One year ago today: June 8, 2015, distorted American law.
Five years ago today: June 8, 2011, but other than that . . .
Nine years ago today: June 8, 2007, ash tray art.
Random years ago today: June 8, 2008, strange cat Tennessee.
The silver market continues to seethe, not simmer. My unfounded theory says the banksters are barely clinging on to control. One glance at any single-day graph of the trading patterns shows high-level manipulation going on while the regulatory authorities sit back and do nothing. While metals should be a very volatile market in this period of uncertainty, sham bank trading has so far smoothed out the prices, always seeking to get it back down below that $16 level at which banks operate the scam. My opinion is pure fantasy. That makes me the same as the “experts”. Why, just take a look at this three day chart. I spliced that, true, but the values are real. Even if I did not know it was a real silver chart, I’d say smoothing software was at work.
I crawl out of the sack at dawn with the phone ringing. Okay, I’ve got a firm offer on this place, some lady needs a place now. But, I’d have to be out of here in a fast hurry. So I logged on to check the email and get blasted by news clips. I sifted through it to find it is all the Liberal media doing overtime to convince John Doe that there is a contest and Hillary is winning. Hogwash, there is no “contest”, she lost the moment she made that snarky comment about not being establishment because she was a woman running for president. Boo. If she isn’t establishment, then who is?
But you watch that clever Bernie guy. He’s discovered he can sneak his anti-Trump agenda into a positive light by slamming Hillary. That’s because she is so hamstrung by special interest contributions that she can’t answer any direct questions for fear of being asked about her own agenda. Whee, Bernie gets to emphasize problems while staying aloof from arguing over solutions. Trump is all about solutions and Bernie is not about to tackle him. Not when Hillary is such easy prey.
What are the issues? The problems and solutions? I dunno, I’m only watching the game. The sole solution I’ve heard is the wall with Mexico. Until that is built, everything else is a pissing contest while the boat is sinking. There, how’s that for a brilliant metaphor? Global warming to gay rights can go on hold until the wall is done. The country won’t go broke just because some queer can’t hang a rat in the ladies.
I applaud the Trump rally people for an effective counter-measure. Simply ask people before they enter the meeting if they are a Trump supporter. Then, anybody who protests inside is automatically discredited because they had to lie to get in. Clever.
Frisco Bay.
With the red scooter in the shop, I stopped on the walk home for sunblock. The irony is the checkout lineup was 23 minutes, enough for a wing of the storm to strand me an hour. America, wake up, quit using your cashier lines for bullshit. The sun was shining when I started waiting. I don’t blame the people working the till, but they should be there to cash you out and that is it. The wind toppled this parking sign like a twig.
This gave me time to read the magazine about Hitler that just hit the racks for $12.99. What complete one-sided Semite propaganda. It’s just a rehash of the same old movieland myths about Hitler, totally ignoring that he was a popularly elected leader that brought Germany out of a devastating depression.
[Author's note 2020: hopefully I don't have to remind everyone that this is a book report, not a statement of my position on this matter.--except to say I can find no evidence that Hitler ever intended to conquer the world. He did declare war on most of it, but only after the sided with his enemies.]
Hitler never intended to conquer the world, the reason for the delay between the liberation of Danzig and the attack on France was because Germany had run out of gasoline. They had never planned a long war of conquest. And certainly if they did want to conquer, why waste resources on a backwater like Poland?
This Hitler-invades-Poland event is often mistakenly called the start of the war. It was the Poles who had begun the war eight months earlier by blockading the city in violation of international treaty. (You might be curious to learn they were encouraged to do this by an American ambassador. Churchill was not the only person who wanted American in the war.) There are also questions about Poland's behavior. If you are bent on world conquest, the logical starting point is most definitely not bombing Warsaw. The canned official version of WWII just raises too many questions for me.
There is barely any truth in that rehashed version presented by the Liberal press. Hitler’s moustache was not to “make his nose look smaller”, but so that his gas mask would fit. And it is always pointedly ignored that Jews who assimilated into German society were never molested or imprisoned, including Hitler’s doctor, chauffeur, 2 field marshals, and 150,000 soldiers in his army, twenty of whom were awarded the Knight’s Cross.
