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Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 13, 2016

One year ago today: October 13, 2015, anywhere but here.
Five years ago today: October 13, 2011, I wrote those lyrics.
Nine years ago today: October 13, 2007, a classic photo.
Random years ago today: October 13, 2009, Run, Jason, Run!

           Run, Jason, run! We check in our annual confirmation that Jason D. Brown is still a step ahead of the law. Odd, some might ask, why observe JDB day on October 13 instead of the November 29 date he was a person of interest in an armored car robbery? That’s correct, today’s the date he progressed to being charged because he can’t be found, a disgusting practice. He is accused in absentia. That’s what makes him blogworthy—not many people sought for questioning make all the way to the Most Wanted list. So something funny is going on because I’ll wager anybody who finds themselves so indicted would run for it--and the cops know it. Remember, in America the police only have to prove opportunity and intent, not motive. And for that, they need to trick him into saying something they can use against him.
           Accused/Unavailable. Somebody wants us to confuse these two separates as being the same, that is, some presumed level of criminality. Nope, ain’t nobody here that dumb. The reason I follow the case is not, repeat not, in any way supporting Brown. Criminals should be punished—but for the crime, not for being elsewhere. This was always too clear a case where the police needed to “question” Brown and Brown was having no part of that operation.

           [Author's note: apparently an abandoned bicycle they say might have been ridden by Brown was found a mile away. This flimsy connection brings up the specter that they really want to question Brown over some other matter where they have no sanction to run him in. Nothing like a hidden agenda, you know.
           Also, you should be aware that there are time limits to prosecute accused people, but the police very often use an "interruption" clause to get around that limit, a dirty rotten trick. It is normally three years, but if the police claim the suspect is fleeing, it stops the clock. There is more than a mere whiff of this unethical behavior going on surrounding Brown.]

           It’s a quirky situation. The primary reason the police want to question somebody is because they don’t have enough evidence to charge them and every American has the right to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination. There is no law that says you must subject yourself to interrogation. Yet, there are people being held in jail indefinitely for being uncommunicative. Obviously, there is much, much more to this "questioning" than the police are letting on. It seems you have to actually say you are purposely not saying anything--but if you say that you could be charged with obstructing justice.
           The commemorative here is that Brown is proof there remain powerful forces in America opposing such unlawful governmental and police overreach. He was declared a fugitive not due to the required reasonable and probable grounds, but because he would not come in for questioning. That is a complete abrogation of his rights. The authorities would rather you not be aware of that, yet every year we hear of males wrongly incarcerated for decades and of corrupt plea bargaining practices. Bear in mind I’m no Liberal hot-head saying all this.

           People have figured out just how dangerous this “questioning” is to their rights. You could be charged with lying without ever being under oath; you could be charged with obstructing justice for not giving the very people trying to imprison you your computer password. Yet the rules give you complete immunity from being forced to incriminate yourself--so shut up. The police can lie to you any time they want, but lying to the police is an offense. Disgusting. If you know the police don’t have enough evidence without this “questioning”, fleeing becomes a form of self-defense—and it is constitutionally legal as part of your entitlement to the “best possible defense”. There is no law that says your defense has to take place in a courtroom while you are handcuffed with the establishment breathing down your neck. That concept is little more than a preference of those who make a career of it.
           The stupidest thing you can do is talk to the police if you even think they are claiming to question you as a witness but are really questioning you as a suspect. And there is increasing public suspicion that court-appointed attorneys are in on this scam. Never forget, the police have perfected the art of taking what you say out of context. (Remember “My Cousin Vinnie”, where the surprised kid blurts, “I shot the guy?” In court, the police left out the question mark.)

           I support the wider stance that silence includes the right to even prevent police from observing your mannerisms without a warrant—because they are not qualified mind-readers. I believe you have the right to conceal or attempt to conceal anything you do without being watched unless there is a warrant that permits surveillance. Snooping is never right. Being a suspect has no legal status and confers upon the police no right to detain and question you unless you are caught practically red-handed OR they have a warrant. They MUST have one or both; they had neither on Brown at the time.
           That is where J. D. stood when they declared him a public enemy based purely on their inability to track him down. And that is the entertainment value I attach to Brown. I declare that if the police had been properly doing their jobs for the last half-century instead of trying to bypass people’s Constitutional privacy rights, they’d have him by now. That is, if they pounded the pavement like they are supposed to. Instead they have been using the time keeping secret files and perfecting the traffic stop. Ask Justin Bieber or Mel Gibson.

           I am also an opponent of escalating charges. This is where the police or the system charge you with progressively more serious offences that began over a minor incident. Such as issuing a bench warrant for your arrest over a no-show speeding ticket. This idiocy would include the police towing your car over expired tags or impounding your money over mere suspicion. The police have such a hard on for this guy Brown, they have even taken to arresting Sean Penn actor doubles who bear a resemblance. Not merely stopping them, but arresting them at gunpoint. There can be no doubt Brown knows his enemy is not the law itself, but the authorities who are incensed by their own impotence. They’ve run out of things to tar him with.
           The entire situation [with Brown] flies in the face of “creative law enforcement”, a euphemism for the police breaking the law to get a conviction because after that who’s going to care? Brown’s hiding in Utah with the Mormons and everybody knows it. When an entire religion hates the police enough to do that, you had best start wondering who picked the fight.

