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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 8, 2017

One year ago today: August 8, 2016, Amtrak food.
Five years ago today: August 8, 2012, the classic batbike.
Nine years ago today: August 8, 2008, to psychoanalyze for impurities.
Random years ago today: August 8, 2015, view from North Port.

           This photo indicates how Florida is operated by the World Idiot Headquarters. On a rare summer day, I picked up Bushnell Adultery Radio and it mentioned Eugene, which I mistook for Oregon. Looking it up, I found such a town in north central Florida. As this map indicates, the highway through town has four different numbers. And what you see on this map is no indication of what you would find driving through Eugene. Up there, it is probably called a different series of names ranging from Ranger P. Wolfart Memorial Boulevard to MLFK, which stands for Martin Luther King Avenue. Often, both different directions on the roadway will have different signs.
           TV or not, I am exposed to broadcast news and I see a flash of the old Donald as he slaps around some establishment goon who made inflated claims concerning his Viet Nam service. These “war hero” declarations have been an establishment darling for just ever and I’m glad whenever somebody knocks the wind out of them. And the goon is toast, trying to blast the Donald by trying to lie his way out, saying he simply misspoke about his military exploits. My eye.
           The fun is listening to that loser bleat how the system is being misused against him. He was okay when his side was using it to attack non-liberals via the tax and justice departments. But when he gets a taste of his own medicine, he expects mercy? That turkey is going down and good riddance. Sooner of later he’ll figure out he’s the swamp that’s being drained. Slow learners, those liberals. Maybe that explains why they stay in college until they are 28.

           And what’s with this North Korean scare? It’s bull donkey. The entire Soviet Union went tits up trying to mount a credible nuclear threat to America. Now we are supposed to believe some starving nation with no resources and terrible barbers is the next menace? Give me a break. If you want to be concerned about something, watch for developments with AI (artificial intelligence). The money now exists to kickstart the changeover, and yes, be worried. Here’s a closer look.
           AI is being groomed to replace human workers. What they are not telling you is that the software and equipment have been around for years. All that was lacking is the financial will. But now you have ruthless operators like Google on the scene. They not only have the programmers and the cash, they have your entire history on file--and most people handed it to them for free, the dumb assholes. Google is bent on combining the two. What does this mean? It means, for most people, there is already a type of robot that is smarter than they are. It just isn’t finished testing and not yet in mass production.

           What? A machine that outperforms people? They’ve been around a while, they are called airplanes and bulldozers, but the difference is, the new machines can think. No need for pilots and operators. And they need only think as well as a ten-year-old to excel. In my opinion, such computers are already writing new country music and we know the Google translator is based on AI. And forget chess, these computers will re-write the rules for playing poker. Many sources say that intelligent robots will begin taking over human tasks in as little as five years. I hope I live to see it. Because I think most people are overpaid.
           My stint with the corporation taught me that most humans either don’t think or can’t think, same thing. I was always appalled by how much certain jobs paid considering the quality of the people who performed them. In my mid-career years, my early 30s, it was not uncommon to find an ignoramus making $40 per hour. For today, double that, and you get my point. Here is a partial list of the jobs they say will be taken by robots within the next ten years. No, that’s not some machine that automates the job, but a robot that goes in there and does better work than the human that gets dumped:

                      Truck and taxi drivers
                      Laundry workers
                      Win any game (including foot races)
                      Writing best-selling novels
                      Building construction

           Many sources say within 50 years, all human labor tasks will be fully automated. That's like saying that the above machines are already smarter than the people who do those jobs. Once machines can do their own research and deductive reasoning, 90% of humans are instantly obsolete. But they had it coming. We know it takes ten million humans to produce one genius. That is not going to be a hard target for any thinking machine. The philosophers can paint a rosy picture of humans living in luxury, tended by humanoid robots. The reality will be much different for the average person. Google has no intention of making your life easier.
           And that’s your world-class blog article for the day. Except that Google tracked down and canned the employee who dared to criticize their corporate ethics. And according to JimmyR, the US military now has permission to shoot down civilian drones. Good, if a war starts, they’ll need the practice.

Picture of the day.
The Old Hundred.
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           Putting in just an hour today, here is the corner of the new bedroom former living room where the desk will fit. I always have a private, locking desk in my bedroom, where I can undertake projects in privacy. To hell with what might be said, I long ago learned the best work in the universe takes place in concealment—and the reason is the opposite of what most people conclude. Most people never create, they only criticize. The significance of this photo is that the work is done to a higher standard than code. You are actually looking at three separate circuits. There are five duplex outlets visible in this small space.
           There are the two standard wall outlets, plus two more higher up the walls. My experience says it is just as important to have a convenient way to unplug things as to plug them in. Think of how many times you bought a new toy and had to move the furniture to get at the power. Or how many of those stupid power bars you own. The ones that either keep falling off the wall, or wedge so tightly on the mounting screws that yanking a cord will pull out the drywall by the roots.