[Author’s note: the highest award in the German forces was the Knight’s Cross (Ritterkreuz), not the more popularly known Iron Cross.]
It is amazing how the anti-German press has not let go after 70 years, still demonizing the German people. Never once does the magazine mention that the Jews who were persecuted by Hitler, and Stalin, and almost every other European nation, were almost exclusively Zionists. Jews and Zionists are not the same thing, Jews are a religion while Zionists are a political faction created in 1896. The Zionists hated Jews who did not support a middle east “homeland”. You see, Hebrew teaches that the establishment of a Jewish nation is the final step before the end of the world and most Jews don't want that. Ironic, innit?
Want to know something interesting? The Zionists believe the Jews are the “Master Race” and referred to other Jews who did not by the term “Ashkenazi”, meaning one who had “assimilated” and thus become unpure and racially inferior. There is no such German word or abbreviation as “nazi”. The Zionists also believe that all other races are fit only to be servants in a world governed by guess who. (Can you guess what they call this new world order?) Hence, by the time Hitler came along, there was a ready-made "hate-philosophy" to attached to everything he did. Look it up yourself, and you will find all kinds of other ancient Jewish words that might surprise you.
There is some kind of pattern emerging here, but I just can't quite put my finger on it. Remember, when you buy that magazine, you are not supposed to know any of this. Be a good boy and do what you are told and give the right answers so's you can pass the test.
Here is a little “photo essay” that shows how things went in the rain. One thing I can say is these Russian designs are super easy to fix. This is characteristic of an event that JZ sees as a problem and I see as an adventure. It naturally gets top billing, unless any of you have seen a sidecar flat being fixed before. I hadn’t. The entire job was done with one wrench and a bent nail.
Items to note, the axle is repacked with grease for the first time probably since it left the factory. The repair took less than five minutes, even though I insisted on the safety of the jack stand and wheel chocks. The axle itself does not turn. Instead, the entire wheel rotates on a bearing held on by a crown bolt and a big cotter pin. And while tapping the cotter pin back in place, I struck the metal shaft a few times, and it sang like a bell. Whatever that axle is made of, it is an extremely well-made and durable type of metal.
Philip Zimbardo: Psychology, 2003. You should read a few of this guy’s experiments. Talk about creepy. Anyway, Phil was the junior member of the team of four who, in 1997, published a book with the astonishing revelation that politicians have simple personalities.
Have you heard of Brexit, the group advocated the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union. It’s fun to watch, for although the polls show the “remains” are a slight majority, the “leaves” are far more likely to actually vote. You want a million-dollar idea? I’ll hand it to you, but you won’t like it. Develop a persistent pork spray. Now sell it in Europe for use on any place the nationalists don’t want Muslims to go. I would not do it, but I’ll tell you what I would do.
Start publishing the names of banks to give loans to undesirables (I do not specify what that is). Then, people could “vote” by taking their money out of those banks who enable unpopular types into your neighborhood. Effective, and 100% legal. I strongly advocated this for Canada in the 1980s when they began forcing the importation of hundreds of thousands of East Indians on that unwilling populace. But such defenses require publicly exposing a negative opinion. Canadians are the most two-faced country in the world. They’ll publicly preach for integration on the church steps, then go home and privately curse the lot.
Yes, I got something to say. This morning I mentioned an offer and around two years ago I also mentioned something unrelated at the time. Everybody wanted me to meet this Richard character who arrived from New York and went from janitor to owning “all the motels on Federal”.
“You two have so much in common,” they said. Well, I balked, clearly explaining that the system does not work like that. Even if that story were true in some detail, it is a hollow victory based on overextended credit. If some nobody made enough real money to pull that off, I would have learned about that party on my own. I believe I wrote the motel operation off as either a mini-bubble or a Mafia front. It was the bubble.
There are some nine such motels in the area and none of them were built since the past forty years. This Richard is a Russian immigrant who could be expected to fall prey to the sucker’s paradise created by the American credit system. Sure enough, when I looked into the offer, the lady’s son is a tenant of one such motel. The guy may need a place to stay, like real soon.
Is this one of those spots where I’m not supposed to say I told you so? It is? Okay, I won't. But don't you hand me any BS about the self-made man either. It don't work that way.