           Brown is neither armed nor dangerous. It was a robbery that got out of control—and the authorities want you to forget that Brown was only wanted for questioning. He has a Constitutional right to defend himself against false arrest and now that he has been placed on a blacklist, there is no hope of him ever getting a fair trial. Again, ask yourself who created this mess. Who is not obeying the law? There is a chance, however small, that Brown may not even have been aware he was wanted until after he learned he was being buffaloed.
           I do not support Brown if he is guilty. I support the fact that there still exists a faction of America that believes in the rule of law. The authorities, if they had obeyed the rules, would have got Brown long ago without all these phony blotter accusations. Have you read it? He may be gay. He may have a gun. He may be Martian. The reward offered is up to $200,000. Brown’s status has progressed from wanted for questioning, to wanted, to a fugitive charged with fleeing to avoid prosecution, all amazingly without the benefit of any new evidence or witnesses. If you don’t find that odd, you are not thinking. You are also not on the side of freedom and privacy. You can’t have one without the other.
           Run, Jason, run!

Picture of the day.
Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia . . .
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           Here’s my wasp sting. I told you, these don’t bother me much. Two hours later it is barely a pimple. The second or third wasp incident in my life. Almost no reaction at all. You bet it stung and burned like fire the first while, same as everybody. I was stung twice, the other was on the fleshy part of my abdomen, but I have to look to find the spot. The sting on my hand is the one that got me hopping. It is now a day later and the only sensation is a mild itching.
           I took a peek on-line at some photos of people with insect complications. I wonder, is it because they are sensitive or because they have a better immunity? I see how multiple stings would bring me down. Despite how I practically stepped on the wasp’s nest, they seemed to have trouble finding me. I was working bare-chested and simply walked into the house forty feet away until they flew off. Ugly insects, about ¾” long.

           Ha, the Trump has out-trolled the media. Their best shot has failed, and for good reason. It was designed to detract from the serious issues surrounding this election. Only idiots took the bait, but there is better news. This has finally exposed the New York Times for the left-wing rag that it is. Trump would have to prove malice in a case like this, but he should still sue. I think he should sue them anyway and set the precedent. Do a Monsanto and put them out of business defending themselves.
           Or how about that sappy woman that’s saying back in the 70s Trump lifted the airplane armrest and he was like an octopus. Poor thing, but folks, this is why we need statutes of limitation. So these losers can’t wait 40 years and time the complaint. Besides, smart people know that two ingredients are necessary for a woman to feel “molested”. One is that she is never the one that bagged the guy for a husband, and you can figure out the other on your own.

           [Author's note: there is some controversy over the fact that armrests in first class are fixed and cannot be raised. Some are arguing the armrests did move, but those brands of airplanes did not fly to New York City at that time. Somebody is being paid to lie. Plus, please tell the lady the octopus has eight arms, not six.]

           Here’s a nothing picture from the archives. It shows the tarpaper soundproofing in the main bedroom, or what is destined to become the main bedroom. The double lamps are easy to explain. This place was always dimly lit. I infer that to be from the poor way the place was wired with one light and one outlet in each room. I’ve changed all that. You can see the few feet of remaining exposed insulation along the very top of the wall. This displays the high quality of improvement compared to what you’ll normally find in Florida.
           The game plan had to be revamped based of the situation that JZ can’t be here. I’ve decided to throw up the partitions to again make this place into a two bedroom, with a dining area in the space beside the front door. If you don’t remember, this place actually faces the old farmhouse, not the street. That visual originally put me off until I figured out the addition of a porch will double the curb appeal.

           Since there is no longer a pickup truck available to haul major materials, the cPod camper has to be sacrificed. I need furniture and building supplies long before JZ says he is planning to replace the vehicle. My immediate requirements are 2x4s and 2x6s, plus sheets of plywood. I can’t really wait, so I’ll dismantle the camper. I took the late evening to head over to the club with my booklet and calculator.
           That was an enlightening couple of hours. You see, the local gals came in and I’ve told you this can tend toward a fashion show. While many guys like it when the ladies are gussied up, they don’t often realize what an investment in time it is for most women. I was watching, since I was the only non-regular in the joint and the ladies were so not there to meet regulars. The blonde caught my eye but she was also talking to the biker dude. Nothing wrong with that unless you want to meet someone like me.

           By 9:00PM, the place was lined with hopefuls in their Sunday best. There were eight or nine women at the bar. Dressed to the nines and smelling awfully nice. Women don’t spend the afternoon shaving their legs to go out for a casual beer for nothing, so I watched the goings-on. I glanced over the offerings and didn’t pick up any vibes. There was some return interest, but curiosity-based. Fortunately, I can always pretend I was only looking up in thought and ready to get back to my paperwork. Nothing but the blonde struck my fancy. But I don’t do biker broads.
           Yes, she is a natural blonde. You can’t fool me.

Last Laugh

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