           While reading the news amalgamator earlier, I saw link to something that will make you feel better if you hated literature class. I didn’t dislike the class as much as I hated the assigned reading, so here is the news. Back in 1963, some kid wrote letters to 150 living authors and got back 75 replies. Guys, you were right and your teacher was wrong. Not one of the authors stated that they ever written any hidden meanings or symbolism into their works.
           So ha, your teacher was giving you bogus assignments. There were no mystic messages. I read “Moby Dick” and “1984” and they are not the sort of books you force a student in his early teens to read. Not when Geraldine Preston was sitting across the aisle. I wonder whatever happened to dear Geraldine. Her family moved away at exactly the wrong moment for us. Sigh.

           I transposed one song on my list from G to C or D. I dunno, it took a lot of time and no other key is quite right. This is harder work than it should be for me, for I’m no natural singer or musician. That’s correct, I spent the first half of my life looking for something, anything, I could do to make a go of it. No luck, it was all done the hard way. But with my motivation, just you imagine what I might have done if I’d found even one thing I could do without having to bust my chops. Or if I’d gotten a little support along the way, or even a little more neutrality.
           I have one cheery piece of information. Reading up on economics, there is no middle-class left in America. The meme says they’ve been replaced by a group living up to their necks in debt to convince themselves they are not poor. Well, I went through the ratios that determine where one fits in this scheme of things, and by a big percentile, I’m the new middle class, folks. That’s right, based on the ownership of a house and vehicles, back up savings, discretionary income, and net worth, I’m the new Joneses.

           But I’m not totally middle class because I’m not in the “proper” amount of debt. According to the book, I don’t have a lot of the useless toys normally bought by people who have credit cards. No lawn tractor, no wine cooler, no patio furniture, no big screen. Mind you, it’s a telling fact that if I had a credit card, I could probably have all the trappings to play big shot, probably more because I shop around. I thought it was entertaining to take the test and make the comparisons. I have all the practical stuff, like I’m college-educated, have dental insurance, and have an entertainment budget. What? Well, it’s about $300 per month and I’ve gone over, let me go check, here it is. I’ve gone over once this year, when I was stuck in Miami for nine days.

           The only unusual part of today was no appetite. I woke up not hungry and stayed that way. So that means I did a dumb thing. I didn’t have enough of one meat to fill my roasting pan, so I mixed a few pounds each of chicken and pork in the same bucket. I roasted the whole shebang and now the place smells like a steak house and I’m not even tempted. Don’t worry, because I am planning on being hungry. I was just busy on the electrical wiring.
           The bedroom was simple by comparison. I only did three [of those] walls and it was all outlets and one switch. The front room has four walls, two of which will have exterior receptacles and the new partition will have two faces. The bedroom side and the new kitchen side. And if I’ve got any brains, I’d do the wiring all at once. Some of the required pieces get expensive. The proper GFCIs are $14 each and the USB charging station is $29. I’m going to run temp power to the whole circuit before touching the floor this time around.

           Here’s a close-up of one of the duplex receptacles. That’s so you can admire the top quality of the workmanship, done to robot club standards. I learned last year with the other room, when it comes to electrical, it ain’t right until it looks right. Four boxes got run in today and I had fun now that it’s become routine. Bushnell radio was staticky as hell, however I got so used to that when I was young, I listened to Tarzan plays the whole time, just me and my wiring. And the wonderful aroma of roast pork and chicken.
           As the station faded along with the sun, the chief told Tarzan that “tar” mean white and “zan” meant skinny. And that everything Tarzan did was prophesized in an ancient book that nobody could read any more. Duh, I can think of other religions that do that same thing. However, if Tarzan could only get into the chamber of the King’s first-born, all the chief’s family would be spared from a terrible fate. The signal went off the air before the showdown. Rest certain that Tarzan saved the day before the commercial break.

Quote of the Day:
“Imagination is a power you can’t imagine.”
~ Anon.

           Time of the old executive level decision. My breaker box is small, with not enough slots for every circuit I would like to run. Some of the existing breakers are to be replaced by expensive double circuit types. The code states that new air conditioners should be on dedicated circuits. I can’t have it both ways. Thus, on each air conditioning segment, I’m placing a GFCI, which also protects any outlets that are wired later. There isn’t supposed to be anything later, but I’ve planned carefully.
           There are parts of the circuit that are not expected to be used heavily, constantly, or concurrently. Think about it. The USB recharging points only draw a half-amp each and the closet lights used intermittently. Also, the exterior outlets (themselves GFCIs) will probably not be in full use while the bedroom is occupied.
           By combining these factors, I’ve calculated no material burden will be placed on the A/C breaker by adding these items. There will be some extra cable since the locations are not nicely lined up for me, but at less than 16 cents a foot, it is cost-effective compared to new breakers or installing a sub-panel.
           All in favor say, “Aye.” All opposed pay the extra.

