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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November 16, 2016

One year ago today: November 16, 2015, 71% say never again.
Five years ago today: November 16, 2011, didgeridoo.
Nine years ago today: November 16, 2007, words like ‘apostolic’.
Random years ago today: November 16, 1982, a long time ago.

           Call this my lucky day, I found complete backups of the music on that lost flash drive. My PA system works as good as new. My turkey’s finally thawing. And I was up at dawn watching a 2005 DVD, “The Transporter” with more action than James Bond, plus a higher body count. I even saw a few new tricks though I’m hardly the person to be asking what’s new in the movies.
           This was an unusual day and I think the report you are reading will reflect that. I wrote a 600 page article on computer security as it is applied on the encryption sites. Concurrently, I raked another six bags of leaves and laid out some marker logs for my projected porch. (Six bags full. There, I said it. Happy now?) While I have a cold, I did this work. This cold is relatively mild because I can taste cheese, tea, and salted roasted peanuts in the shell. So it's not like I'm losing weight or anything.
           What, another picture of leaf bags gets top billing? Nope, it was the convo with JZ that this work becomes much easier when the trash is from your own yard. I have never done as much yard work in my life before here.

           Either way, it is that turkey or me tomorrow. Biggest bird I’ve ever bought. I’m watching you, turkey, oh yeah, I’m watching. Here’s something for you to think about. I still have not received any mail, so I again went to see the post office. I found something. I knew my house was on the artificial border between two zip codes. My zip code was one digit out and the question was, where did I get the wrong zip code. Follow along closely here. I got it from the junk they’ve been putting in my mailbox. Political ads, school board tax notices, rip-off cell phone ads, etc.
           So, what have we learned? This is a small enough town that the pos office knows the physical address is correct and I’ve confirmed the address on the delivery van’s routing card. There has to be some other excuse, because you can practically see the post office from my back yard. Thus, the post office has a deliberate policy of not delivering mail with a wrong postal code—including mail where they personally know the addressee and know something is wrong.

           Okay, conspiracy theorists, which by the way is a good thing around here. No Libtards allowed on my property without a warrant. What more proof do you need that the post office is scanning all mailing addresses into a data base. Since the post office intentionally not delivering mail is a bad move for their business and their image, it must be corporate policy. That is, it must be some entity that does not give a hoot about reputation, a situation that carries the immediate stench of government. It must be a computer app that rejects mismatched addresses and zip codes.
           So what has been happening to my mail since August. Well, as I’ve never in my life had any mail returned, I don’t believe in return addresses. In other words, don’t mail anything that could even potentially come back on you—either physically or legally. It is better to cancel the first check and mail a new one, if it came to that. But if you don’t put a return address, we know from experience the post office purposely delays delivery by 8 – 10 days. Thusforth, I dropped a letter in the box with a return address in California. What’s the bets I get an email from there in a few days?

Wiki picture of the day.
Twerk. You were warned.

           JZ was on the line, we decided the odds of getting on each other’s nerves are too narrow for him to crash here long-term. Hey, I agree. He wants to rent an apartment. There is a college nearby, this is semester time, and anything cheap will be on the wrong side of the tracks. Anything less than $1,000 unfurnished wants at least a year’s lease. The best place I found for him was a 1-1/2 bedroom over on Elm street, unfurnished, for $650. Unfurnished means little if you have a truck, but when there are few places available, rather than high prices, the locals seek long leases.
           This photo shows the overhanging limbs that all have to come down. From what advice I’ve received, the dropping leaves are somewhat acidic and will eventually rot away your shingles. Also, small pieces break off on windy days and I hear them hit the rafters. There will still be ample shady areas left after the trimming is done.

           And might I add that JZ, who a year ago said he didn’t like Trump, has now flip-flopped to animated support. What made the difference was something most Liberals will never do—JZ listened to the facts.
           Most immigrants do go on welfare. Most violent crimes are not committed by white people. The media is controlled by Zionist propagandists. The income tax system is corrupt and intrusive. Certain races and cultures are not good for America. This is a nation of LEGAL immigrants. Government has ceased to be representative. The power structure favors the rich. It’s kind of amazing to hear the guy talk these days. (The changes also came shortly after his estate had to begin paying heavy taxes, but that is undoubtedly pure coincidence.)

           The good news is my turkey is finally beginning to behave. It still makes that ice crackling sound when I press it. Fine, I measured the oven and this bird is precisely right-sized by half. Plus, I invested in that Chinese condiment called “Five Spices” and picked up a free bag of day-old hamburger buns for the stuffing. Are you with me on this one?
           My pal is in a pickle. He needs that new truck and the only source of cash is the estate. And that carries with it relinquished control in the form of rules, like having to carry rip-off full insurance. But I’ll wager he wishes he’d had that on his last vehicle, har-dee-har. Anyway, this cold is the worst kind for me, a raw and tender throat now, in the worst cold spell in living memory in these parts. It was in the 40s overnight and I’m suffering.

