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Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 15, 2017

One year ago today: June 15, 2016, the hardest lesson.
Five years ago today: June 15, 2012, the economic term is “haircut”.
Nine years ago today: June 15, 2008, “enforced” valet parking.
Random years ago today: June 15, 2011, Jason Derek Brown.

           Happy Jason Derek Brown day. The closest man to Lex Luthor the FBI has, and they treat him like some kind of criminal. What? You say he is? No sir, he is not, but the FBI wants you to think that he is, that he is a criminal on the run. False. Brown has never been convicted of any crime, therefore he is only a suspect, nothing more. Constitutionally, being a suspect has no legal status, nor is being wanted for questioning any requirement to “turn yourself in”. Since 1960, not even appearing declining to be questioned has become de facto the material aspect of pleading the fifth.
           There is no law that gives the police the right to confine you in a room and grill you for hours on end. That is precisely what the good guys have in mind for good old Jason. Alas, the problem is that JB knows exactly what will happen if the FBI ever get their hands on him. He knows there is no hope he’ll get a fair trial. He’s probably read the same books I have about how confessions are still obtained by sleep and food deprivation. He is undoubtedly aware how judges only hear the confession and turn deaf to the later retractions or accusations of cruelty. And he certainly knows that the FBI have demonized him in their wanted posters.

           He’s also aware of exactly why they want to question him: they do not have enough evidence to convict him and need to pick apart his version of the story to find anything they can drive a wedge into. They need to get him to deny things that they have collected evidence to the contrary so they can paint him as a liar. (While likely, according to sources who look into the procedure, suppressing any evidence that shows otherwise.) Unfortunately for the authorities, there is no provision that says Brown is obligated to subject himself to that treatment. The feds only want you to think they have a right to question anyone, and understandably so. And I'm the first to admit that is a good idea as long as there is a terribly honest and law-abiding police force in being.
           They may have reasons, but they do not have any legal right to do so if you don’t want to be questioned. Instead, what they do is confine you, deprive you of comfort, and threaten to throw you into a cell with some really bad people. Unless you make a statement. Somehow, the courts do not find this procedure to be a violation of your rights. I know, it’s strange.

           I remind the reader again, I am not sticking up for Brown. I think he is probably guilty as hell. What I’m enjoying is the escapade he’s created. Those who think “creative law enforcement” is a good thing should have this case as required reading. It chronicles how the authorities have created a corrupt system of convicting the person they want. Yes, there is now a warrant for Brown’s arrest, but they are follow-on charges that are part of that questionable system. Brown did not flee anything like prosecution or justice. Initially he was within his rights to decline to be questioned. And he was right, they charged him anyway—that’s what follow-on means: making a person guilty of progressively more serious crimes if he doesn't behave they way they want.

           It also means if he is caught, he doesn’t stand a chance. He’s embarrassed the high and mighty. He’s hiding out with the Mormon hard-liners and everybody knows it. What hurts the police is they can’t march in there and grab him without overstepping the bounds of public tolerance. The police system is designed to railroad people who can’t be legitimately convicted. The police can’t catch anybody at the top, just small fry. And Jason Brown is comparable to being at the top because he is smarter than they are. The perception has become that he is acting in self-defense, saving his own skin from a meatgrinder that is now determined to get him even if he is innocent.
           You should go read his wanted poster. Instead of sticking to detailing the crime (Brown’s alleged bicycle was found nearby), they go on about what a rotten person Brown must be. But it approaches ridiculous because it is according to how the FBI thinks a bad character should be painted. He’s bi, he likes partying, this type of thing, but all it does is make one wonder how the FBI got around to determining all this. Once again, Brown is only a suspect wanted for questioning. That is not at all the same as a convicted criminal wanted for incarceration. The fact that the authorities are blowing things up to the extent possible is automatically our clue that something rotten is going on down at headquarters.

           [Author’s note: I reviewed the wanted poster and I see the feds have cooled it with the attempt to turn Brown into the devil or Hitler. The description of today tersely states what he is wanted for and have dropped the implications that he was a bisexual drug user, etc. The point is, however, that they had done that in the past and it was beneath contempt.
           The reader should be aware that being wanted is not the same thing as being a criminal. Once again, be aware of semantics. The poster says “unlawful flight to avoid prosecution” but that is a completely artificial statement—unless he is convicted, they have no way of determining that, and if he is convicted, they don’t need to. It is one of those contrived statements that relies on public ignorance to have any effect.
           Remember, something that is ‘illegal’ is specifically forbidden, whereas something ‘unlawful’ goes against what is allowed but does not break any specific law. There is no law that says you can’t flee any time you please (unless you are under arrest). Brown has never been arrested concerning this crime. Technically, he could sue for defamation.]

