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Friday, August 12, 2016

August 12, 2016

One year ago today: August 12, 2015, forgotten mention of Amtrak.
Five years ago today: August 12, 2011, breakfast, trumpet players, the economy.
Nine years ago today: August 12, 2007, using Canadian quarters.
Random years ago today: August 12, 2008, the Okeechobee levee.

           The negotiating is done, but disturbingly the office is being silent. So attention once again swings to the new place. And that means that floor repair. I’ll be examining that most of total, from a distance. I’m still in South Florida. To test my leveling theory, I had to choose several points that I thought were level, so I chose the end plates around the perimeter. The floor is now flush to those, but maybe I could have done better.
           Mind you, I am more than content. Sure, now I spot slight variations from level, but for an amateur to get it 95% right first time, you won’t see me crying. Brains over brawn, folks, and now I can apply a minimum of brawn. I have that power sander with an infinite supply of 40 grit belts. And a 10,000% better idea of how to handle the next [floor] section.

           And all of this was before I discovered that a self-leveling motorized laser level could be purchased for less than $50. The apparatus shown here is $48, it comes with a tripod. I know, it doesn't look like a level. You place it at a strategic spot and it spits rapidly, placing a strip of light around the room. The areas I’m working with are so small on the Earth’s surface, that I know [from celestial navigation] to consider them perfectly flat. As will be my new floors.
           How about this ding-dong law that taxes Olympic medal winners. This is why American needs Donald Trump—to lambaste those laws which hurt people showing incentive. It’s long bee that the only way to live and totally not pay taxes is to be super rich or super poor, and we know which group outnumbers the other. Some say the athletes should write off their training and travel expenses, but that makes them professional athletes, which disqualifies them from the Olympics. America, you are sick and need help.
           Or that newspaper that apologized for calling one Olympian an “African American”. Aw, did that hurt her feelings. The wimpy newspaper apologized. Apologize for leaving out a name? What a bunch of wusses. Libtards need to ask how many “African Africans” are in the Olympics and shut up already. This ties in with the recent issue of the university students specifying they did not want any white roomies. From my point of view, that is their right—but a right possessed only by non-whites and therefore is racist. Oops, I forgot Liberal rule number one: Only white people can be racist.

           I’ll be around here a few more days. The sale on my property did not go through, so I’m back to square one listing it again. But the price is going up, not down. If I wait until October, I’ll get my price. I’ve maneuvered matters so that the office gets stuck if I don’t sell in the short run. However, they are an over-clever bunch of failed lawyers over there, so I prefer to sell at the first opportunity. They are slow to catch on, but catch on, they do. It’s simple. The sooner I sell, the sooner they get money. They cannot keep disapproving every buyer forever, but I understand their motive to keep up standards.

Picture of the day.
Austrian restaurant.
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           This was not a good day so far. Not only did the sale collapse, I got some bad news by phone. I won’t say until I confirm, but it is an untimely upset. I relisted this building for sale, adding a paragraph that tells people a few facts about background checks these days. Don’t waste your money if you even appear on the police blotter too often. You wanted “security”, America, and now you have it, even when you don’t want it. Incidentally, I pulled up my own record and it has nothing. In fact, since 1996, it has only been updated with “approved” information. Who’s laughing now?
           Yes, it is confirmed. JZ’s truck was stolen overnight. Undoubtedly and inside job, right under the noses of the supreme security of his Snapper Creek condo. One road in and out, the brazen thieves! Not to worry, the club will provide for any transportation needs until his family steps in. The vehicle was insured, but probably not the contents. That would include his tools and cell phone. He leaves those behind the seat, as the parking spot is right outside his entrance. Photo is JZ and the truck in Lakeland earlier this month.

           This brings the 509 operation to a standstill. Not to worry, both properties are maintained in habitable condition, both are comfortable including all utilities and A/C. Alas, even I cannot afford that situation forever. The crux is this duality is not true with the vehicles. As we speak, I have the only vehicles capable of making that run, and the one vehicle I have here would require ten hours for the trip. We had both planned on one more commute this week. I’d say now we are stuck in situ for at least ten days.
           Wow, ten days of the media bashing Trump. You know they televise articles against Trump by 8:1, and he’s still winning. No wonder they are scared shitless of him. Loosen them libel laws, Donald. Free press does not mean free to publish damaging material or get away with sensationalism. And the task is easier, because the press tend to do it predominantly at a personal level. All you need to is give the little guy a chance to fight back. Like, for instance, when they over-report his arrest and under-report his acquittal. The media should pay when they do that because it is intentional.

           There’s an ad for a bassist with this link, a style of music I don’t care for but can play. The bass lines are very crisp and on time, my specialty. Anyway, he is about to release the material and needs a bassist to perform it live. It is only ten songs. I’m thinking. I know how impossible it is to find somebody to play ten songs and not demand a share of the profits.

           Starbucks. I stayed there reading and having coffee until dark. Partially to get my mind off the theft mentioned above. I read a lot of Darwin, but also general stats and “Lord of the Flies”. You know, that has got to be one of the worst books ever to inflict upon children as assigned reading. We all know the sordid adult type who so quickly forget how children think, but to praise such hack writers as great authors, well, that takes group stupidity.
           Like the losers who wrote lyrics for Elvis. Losers who never got any who write song words about how other teens like themselves never got any either. The last thing on the mind of 15 year-olds such as me was shit like unrequited love. I do know nerds who actually thought that way, without specifically naming my brothers. How they exhibit that shocked revelation look at age 18 that other guys like me had actively been pursuing sex for years already. And they are already getting the leftovers. That’s what happens when you spend too much time in the locker rooms, guys.

           But you want to know how the new cane works. I bought a $9 special, one of those adjustable metal jobbies. The instructions say to use it on the side away from the pain, but that’s wrong. I can really clip along by using it on my right side, the one that hurts when I walk more than a block. It was great, I could pick up the speed and get things done. That’s important to me.
           Bystanders often look twice. They expect a cane to mean slogging along. Naw, I can cut right across the intersection or down the canned goods at regular speed. I stopped at Big Lots to measure the pub set and test out a few models of over-stuffed recliners. They were comfortable enough that I was there an hour. Then over to Wal*Mart to get some painting supplies. I’m going to improve the signage of this place for sale.

           Finishing Book Two, the voyage has not yet begun. This chapter is really a chronicle of the traipsing around required to get a sailing ship prepared for a four-year ocean cruise. Reading between the lines, it is already painful to me how many millions of brilliant young minds have been wasted and quashed by the inhumane system of inherited wealth. How doubtful Darwin would have amounted to a hill of beans if he’s been forced to labor his youth away at a mine or factory? Or if he’d had to suffer the consequences of his own repeated failures by age 22.
           It is also amusing how shallow these rich kids are portrayed. The more so when the author is trying to emphasize conflicts and hardships that just are not really there. My word, how did unfortunate Charles ever endure those continual 24-hour buggy rides around the countryside and stomach the food at those hotels across from the Admiralty? The little tyke must have been ready to collapse from exhaustion and malnutrition. And the “Beagle” still has no upper deck. Poor, poor Charles.
           What’s more, this book has been written “for its time”. A lot of Victorian age stereotypes are constantly portrayed. Examples would be the over-importance everyone has over whether their fathers have met, the lack of attention to any plight of the working classes, and the ridiculous depiction of groups of young women as chaste and proper, particularly anyone’s younger sisters. And of course, the fantastic belief that all these unmarried women are virgins. Give me a break.
           But you just know that when Charles gets off that ship he is going to put the rod to Fanny Owens.

Last Laugh

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