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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 14, 2016


One year ago today: December 14, 2015, “unrestricted merriment”, oh boy!
Five years ago today: December 14, 2011, music, $14 silver, etc.
Nine years ago today: December 14, 2007, the useful frisbee.
Random years ago today: December 14, 2013, home-made ROM.

           Sunrise 7:00AM exactly and the entire terrain was covered with light fog off the Gulf. It was surprisingly warm as I fired up the batbike and took a trip out to the Habitat Restore on the road to Plant City. Driving in the fog, reminds one of all kinds of things. Fog is actually rare in Florida and it is rarely heavy. Here’s photo of the house with the swimming pool. It was the same asking price as this one. The pool is half-shown to the very right.
           I broke my restaurant fast and grabbed a burger at the Downtown CafĂ©. The library has certain days not to go there, one of them is Wednesday. There is a job fare and you get all the no-techs on the computers right afterward. They are a noisy, inconsiderate bunch. Goin’ a git thar reh-zoo-may on line, yup-yup.

           The photo also shows the orange-brown color of the ground cover. The leaves stay green but the grass does not. I got a five gallon container of rust remover at the Restore, time to get after that jack with a little more vitality. Agt. R says ten years but that may be optimistic. I’ll have to take JZ to the Restore, the don’t have them in South Florida, because thanks to immigration, the entire area is one big second hand store with one difference—most of the junk doesn’t work.
           The regional library sells old magazines, old as in August and September, so I stock up and went for coffee. That library is in a kind of shifty area of town and they have retard days. This was one, disgusting, noisy, smelly people who will not take a hanky and blow their nose. So I took the magazines to the coffee shop.

           Sci-Am continues to slide downhill. It was once a good place to bone up on leading edge applied science, but it is transforming itself into a rag. They are also anti-Trump, and area where no scientific magazine belongs. They also have become advocates of strange Liberal causes, apparently not catching on the political correctness has been debunked. Last month’s issue contained an entire page on Trump’s alleged scientific illiteracy—something it has never done over any Democrat president.
           They redact statements made during the campaign, where most candidates make statements for effect, not accuracy. True, Trump implied global warming is a Chinese concept designed to make American factories non-competitive. He never said that, but that’s a valid a theory as many of the others I’ve heard. When Sci-Am goes on to say potential EBOLA infectees should be allowed back into America and that free health insurance to illegal immigrants is a higher priority than health care for wounded vets, they step over the line.
           Sci-Am further argues for wind farms, quoting megawatt calculations that both France and Germany have increasingly shown to be false. And the magazine continues to hammer the message that there is “no proof” GMOs are harmful. But that is a far cry from stating or guaranteeing they are safe.

Picture of the day.
Andy & corn flakes.
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           No explanation but this easy motorcycle trip left me exhausted. I barely made it in the door and flopped out for the afternoon. Now I’m back awake in the wrong time zone. Expect some spontaneous trivia, how about some reflections on early media, like the program, “Gilligan’s Island”? This interests me because I saw an interview on youTube with Ginger, the movie star, who is now 82. Here’s her picture, and she must have kept every penny they paid her, because her net worth today is $3,106,000. Hey, if a few more women still looked like that, there’d be no lonely widows.
           I’ve never seen an episode of “Gilligan’s Island”. It aired during the time I was a paper boy and was lucky if somebody propped the door open and I could even see a TV, And don’t conclude I don’t watch TV because I was deprived of it. I intellectually chose NOT to watch TV when I was a kid. But one cannot avoid being exposed to it. I do know that the show broke the rules of, what, 1965. You get a lot of these fairy tales of how innovative programs like “I Love Lucy”, or “Gunsmoke”, or “Hogan’s Heroes” were, but the fact is, they were ground-floor lucky.

           The television producers back then were just as slug-headed as today, but had far less “tradition” to rely on. Audiences were also less discriminating, having been fed a diet of westerns and radio adaptations. This was also the time when I figured out talent had so little to do with things. You needed parents rich enough to rent you an apartment across from the casting studio. You can’t day-work up at Kinko’s on Aventura and expect to be there first when you get the message. The original Professor on Gilligan’s was supposed to be a he-man, but somebody decided that would conflict with Jethro.

           Now so you’ll know I don’t spend my days “frolicking about in reckless abandon”, I contacted Agt. R about that rusted jack. It is not responding to any robotic treatment, notwithstanding it is 20 times the volume of anything I’ve tried to fix before. It won’t budge to even heat treatment, so taking it to the next level, I’m about to try an old farm formula. It’s half and half transmission fluid and acetone. I’ve seen it work where commercial goop barely attacks the seized threads. Agt. R has the fluid and a proper-shaped tub. I have the acetone and determination. It’s me or that jack.
           Taking the evening off to write e-mails, I also discovered that Tampa/St. Pete’s is a highway nightmare. Without GPS, you’ll have one hell of a time if you get off the freeway. The motorcycle I want to test drive is across one of those causeways, which in true Florida fashion, never really go where the traffic wants to. Any [causeway] I cross will result in my having to double-back somewhere along the line. Fine, if all goes right tomorrow, I’ll thumb my nose at it. But I’m still going to get lost at least once. Welcome to Florida.

Country Song Lyric of the Day:
“Get Your Biscuits In The Oven And Your Buns In Bed.”


           I took the evening off to read. The US media are so biased that their output could be labeled interference. Looking more closely at the situation in Venezuela, I’m becoming half-convinced that there is deliberate shortages of basics. The only Venezuelans in the US are part of the ruling class, so you will never hear both sides of the story in a balanced manner. Who remembers Polar beer? It’s the most popular local brand and it is very good beer. The factories are all German owned, and that includes everything from food to soap plants.
           I can’t help noticing that the exact product shortages that get reported are from that same company, Polar. Is there a connection? I dunno, but it sure looks that way from the outside. The Polar beer is popular in a smaller glass bottle than the American long-necks. I’d say, maybe 20% smaller, we used to joke it was “cervezas por ninos”, or beer for babies. But I suspect it is because of the tropical climate. The small bottles are faster to chill and won’t be warmed up if you drink slowly.

           In other news, which is really non-news, one of the more disgusting activities of the mainstream American media is celebrity worship. No wonder the world thinks we’re morons. But of all the garbage that comes from media hype, the one I regard the most nauseating is the protrayal of Zuckerberg as an authority on anything. It is pretty much regarded that he stole the idea, if not the software, for Facebook. But to invite such a person to speak at conventions or on economic policy is insufferably stupid. Zuckerberg is helping the establishment push the trade deals that Trump is dismantling.
           Also, watch for Aegis, a privacy browser being developed in England. Since Internet companies are required by law to record all your personal habits and emails for a year, the browser garbles all transmissions. At this time, that is not illegal. But one aspect of the product, which I think may have just become available, is that to prevent tracking, it also prevents all advertising. I will look into it for that reason alone.
           There is no requirement that to use the Internet, one must subject oneself to repellent advertising and I would be okay with such companies as do it losing out. Like Forbes, who clutter up the waves pestering you to turn off your ad blocker. To such jerks I say, “Go get your own Internet. This one isn’t yours.”

Last Laugh
Google Maps prank.

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