           So, I give a listen to some Ann Coulter videos on-line. You keep seeing these weak-minded types accusing her of saying controversial things on purpose, but read me lips you morons, that is how she makes her living. And she must be saying things that people want to hear or you detractors would not be getting your panties in such a knot. What seized my attention was a statement she made at a college—remarkably similar to what I first said when I was about 14. Ann said yes, it is her business what people do in private if in any way she has to pay for it.
           What I said many years ago was that I disagreed with inter-racial marriage unless the man is white—not because I am racist—but because years down the line, who gets stuck picking up the tab? And I would only have to be right once to make the point. The way Ann put it was that it is society’s right to regulate because society has become “70% socialist”. That’s accurate. The state controls your pensions, schools, highways, what you can eat, smoke, who you can sleep with, who you can marry, and on and on. Stay with me here, I’m making the case that you could say the state is just trying to protect itself from the squadrons of irresponsible morons it has itself created.

           I digress a moment to sympathize with Ann. She often gets dull questions from college students. And anyone whose been to college knows that the ugly rich roads on campus are so damned self-centered it is nauseous. Always fronting worn-out and discredited Liberal views. They want control of what they do with their bodies, they want gay marriage, they want, want, want —and when they wind up on the skids, they want you to pay for it. College questions are always short-sighted and dim-witted. In one instance, Ann was talking to an auditorium of Libertarians who were too dumb to grasp that they should be supporting her. Ann was saying we don’t want more single mothers, more dropouts, or more welfare cases.
           Ann was saying the way to do it was to decrease government overreach, where the college broad was taking the stance that the government be pressed into legalizing these known paths to failure. Not a true Libertarian at all. (A true Libertarian would allow each citizen to opt out of government programs.)
           The Ann Coulter was in great form. Ann said simply that if the taxpayer is picking up the tab, then yes, they have a say in what you can or can’t do. The ignorant mouthpiece for the student body disagreed, she maintained society should have no say. Then, replied Ann, you should be advocating less government, not attacking society for making rules. Now came the best setup I’ve heard in years. The foolish college broad, thinking she’d trapped Ann, smugly said to the effect if the government could be forced to not “interfere” with her life, would Ann then support her right to take drugs, have abortions, go lesbo, and eat anything she wanted?
           Ann’s masterful reply was pure genius. If you remove the socialism, Ann says, no, she would not “support” the pudgy broad’s right to do anything. She said, “I wouldn’t care.” Classic. Ann, I love you.

           I spent the evening writing a lengthy private letter to an old friend. Eight pages, in my small cursive hand. Later in life, she developed a keen interest in a topic I know a lot about. Protecting yourself from the system. The system is not your friend. You cannot stop the elites from doing as they please, but you can manipulate the system so that they suffer opprobrium if they come after you.
           You can no longer protect yourself or your property by staying “private”. The government has spent forty years stripping you of any such rights by indoctrinating society that anyone who wants privacy is up to something funny. But you can angle matters by keeping your name off as many lists as possible. Databases print lists and most people who get into hot water had their names picked off some kind of list. These days, it can be any list. Your library card, your grocery card, your school transcript, and as we were recently reminded, the vehicle registration list.

           [Author’s note: Oppobrium: Latin, from 1656. 1. The disgrace attached to conduct considered shameful. 2. Something that brings disgrace.]

           It’s the old adage, you don’t have to outrun the bear. Protecting yourself is made easier because you are automatically the underdog and the elite fear personal exposure over any issue concerning power abuse. When they command their minions of bureaucrats are to do a round-up, their puppets fear errors and will pick names cross-referenced on as many lists as possible. Otherwise they would have to think, follow up, and work, things which a bureaucrat would not do unless his mother’s life was at stake.
           I’m saying just don’t let yourself become a natural first target. Unfortunately, that counsel was best taken forty years ago when the system began to “go computer”. Some of us saw this coming, and as I callously said to at least one person lately, you think you are going to begin getting your privacy back now? When you finally realized how important it was, you don’t have a friggen clue how to even go about it.

           Do come back tomorrow and see how the battle of the turkey is progressing. As for the book “Name of the Rose”, by page 275 the paragraphs have become 663 words long. And who hasn’t spotted that the newspapers who say Trump is violent are not reporting that it is the anti-Trump gangs causing all the violence.

Last Laugh

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