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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

August 9, 2017

One year ago today: August 9, 2016, hit and run.
Five years ago today: August 9, 2012, Payne’s Prairie.
Nine years ago today: August 9, 2008, a generic day.
Random years ago today: August 9, 2011, no Club Med, please.

           Where’s my summer vacation? Not in Tennessee because I can’t spare the cash at this point. Not when I’m behind on the living room. Maybe in the autumn, I still haven’t ruled that overdue trip out. This exciting picture is a bit documentary in that it shows my learning curve. I’m bending properly stripped wire into the little hooks that fit around the retaining screws in the receptacle. I can now wire up a unit in five minutes instead of fifteen like six months ago. So this photo depicts the proper tool, the technique, the results, in general, it’s like a report card on my progress.
           I wanted to complete the entire room first, but I see now the time would be better utilized by starting on the bathroom while the drywall is removed. The [bathroom] exhaust fan is the newest silent model rated at 80 cfm and I’ll explain why it’s needed. The new bathroom will be almost 56 square feet, which is nice. The fan, costing $145 plus the vent plus installation, will hopefully draw enough cooled air from the hallway into the negative pressure bathroom area that I don’t have to air condition. This is not an easy challenge, there is no place for an A/C and the room gets pretty warm on its own. The heat index y’day was 105°F.

           Following is your novelty article for the day. This kind of writing would cost you like $12 if it was in Popular Mechanics, y’know. This concerns why 24 outlets in the back bedroom was not enough. I got plenty of feedback on that. True, I don’t need to keep a small computer work station and microscope in my bedroom, but you don’t need to keep a TV and entertainment center in yours. Fair enough?

                      1) Air conditioner
                      2) Bedside lamp
                      3) Vacant for vacuum cleaner
                      4) Radio
                      5) Night light
                      6) Desk fan
                      7) Computer
                      8) Printer
                      9) Desk lamp
                      10) Monitor
                      11) Scanner
                      12) Laptop charger
                      13) Oscillating fan
                      14) External drive G:
                      15) External drive H:
                      16) Phone recharger
                      17) Vacant for vacuum
                      18) Electric piano
                      19) Small guitar amp
                      20) Microscope
                      21) Computer speakers
                      22) DVD player
                      23) DVD monitor
                      24) Camera recharger
                      25) Pencil sharpener
                      26) Floor lamp
                      27) MP3 player
                      28) Spare
                      29) Spare
                      30) Spare

           I’ve already got two power bars and I kind of promised myself I would not do that. They are for things like my portable battery charger, a coffee mug warmer, and alarm clock. Times have changed, my friends. On the other hand, I consider electricity to be a luxury, not a utility. If your bill is less than $80 per month, are you enjoying life as much as you should be? If it is less than $50, you are not enjoying it as much as me, which would be just a pity. I would never hesitate to get another electrical device or appliance. And I have not hooked up my sewing machine or hobby gear yet.

Picture of the day.
Nigel Farage meets FoxNews.
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           At full usage, the new laptop battery lasts just under two hours. The eight hours I mentioned before is when it goes dormant. There’s another thing in the news that I would like to take a moment to gloat over. Remember years ago how I lambasted the moron theories that passwords should be regularly changed and scrambled with capitals and case letters, the whole thing. Well, the guy that cooked that up has, finally after 30 years, admitted he was wrong. You’ll have to find his name yourself, I already forget it. That’s how useless he was. He confessed his instructions were nonsense. His method came up with passwords that were hard for people to remember and easy for computers to crack. Kr@2Y 5h1‡.
           Now, if we could only get an admission of stupidity from the fart-brain who designed the Windows search mechanism, for me the 1990s would be complete. You know what I mean, the search that takes forever, blocks your screen with a modular window, and if it finds nothing it doesn’t display what it was searching for. That idiot. He’s still around, if you’ve ever tried an Android search. Even if it finds it right away, it won’t display the results until after it has crawled through your entire file system.

           Here’s the display I’m talking about. No files found. Buddy, I was doing ten searches simultaneously. Which one is this? Remember the good old days when they neutered people that were that stupid? I understand you would like to get your fists on the Calibri 11 azzhole and the PNG-jerkoff, but I’ve been after the search-dork much longer. Get in line. There is actually one person stupider than all the above rolled together. That’s the retard that made capital and case letters the same in DOS. These types are the reason the American empire collapsed. Oh, it’s collapsed, pal, except for all the crying.
You want to hear about Carolyn. Well, she’s your run-of-the-mill on-line hooker, except they never really call themselves that. When I didn’t take the bait, she sent all out to find my identity, even sending me a credit card number to log onto her account. I wonder what she’s up to, not because I’m out of touch, but because I don’t have time to piddle around on how these people operate. Since her photo published y’day got 408 hits, here’s one more. I have plenty.
           Suddenly she has gone from a 40-ish lady living alone to a 24-year-old with a girlfriend roommate who also wants to meet me in the worst way. Sure. They want to meet me together. If only I would tell her my identity, she says, I would experience paradise. You understand, she says, that she can’t just meet me in a public place in broad daylight, because she needs my actual first, middle, and last name, and DOB.

