors. She’s running scared. She only knows how to manipulate your standard opponent who can’t really fight back over certain carefully worded attacks. But the Donald just tells her to go to Hell. She’s a dunce, considering Lyin’ Ted crashed and burned trying the same stunts a month ago. The message I get is she wants voters to ignore her unbroken string of mistakes and believe her contention that Trump might do more harm than she already has. Interesting, if only because that is raw speculation.

Wiki picture of the day.
Last American locomotive.

           That was JZ on the line and he has not yet seen the new place. He’s underestimating the size already, suggesting I borrow a chain saw. No, old pal, you’ll be borrowing forever because there are major trees on the property that need monthly tending, if only a half hour. It takes longer than that to borrow a damn screwdriver, try it. I even contacted Cowboy Mike and he no longer has most of his tools. Hello, Harbor Freight.
           When I took over, the property had not been tended in years, and I closely examined this factor. It was not overgrown and that spells out reasonable low maintenance. There is no groundskeeper, but nor do I wish to incur any complaints from the neighbors. You know, the ones who give up their entire weekends mowing the lawn so they can complain “wild grass seeds” from your place are blowing over onto their fescue. That brand of nonsense. It’s a good thing I have no neighbors.

           Let me glance through my stock, see if I have a photo of the yard. There is no real lawn because of the massive overhand of the shade trees. Trent pointed out the best spot is the front yard as we toured the place, it was ten degrees cooler. Right where I want the porch. Ah, here’s the shady spot, seeing that I never took specific pictures of the turf. (This picture is a repeat, but with a different emphasis.)
           It conveys the amount of shade. If you peer into the background, you can see it is a bright and sunny day around noon. Yet not a single ray or beam reaches ground level in my front yard. But keep looking. This photo was taken after I raked the leaves. There is no lawn and I don’t know if there is a brand of grass or product that will stay green in the shade. That’s JZ’s department.

           You can see the dirt, but it is a sandy type of grit, though not dusty. Mine tailings. I’m optimistic I could put down sod, as you see the nice place across the street is also in the shade and he’s doing okay. Cowboy Mike and I had a discussion about yard work and he differs about paying rent. True, with a house, there is always something that needs mending. That does not mean I see his point of view that paying $600 per month rent is a way to get around that.
           His point is that he just sits back and lets somebody else worry about the maintenance. Myself, say if I paid somebody that kind of money just for upkeep, I hardly call that retirement. Mike still has to get up and go to work to pay for that. How is that taking it easy and enjoying your twilight years? Nope, I think I’ll buy the chain saw and use it once a month to hammer back the jungle.

           You’ve been good, so here is another of those “impossible” photos. This is looking through the living room and kitchen hallway with the roof missing toward a monster motorcycle outside the doorway. You can see the bathroom doorway to the extreme left. This is a picture of the model, taken without any special photography equipment. If these prove as popular as it seems, sure, I’ll get you more.
           It turns out that the single kitchen wall that cramps the space may be a non-bearing partition. If so, soon we’ll have plenty of room in there some real cooking. As it is, no way could two people work in there and no room for a dishwasher—a retirement necessity. Also, the fridge juts out into the traffic path. I’ve already calculated the wall has to move only 21” to make a world of difference.

           More rain, I’m stuck inside. Yes, I’d rather be stuck inside my new place. There’s something okay about a cabin in a rainstorm. Instead, I’m here with my newsfeed chirping “Hillary, Hillary”. I finally put down my geometry text to tune into what that strange woman has to say that concerns anything I care about. Watching her with the audio off reveals her empty lunatic gaze, that soulless stare of the professional panderer. Ready to press on or backtrack instantly, depending on the effect of her last sentence. I do notice the cameras stay on her and not the crowd, same as with the Trump. But for the opposite reason. You see, Hillary, full rooms don’t echo, buahahahaha.
           So I cranked the volume. She is trying the childish tactic of calling Trump the same names. Just how kids do it in the playground. She’s saying Trump isn’t qualified, but that’s lame. She means he isn’t qualified to be a Washington insider and they’re all afraid he’s going to dismantle their little fiefdoms. And she’s making big issue that Trump would mean the nuclear codes are in the hands of an easily offended brat, and she prefers the codes in the purse of somebody who can be bought.

           This brings focus to that old coot, “Bernie”, who is quite the good talker, but only when placed next to a real politician. The ploy is that this Bernie is emerging as the cool rationalist by comparison. Alas, he isn’t fooling anybody with his concept of traditional equality. You see, I grew up in a world of so damn much “equality” you could not get ahead. Whereas there was plenty to go around, the law was firmly geared to make sure you could not get your hands on it without kissing the butt of those who got there first. Or, more likely, whose parents got there first.

           You see, I have more to fear than average. Everything I have, I worked for, but the other side of that coin is that most people who have what I have did NOT work for it. Did you get that? In other words, how me somebody with a house and vehicle and future bought and paid for and I’ll show you somebody with a rich daddy. What I mean is if the law gets changed to smooth out the inequities, I will surely be lumped with those who got everything for free. They will essentially be losing nothing that they worked for; I would be losing everything. So don’t accuse me of supporting Trump just because I want him to cause trouble. I want him to run the country like a business, nothing more.
           And by that, I mean to allow the country to operate in a manner that favors those who want to work and want to succeed by their own effort. Instead of taxing them like slaves, allow them to benefit fully from what they do. Quit punishing and micro-managing them with rules and taxes and bylaws and audits and fees. Enforce the single rule that they can do no harm and then leave them alone. If they want to charge for a ride in their personal car or rent their spare bedroom, keep your nose out of it.
           Yes, it’s still raining.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           John Paul Stapp: Engineering, 2003. John-Boy is one of the team of four who, in 1949, coined “Murphy’s Law”. It is based on an earlier law where it takes four engineers to come up with a single catch-phrase using a fictitious name. Anyway, John is the guy making those ugly cheek faces on the newsreels of early rocket sled experiments. The hero of every kid who ever stuck his head out the car window. And, why the hell not?
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

           Ah, so you like the cabin model. Okay, here is the kitchen wall I am proposing moving. The kitchen is the narrow room to the right, and much of it is taken up by the need to allow a traffic path from the door at right into the living room, as shown. Those with good spatial skills will already know what we are looking at. If the partition is moved left 21” to roughly where my finger is pointing, it will greatly enhance the serviceability of the kitchen. And eliminate that dead space from the front door across the room.
           House plans before the war rarely allowed for the wasted areas that had to be left clear for foot traffic. There is almost a natural hallway from the front door at bottom center to the hallway of the bathroom at top center. Why not move the partition as indicated and make that corridor a reality? As it is, no furniture or useful articles can be placed along that too-narrow wall-space between that wall and the natural doorway path.

           Now that I know how popular these “model shots” are, I will get you all the pics you’d like. I have decades of pre-blog experience planning out like this so I should have guessed it can be impressive. I will drill extra “peep holes” at vantage points and place objects that help clarify what is important and to scale. That scale is my customary one foot to one centimeter. (Most school rulers already have both scales marked for you.)
           Often questioned is that closet in the upper left corner of the living room, see which. If you consider the early building was only the two rooms shown, it means makes more sense. If there was only one room and the kitchen, where would you put the closet? As it is, I’m looking at making the bathroom larger by moving that wall forward by the same 21” to match the closet. Don’t be confused, because if need be, I can handily get you a photo of what I mean. The “living room” is too large for the existing design and I’d like to make it more balanced for an average occupancy of two persons. Home sweet home.
           Don’t it make you feel like you’ve already been in there some?

Last Laugh

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