           Okay, you win. Here’s a photo of the roast combination. This is the recipe that floored JZ, the pot that uses a quarter stick of melted butter. This time I used Trader Joe’s fancy coffee rub. While I moan a lot about no good women, I’ll be nice and tell you about Carolyn today. Occasionally, I’ll sound out an ad that looks legit, and this one was a lady in her 40s who “made a few mistakes” but was now ready to meet the right guy and settle down. She listed qualities she was looking for and that appealed to me mainly because none of it had to do with money. I’ve actually known a few women like this so I have hopes of meeting one more before I die.
           So, I fired off an e-mail saying let’s meet for coffee halfway. I hope your PAYING ATTENTION because I so rarely talk about this kind of goings on even though you know it happens. (Usually you only hear about the ones that get far enough to waste my time in person.)

           Well, she waits a rather long time, and then suggests we meet up as soon as she can “verify my identity”. I told here that was never going to happen and if she was relying on computer data to decide whether people are good or bad, I’d pass. Plus, by the nature of her writing, I did not believe she was over 40. Read on, there’s more.
           Thinking she’d go away, I didn’t give her another thought until she sends me a brace of revealing, but not intimate, photos (see which), that place her at mid or late 20s, blonde, and slim-shapely. So I used tracing software to determine she was a member of something called CraigDate, a service that supposedly protects women, although how they do this is not specified. Maybe by past complaints, but either way, I’m not participating.

           No, I repeat to Carolyn, I’m no longer interested. She lied about her age and was now obsessing over my identity. I told her if she really wanted to know “if I was real”, she could come to the jam session next Sunday. How to find me? Just ask the barmaid for the smartest man in the room, I’ve had that happen before. But no, she wanted specific positive tracking information. I blankly I told her no, four or five times. She will not go away. How can one trust a woman who claims to be older than she is? I suggested she should just tell me her prices. Yet, she doesn’t just move on like a tele-hooker would. For all I know she’s selling magazines and gets paid by the contact, but the answer is still no. Let’s see if she responds and if she’s a bad girl, I promise to give you the details, within reason—but only because this one is super-persistent.
           I sometimes feel the push to remind my readership that I never said I don’t meet women. I meet women everywhere I go. Feeble women, brutish women, fat women, bitchy women, depraved women, old women, stupid women, married women, fanatic women, lazy women, snotty women, jaded women, useless women, smelly women, cranky women, divorced women, broke women, alky women, nasty women, sickly women, crazy women, controlling women, selfish women, lying women, clinging women, homeless women, skanky women, boring women, phony women, bearded women, and it’s only Tuesday. Sure, I only hit on the pretty ones—I mean under the circumstances what the fuck have I got to lose? Carolyn is somewhat pretty, I’d say bumping up at a 7, but are those pictures even her?

           Six months after Trump, the national debt is still hovering. At least it isn’t headed for the $21 trillion mark predicted under the other guy. The solution, of course, is to kick the welfare cheats off the dole. There are two ways to do it. Make everybody re-apply or limit the right of those with a government paycheck to vote. Both are political suicide—but it was politicians who created that situation. Yet I’ve always wondered if human nature could be exploited on that issue. Convince people you are not cutting off their welfare, but that they are voting to cut off the other guy’s welfare. They might go for that.

Total at time of posting: $19,858,157,342,954.18
national debt

           I’ve never been keen on the trade called politics. I rate it roughly with septic tank repairman. It’s mostly about waiting around for something to go wrong and applying a temporary fix. You’ve got all the experts saying the economy is up, the economy is down, but in reality, the economy is always exactly where it should be. One reason I loathe liberals is they are constantly trying to redistribute your wealth, the things you worked for. They claim to be doing right, but doesn’t the last commandment mention leaving your neighbor’s stuff alone?
           The whole concept that you can take from the rich and give to the poor is redundant, when the method for doing so has already existed for thousands of years. It has nothing to do with taxation. It is called “work”. A nation full of poor people doesn’t create jobs or markets. For those that can’t work, there is charity. Once you turn charity into welfare, that’s taxation. My philosophy on this is as valid as Greenspan or Keynes. Maybe more, because neither of those fellows has ever started or run a business.

Last Laugh

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