           Her explanation is that she once had a bad experience. I told her if she pursues this career, it won’t be her last. Then she quickly changed tack to say she only wanted to know if I was “over 16”. Then sent me some weak story about how some 16-year-old had stalked her. And revealing my identity would protect her. Sounds like a sting operation. Depending on how this goes, I may publish the correspondence. Edited for content, mind you.
           I finally told her I was only interested in meeting the lady that had written the original ad. I should mention Carolyn is one excellent writer—in itself highly suspicious. Then again, compared to a millennial, who isn’t a regular Shakespeare? In a standard instance of millenial-think, I heard some state, probably California, is considering enacting a tax on hybrid cars. Fossil fuel tax revenues are down, so what do they do? Start taxing cars that aren’t burning gasoline. Millennial-think. It isn’t even original. Florida taxes you if you don’t register your car “on time”.

Quote of the Day:
“I don’t see the point of a pocket calculator –
who doesn’t know how many pockets they have.”
~ somebody like Ken Sanchuk

           I have to record the following just in case. My appetite is still gone, this is not right for me. I’m existing on maybe one meal a day, home-cooked. Now if this could continue until I’m down 50 pounds, I would not object. This is not funny for me, because something is off kilter. And no, a massage from Carolyn is not what the doctor ordered. To stay positive over this, I’ll tell you a little story. In my entire youth I was a coffee person. Tea didn’t make the grade.
           But when I was 26, there was a yuppie cafĂ© opened south of my apartment. That was a number of firsts for me, that place. The first time I ate quiche, the first time I had carob chip cookies, and the first time I had chai. The place didn’t open until late afternoon and was frightfully expensive. There, I finally said “frightfully expensive”. I was mildly impressed by this spiced tea with milk, and recorded in my journal (hand-written in those days) that it seemed to be a contrived drink. Like somebody was told to go in the kitchen and not return until they made a new tea concoction.

           At 4:15 PM, I drove all the way to the Mongolia because I knew they had chai. It was a nice trip, if a bit far for the red scooter these days. The front axle bearing is acting up. For no reason, I thought this chai would vary from place to place and over time, but this was identical to that yuppie place from so long ago. Oddly, at $2.75, the price was around the same. This enjoyable outing did nothing to help me get hungry. I opted to stay home and read up on what’s changed with machine language coding. I never write it, but I can proofread the code. This is a direct offshoot of studying the 4-way switch last day. I’ll make you a deal. If Carolyn writes again tomorrow, and if she
anything about programming, I’ll ask her out on a non-you-know-what date.
           The last time I did this, it back-fired. Remember the famous library date? Next thing I knew I was the gallant knight who respected old women. Well, I mean, I do respect them. From a safe distance. If that were to happen this time, trust me, I could use a little worship from a good-looker again. On the record, you should know I have a lot of experience “dating” women with whom I would never do the wild thing with. Remember my days at the phone company, where I was known as a “safe” date for women who didn’t want to go some place alone. I caused a good number of marriages being used as bait.

           That’s where I also got all the confirmation I need that women have absolutely no taste in men. They simply learn more of what they don’t want as they get older. The snarfs who hit on the gal when they see me go to the men’s room, well, if that’s what women want, hey, I’m just saying I’ve seen it too often. I’m also reminded of how JZ’s lady friends often beg him to take them on “normal” dates. Careful, don’t overthink that situation, for he’s very likely to know women who are shacked up with deadbeats who won’t take them out, and JZ is probably the only guy they know with money.
           But this also means I have experience being around women who did not know how to deal a man their own age who was not trying to crawl up her skirt. They embarrass themselves and they are often not any happier when they learn that you really are not going to do them. Oh yes, I’ve had women tell me later it they had never been in that situation before. Isn’t that something? They beg for a normal date, but if it happens, they don’t know the protocol.

           My lucky day. I found one of those neat book lights at the thrift for a quarter. The only thing wrong was the battery—and the compartment was stuck shut, so the last owner gave up. I need this for my music stand. Last week at the jam, I had my cheat sheets but it was too dark to use them. It’s the fancy Barnes & Noble unit with the three lighting levels. Y’know, I wish somebody would invent a decent music stand for stage work. The existing models are too flimsy or overkill.
           I need something at chest height to my right side so I don’t bang the guitar neck when I have to move fast. Nor do I have any way to really carry a stand on the Rebel. Here are the songs I’ve chosen to ace by next week, but I’m already dumping some. Read the list and I’ll tell you why.

                      Rockin’ In The Free World
                      Some Kinda Wonderful
                      Sunshine of Your Love
                      Two Tickets to Paradise
                      Jumpin’ Jack Flash
                      Dust On The Bottle

           The first is a tune I’ve heard a kazillion times, but I only recognize that one part of it. “Two Tickets” I’m mistaking for some tune we played in the 5-piece. This one, I don’t care for the bass line, but I’ll give it a stab. Now, “Jumpin’ Jack”, let me tell you, there are two versions. One is the original with a sparse bass line, the other is what you’ve been hearing in the bars for eons. I’ll opt for the kick-ass version. “Dust” is a slow song I mistook for something else.
           As I continue self-learning the guitar, I seem to have passed a plateau. If you are not sure of the term, it means like playing tennis or dancing. One day you wake up and find you are at the next level this time you don’t fall back. Learning involves a lot of temporary gains, but if one day, the gains stay on, you are at a plateau. I was holding my wrist wrong and blocking the bottom string on some chords. I’m also better at picking the roots and fifths. I know that is a traditional milestone.

Last Laugh

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