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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

October 12, 2016

One year ago today: October 12, 2015, 66 miles per week.
Five years ago today: October 12, 2011, the meaning of 5W-40.
Nine years ago today: October 12, 2007, I dunno, an average day?
Random years ago today: October 12, 2008, I got the padlock thing wrong.

           True retirement is mostly doing as you please and I’m taking today off. Just make sure [that] what you please doesn’t bother anyone, and bear in mind the system is never going to let you have it your own way very long. They need to keep checking up on you. For reasons.
           Here’s a mystery for most of you. What am I holding? It is a small sheet of rubber, made in China. It is from the plumbing department and had a sticker saying “rubber packing sheet”. Grammatically, that doesn’t make any sense. But it’s the type of phrase that would have made George Carlin’s eyes water.

           Myself, I just needed a cheap mouse pad. Later, it doesn't work as a mouse pad unless you scuff the surface. Sitting here listening to classic country jamboree, a program a little before my time, but I prefer that format to the manufactured new country. With this going on, I reviewed the progress with my own musical ventures. I’m having real second thoughts about the idea of playing along to Karaoke tracks.
           That is too far below my standards to be a viable band. I had two long motorcycle trips to think it over. It was already evident that due to the backing tracks, the other guy has not properly learned the material. I’ve the type that likes to hear the other guy play his part solo before learning a song. It’s the only way you can be certain he isn’t faking or following. I understand he’s spent a lot of money on the system, for some reason I think he said $20,000. But that does not qualify him to insist it be used on stage.
           There is a way out which doesn’t step on toes. Simply ask the guy to play the songs he was supposed to have learned since the last rehearsal. I gave him the list and strongly hinted that three songs per week is a decent learning pace. If he’s average, he will not have practiced at all, expecting to just say I learned my quota because “bass is easy”. I have a mechanism in place to deal with people who try that. If all else fails, insist the guy learn a tune while you are watching.

Picture of the day.
Stockholm, before picture.
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           Here is a cheap shed design I kind of like, except the glass poses a break-in threat situation. While my new neighborhood is safe (green on the crime maps), it is still more likely to be left alone for long periods at a time. Anyway, note the translucent roof panels. That would cause the greenhouse effect big time. I just like the look of this model.
           I was at the Thrift again and cannot understand why it is so difficult to find one quart glass pitchers with a lid. No, ordinary glass milk bottles won’t do because they get to slippery to handle out of the fridge with wet hands. I use powdered milk that has to “age” a day in glass and I waste a lot of tinfoil covering the spout. It’s darn nice to have such trivial problems again. These radio stations are largely Liberal fronts, so reporting and lying are identical. I see the strategically released Trump tape is being bled by the New York Times for all it is worth.
           The pundits say that “25%” of his party have disassociated over the videos. If so, they must represent the weakest political fringe this country has to offer and they will not be missed. No true Trump supporters could possibly be that stupid. Trump is still in and he will remember the Washington Post, NBC, and ABC. The reader should note that I know nothing about these organizations except their reputations. The very fact they take sides is enough to condemn them.

           How’s the renovations coming along? Terrible. That $530 on the motorcycle put a real dent in my finances for this month. But not my dislike for websites that advertise free downloads of shed plans, then you find out it isn’t a download, but an e-mail attachment. They want your e-mail. I’m touchy about that, and rightly so. Real downloads don’t require your contact information. It is disgusting how simple-minded these websites can be.
           Craigslist has been hit by some kind of virus spreading through it’s system—I think. But something is causing links to that site to shut down. So I logged on through Poland anyway, that’s how zero-paced this day has been. I read the local w4m and that is polarized between pathetic and creepy. All signs are that the local dating pool must be miniscule indeed. There is a constant theme of these women not wanting to a FWB situation, which tips you off that is obviously therefore what has been going on.
           We’ve all seen that one before. Since we were twenty. She screws everybody in town but now wants a relationship. The last fifty guys got it for free. But the next one, he’s gonna pay. It is sadly funny to see how often that seems to be the case. If I was nasty, I’d publish the picture of the one that claims she is a “real woman”. She doesn’t stand a chance, even if she had fewer tattoos. Her ad is a shopping list of wants and conditions. It just seems to me if you seek a relationship, what the other person might want sooner or later becomes a factor. Some women never realize that, Theresa.
           And the library coffee was excellent, I was there three hours.

           Here’s a peek at my new work counter. It looks rustic but the trained eye can see the considerable work that went into this. The floorboards are replaced, the wall was stripped, weatherproofed, soundproofed, and insulated. The electrical had to be wired in properly. This was no simple project. Um, one thing I have to say, my counter is solid oak. Har!
           In the cool early evening I got motivated. I raked two bags of leaves and twigs out of the front yard. I smoked out the wasp’s nest in the back and got stung twice. That wasp like a yellow jacket, but smaller, with the fiery bite. JZ would have landed in the hospital. I got one on the right abdomen, but the one that hurt got inside my work glove and bit me on the think skin on top of my hand. Yeow.
           I’m restoring order in the back yard. The estimated bags of leaves, vines, branches, and grass to come out of there I estimate at another 30 large bags. So don’t be expecting miracles. I wonder when I’ll live here long enough for the days to blend together aimlessly. You hear of people complaining about this, some still in their 30. This blog alone tells you that I consider each day as precious. Yet, I would like to some day experience just plain time passing. I know it is a waste of life yet I consider it kind of the end product.

           I’d like to be able to say (or have said) that even though I never stood a chance, at least I tried a lot and didn’t finally call off the war until I was 70 or so. I have very little love for the existing system, though I do like certain parts of it that are right. I would fight to defend it, to a degree. Did I mention my tests were all normal and I could just make it [to that age]? If I behave. But of course, I’m soon going to meet the babe of my dreams who will kill me with, what? Kindness? From looking at her tattoos? Remember, I wanna die in the saddle.

Last Laugh

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