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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December 13, 2016

One year ago today: December 13, 2015, Star Wars, Qbasic, & a heart of gold.
Five years ago today: December 13, 2011, prototypes, trucks, unemployed guitarists.
Nine years ago today: December 13, 2007, BrandSmart oil patches?
Random years ago today: December 13, 2012, dating Estelle.

           I downloaded a review on wind turbines only to discover it was in French. You might want to watch it anyway on youTube. It covers most of what I’ve said about the wind turbine scam. These turbines, it turns out, only generate a tiny amount of electricity and this energy is not free. While the entire technology was suspect all along, I never ran any of the numbers. Now I have. Mr. Trump, cut off federal funding to this rip-off. The public is being taxed to line the pockets of these wind companies. This is a technology that should be privately developed only.

           Biscuits and brown gravy for breakfast. You know why? Because I’ve tried and can’t make regular gravy. Forget the mixes, they contain frankenfood. That’s a good project for today. Find a recipe that works for me. Who said I’m not ambitious? I’m recovering from a bout of disgust from listening to mainstream news. That rebel capital has fallen to “pro-government” troops for at least the 50th time. It is not news that the cargo ship to the International Space Station contained Xmas presents. And nothing spells “Army of Wimps” like the recruits who filed lawsuits today against the boot camp for cruelty.
           For openers the rebel capital did not fall because they have no capital that would just be a sitting duck. Psssst, DC, that is why they are called “rebels”. Besides, pro-which-government? As usual, you jarheads are just training and equipping the next anti-American faction. As for the ISS, that monumental pile of junk can crash into the Indian Ocean. The only thing “international” about it is the pathetic method of choosing crew by country of origin rather than scientific competence. No Nobel prize-winners in space. And CBS can quit calling them army “recruits”. They volunteered. They can’t deal with it? Army of Wimps.

           Mind you, I was wondering how long before somebody did go after these drill sergeants and their ilk. The process is pure cruelty that serves little military purpose in an army based on firepower, not bravery. Boot camp is probably the only time the average American military person will ever crawl through mud or go to bed without supper. That’s for sure.
           I also watched some more Steve McQueen. So far, every episode involves a scene inside a saloon. Even the one with the kidnapped nun. McQueen has that sawed off rifle, a blatant rip-off of Chuck Conners (The Rifleman). But McQueen has no qualms about shooting bad guys from the side or in the back. He should get a better gun. Whenever he gets in a fight, the one he’s got tends to fall just out of arm’s reach.

Picture of the day.
Meanwhile, underground.
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           Who likes fun and games? This would not be your afternoon because I had no fun. I had to deal with some bottom lines, and one was that even if I get the new motorcycle, I’m hoping for luck. If anything goes wrong between tomorrow and the 27th, I’m up the creek. Don’t laugh if you are a credit junkie. I don’t have or want a rack of plastic cards to back me up (ha-ha) when I underperform.
           As I left the library, the scooter rear tire went flat again. Two days before it gets replaced. Nor was it some ordinary flat. I walked home, got the repair equipment, and walked back using my cane. No way would that tire inflate. I did not take pictures of the scooter lying on it’s side nor the work after dark. That’s how long it took. Besides the flat, the valve stem itself was frozen shut. It had to be replaced by friendly neighbors with cell-phone flashlights before it would inflate. Y’think maybe that’s why I didn’t move directly back to Texas? Asking for help isn’t my strong point.

           Wait, there’s more. I decided to push the crate home, it’s only a 35 minute walk. As I passed a neighbor at the crossroads, he said bring it in the yard and he’s got a compressor. Bonus! Except, the air would not enter the tire. He took a valve stem tool and removed the core. It was seized. Honestly, neither of us had seen that before. He put it in a vice and hit the pin with a counterpunch. The valve broke before it would unseize. Fortunately he had an extra. Try that in Miami.
           I got home after dark in an even darker mood, convinced I need that new motorcycle now.

Country Song Lyric of the Day:
“Still Miss You Baby, But My Aim's Gettin' Better.”