           Happy Jason Derek Brown day, many more to come. And maybe you too, if you spot him. There is a $200,000 reward, though I’ve heard people have had trouble collecting if they themselves have a criminal record. And remember, to the police, any record is a criminal record once they go to work on it.

Picture of the day.
Solar powered MP3 player.
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           This is a picture of a small bush that grew in my yard. It’s here to give this page some color. I mowed it down, but if you can identify it, let me know. See how it has a small cluster of berries? They remind me of gooseberries. Today was my annual physical, which I am compelled by blog rules to mention, since it was the biggest event of the day.
           The fact is, these procedures remind me I’m getting old. This time, they want me back in September for a whole brace of “old guy” checks. I say that because all my life I’ve associated such things with men like 65 and 70 who don’t get around much and take their sweet time using an ATM. Now, at my tender age, those same tests are now beginning with me. They are all preventative tests, the pee and poop, the lipids, and this time they want to test my eyeballs. If my progress continues, I might see 85 yet. And they did catch my slide towards off level blood sugar in time to stop that.
           I’ll be there, of course, since I was foolish enough in my younger days to eat American food. Food that is banned in 35 countries. Monsanto and Cargill products, yep, I ate it all. Nowadays, I read the ingredients, usually up to the word that says “modified”, then back on the shelf it goes. You’ll never convince me this gluten-free thing isn’t the doing of some really bad people.

Quote of the Day:
“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks.
I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”
~ Bruce Lee.

           Now a spot of good news. I’ve mentioned how I’m the only person in the study with pure blood. Carefull, Bill, I did not say in the whole world, I said in the study. You may recall I told them I wanted more money. They agreed. I got the initial check today and gave it to the motorcycle shop. It turns out the sprocket and chain assembly is a special order, so now, thanks to Amgen corporation, I’ll soon have a new drive train on the Rebel. We’ll make a decent motorcycle out of that yet.
           Here’s something you’ve never seen. This is a montage of the letters sent to keep others informed of the progress. You can see the format that makes the letters exclusive to the club, designed so each time you read them, you’ll see something you missed. These are a batch that were found at JZ’s.

           Others keep them in a binder, as doing that reveals they are a systematic record and make for light reading. Sadly, JZ is not one of those people. These nine pages are all he has, while the records show he as received 28 full pages. Some people don’t appreciate nothin’.
           Remember Gabe, my barber? I went in for a haircut and he’s finally looking like he’s alive again. The guy was a total stress case. He asked me if he should get back in to real estate, I said yes—part time. He’s got the low-pressure sale manner, so show one property at a time and refuse take on any anxiety. One sale a year and he’d be happy. And he could find me a condo for $15,000 in West Palm. Yeah, my half-way house.

           I’ll run over some quick topics to tidy up and include a bit of gossip. This contraption I’m holding is in response to my e-mail. This is a Dean Markley, the acoustic pickup of choice back when most acoustic guitars did not have built-in windings. The Markley has never been surpassed by quality and I only lent this one out because it was a live gigging situation. The 25 foot cable coiled in the background was standard issue. Don’t quote me, but I’m informed this pickup now sells for $35. (Make no mistake, the equipment I now have all round is absolute top quality brand names. I'm finally getting serious.)
           Airbnb. I know somebody who is doing it with their two-bedroom. It’s in an upscale part of town so they are pulling in $300 per night, but only a few nights per month. But that kind of money would work for me. Remind me to go check the prices those operations are charging these days. The rumor is he rents to beautiful chicks only, but such talk is inevitable with that crowd.

           Another friend of mine rents to European couples who often exchange labor and housework for their accomodation. JZ is fully aware that should my income stabilize this year, I will be looking at another house. However, you should consider that a very far-fetched plan at this time. Prices have been ballooning. Mind you, if there is another bust, even a little one, I’m again ready to strike. From terrific altitude. With deadly accuracy.
           Here’s good news. This trip, medically, was very successful, a follow up and my condition is so stable, there is a prescription that somehow fell through the cracks. I wasn’t taking it for nearly 90 days before anybody noticed and it made zero difference. I still measured fine within all parameters. I asked to be removed from it, or to half what I’m taking. Hey, I can sometimes get pretty deficient in good news, so if my health makes the grade, I’ll still be around to blog a while yet.

Last Laugh

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