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Monday, September 18, 2017

September 18, 2017

One year ago today: September 18, 2016, keep an eye on Trump.
Five years ago today: September 18, 2012, Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA.
Nine years ago today: September 18, 2008, Cash? What’s that?
Random years ago today: September 18, 2010, age and fatigue.

           This is the model of the living room. The change can be hard to spot, but the centrally located bathroom is going from L-shaped to T-shaped. See it now? And the area to the upper left is destined to be the second bedroom. If I had any company right now, we’d have to sleep on the floors. The second bedroom is slightly smaller, but has a better view of the yard. It will also be next to the porch whenever I get around to that. No time gets wasted around here but I would still like a full week off to catch up on that floor. Same as Hollywood, there isn’t really anybody to hang out with in Lakeland. It’s not like you can open the yellow pages and find a selection of cerebral societies and science academies.

           I spoke too soon about recovering from the collision. Since the explosion, I’ve had a ringing in my left ear. The problem is it makes everything sound one dimensional and it gets progressively worse as the day wears on. For that reason, I collected the name of an attorney and they’ve agreed to look into the matter. I’m way too old to assume things will get better with time. You try playing bass when you can only hear out of one ear. This is not a good sign.

           Another not good sign is all the senior’s complexes that got into trouble when the hurricane knocked out the electric. I’ve read articles about residents without A/C and dialysis equipment because the homes did not have backup generators. Way to go, Florida. Licensing businesses to hold themselves out as caregivers without any adequate equipment for the area’s known and predictable disasters. It is far more important to have uniformed police checking for expired tags. I see those same police have still not caught the man in the panda costume who stole the air rifle. Insert nasty joke here.
           The news says that a quarter of the homes in the Keys were destroyed. How can they tell?

Picture of the day.
Printed 3D fruit.
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           Ha, you think I got [hurricane] damage. You should see the storehouse of the injectors down in Hollywood. The electric went out for two days and destroyed an entire batch of that precious drug for which there was no backup. I talked to the clinic and they are on life support. Many of the employees live in the same area and they were not that affected. Not so with the mother ship. Those injectors cost a fortune each. Naturally, they want to keep up with the best patients, meaning those who are punctilious with their injections. That would include me so I’m waiting for news that they have my prescription. Meanwhile, I have to move around at half-speed thanks to my rib injury. Added together, these circumstances disrupt everything I had planned.
           I’ve decided to look at operating the new car right away instead of in December. Taking the train to Miami this weekend to get those injectors would cost me over half as much as the tags and registration, and I would still have no local transpo when I got there. JZ lives 33 miles from the clinic and he’s not answering his phone. I’m already out the use of nearly a thousand bucks that I will never see a return on because of my lost motorcycle. Then, at noon today, I discover another wound not apparent at first. It’s painful and behind my left knee and acting up at night. All of this was imposed upon me and I’m not too happy about it. That is why I contacted a lawyer.

           And that, what I just said, is the over-riding important thing that happened today. Miami tells me there is another hurricane on the way. Maria, did they say Maria? That is another reason I’m looking at registering the car now. Of course, the insurance company won’t much like my argument on that one, but the batbike has always been a poor performer in the rain. It’s not like I would drive it all the way to Miami unless it was a personal emergency.

Quote of the Day:
“I hate people who
don’t love their fellow man.”
~ Liberal creed?

           So, Apple computer took my advice, albeit twenty years later. They’ve created an app that prevents “advertisers” from tracking users around and collecting information behind their backs. And it has the Internet bloodsuckers howling in pain. They are complaining that Apple is upsetting the fabric and format of the established Internet practice. Ha, and it is only right that Apple should. It is not Apple that horned in and turned the Internet into a massive tracking scheme. Apple didn’t invent cookies and profiles and history logs.
           Besides, I would like to know who authorized these advertisers to make the Internet into what it is today? Who said they could manipulate “established Internet practice” in their own favor? I expressed concern about Internet snooping back in the 1990s and the only thing that intrigues me about this new Apple app is what took them so long. Again, I remain convinced that some wonder app or entirely parallel Internet system is in the works somewhere that will bring back the original attraction of the Internet: anonymity. People would flock to it by the billions.

           Here’s a snap of the new US Navy stealth ship, in this case a destroyer. I have a hobby interest in such weapons, but I also disagree with the entire procurement policy, which involves a lot of pork-barrel people. Have you ever noticed most of them are kind of shaped like pork barrels? The major space age component of this ship is the price tag. What caught my eye was the two turret-like objects on the foredeck. The trained observer says that spells kinetic energy cannon. This is the electromagnetic impulse device known as a “rail gun”.
           It fires a slug so fast, around three times faster than a regular cannon, that no-deflection shots are possible. While I can’t get any reliable data on the rate of fire, it is known at present the ship has to come to a stop and fire only at fixed targets. The on-board electric generators have the power to operate the rail gun, but not propel the ship at the same time. Note that I am not an expert on this topic. I have no doubt all of these hurdles are being looked at. And looked at very expensively.
           Speaking of costs, the slug that is fired does not explode. It destroys by the sheer momentum of impact. The reported cost of the shell is reported as a “very economical” $25,000 per round. If the navy can be suckered into paying that for a hunk of metal, one has to wonder what the conventional rounds cost. The accompanying commentary habitually mentions these rounds could be carried by the thousands. Tipping us off that they intend to do so.

           Instead of tracing the overheating wiring on the Honda, I replaced it. This time I ran the cables outside the frame, so if they overheat, I’ll spot or feel the situation right away. I suspect the cable is grounding somewhere near the battery, so I will line that compartment with insulating material. Also, I’m reinstalling the smaller ammo box saddle bag, this time with a smaller battery. One of those compact models used to turn over the motors on jet-ski equipment. Even these have those feeble screw type posts rather than the proper lugs.

           Last for today, after examining the feud between IxQuick and Google, I’m more convinced than ever that IxQuick could and should make the browser that puts the evil Google out of business. I’ve detailed the parameters elsewhere, but my concept is basically a browser that allows the user to “vote” on the accuracy and performance of each web site. An example would be reporting abuses of the word “free”. The user, after visiting a page, would flag anything that is not truly free, such as limited trial periods, required memberships, derated versions, click-bait, fake download buttons, etc. Subsequent users could then avoid such web pages.
           It works because it would not then matter how Google took bribes or manipulated their algorithms. The feedback would be too overwhelming to combat and Google’s policy of self-serving worst-practices would begin to dismantle itself.

Last Laugh

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