           White sauce, such as the crumbled pork sausage gravy, I may have found a successful recipe. It’s just one of those sauces I never could make consistently right. Before I left the library, I amalgamated several recipes that claimed to be famous. Success. The trick for me is a ½ tsp of baking soda to fluff things up a bit. And fast, since I halved the recipe to match portions for a bachelor.
           If one wanted to get really technical, the recipe is actually closer to the sauce for chicken a la king. In fact, now I have a hankering for it.

           News travels, the mini-concert at the bar last night has gotten around. I listen closely to such publicity. Give me ten hours rehearsal time with that old guy Bill and I’ll teach this town a lesson about quality pub music. I deserve credit for this, because the guy played the best songs the way I’d shown him at our single rehearsal. I was showing him the difference between playing solo and duo, how the guitar part need only change slightly. He appears to have learned the lesson well.
           He said he had gone on-line and found videos of some performances and, armed with what to look for, he could now see many of the forms I had shown him. I don’t know about that, I developed my techniques quite independently and have never seen anyone else who already knew what I was talking about. It was an uphill struggle all the way.

           Taking a long hard look at the actual figures on this new house, I’ve decided on keeping an operational float ready. This float won’t affect the daily or monthly operations unless there are a string of expenses similar to May-November just past. (Or is that ‘passed’?) Anyway, this float will be twice my original estimate. I’ll go set it up tomorrow. It is not urgent in the sense that several of the expenses could have been put off, like the termite tent and felling the trees, but I figure it is like insurance. It should be in place well in advance so as to raise no eyebrows.

           [Author's note: that last paragraph is a bit hard to follow. I am specifically talking about a cash float kept on hand for household repairs or contingencies. The primary motive is to avoid ever having to rely on credit for emergencies. Credit is one of the more foolish ideas as a backup plan. I will give you specifics here, I calculate you should keep $1,000 per month for six months stashed away. That's $6,000. I just had a five month stretch, so now I'll be prepared. Remember, I'm new at this.
           I would point out this $6,000 float is in addition to any other amounts that a prudent person would plan for. It is not some fund to dip into, you must pretty well "intend to die" with that money in the bank. Once you retire, it seems pretty idiotic to rely on credit to get out of a jamb. Don't worry if that concept seems contrary to what you've been taught. The Rothschild banking system has spent billions convincing you a good credit score is your salvation.]

           A quick review shows that I did severely criticize Trey Gowdy over the Shkreli affair. I don’t un-write a thing about that, because Gowdy, no matter how good he is at exposing people who refuse to give straight answers, he never attacks the severe problems of the legal profession itself. As far as I know, one does not even attempt to persuade or compel anyone to disregard their lawyer’s advice to just have a friendly chat. Much less instruct the accused that no harm could come of it—a barefaced legal lie. The [greater part of the] US legal system is based on tricking people into sharp corners. Telling the authorities your side of the story is tantamount to a signing a confession. Plead the Fifth, on principle alone, over any question.

           Don’t miss my point, it [the US] is still one of the finest systems, but it needs improvement over basic items. Start by quit charging people who kill in obvious self-defense with manslaughter. Forcing them to go to court for a show trial to play-act they didn't pull the trigger on purpose while their life was in danger. That's a retarded spectacle for retarded lawmakers.
           And quit this ridiculous concept that everybody boarding an airplane, including white blue-eyed infants, are as equally suspect as a bearded Muslim on the FBI list. It's bullshit to treat everyone equally, thereby wasting resources when there is minimal cause. Come on, Trey, stick your neck out and tackle that one. You can do it.
           It is one thing to advocate that people treat everyone equally. But it is quite another thing to force them to do so under threat of prosecution. That is worse than the inequality. It forces things underground. Either way, I predict you are going to be seeing a lot more of this Trey Gowdy person.

           There is another behavior that I’m most wary of. It the claim by the defense attorneys that they cannot “properly” conduct your defense unless you tell them what really happened—even if you are guilty. Now hold on. The lawyer’s loyalty is to the system, not to the client. I want my defense to believe to the tip of his head that I am innocent. I sort of grasp the point that if he knows you pulled the trigger, he can better press the points that disprove that, but the risk is just not worth it. I have yet to hear a valid case where somebody got a better trial because they confessed to their lawyer. The justice system does not work that way.

Last Laugh

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