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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 19, 2017

One year ago today: September 19, 2016, on New Age programmers.
Five years ago today: September 19, 2012, Memphis, Tennessee.
Nine years ago today: September 19, 2008, Karaoke Ron, R.I.P.
Random years ago today: September 19, 2006, decisions and defaults.

           Nothing. For the first time in ages, I can’t even pretend anything worth a mention happened this morning. I stayed put till noon, it’s that nagging chest pain. What, you want to know about that? Okay, it’s that rib damage from the collision. I have to sleep on the same side all night. You think I can be grouchy over a sore thumb, you should see me now. Ah, but did you hear about Trump scolding the UN? That is nothing new, this blog has condemned that waste of money for thirty years. It has become a bureaucrat’s paradise. High salaries and no parking tickets, a dream world of no responsibilities other than filing reports and staying awake between breaks.
           DJ, you should pull the US funding out until all other countries begin to pay their share of the costs, or drop out. The UN does not protect or promote world peace, they are mostly unwanted in the areas where they actually do any peacekeeping. They have a history of siding with whoever suites them and high-tailing it when the first shots are fired. As far as their purpose goes, they have degenerated into the same tangle of rotten statesmanship and backroom dealing that lead to World War I. They are the space shuttle of the diplomatic corps, flying around in useless circles just far enough away that the taxpayer can’t see the money being wasted.

           Wait, there is something. How do you like this camera I found for ten bucks at the thrift? It’s another Vivitar, but one of the medium priced models. I’ve seen them retail for as much as $70, so feast your eyes on this one new in the package. It is smaller and lighter than my regular blog cameras, using AAA batteries. This size is not club standard, so I as soon as I get some, I will immediately check to see if this unit will read the SD card from the camera that failed at the collision site. Did I tell you about that? I took 24 pictures of the Rebel’s funeral pyre and not one of them turned out. However, the card registers as if there are 147 photos on it somewhere. I’ve tried all the recovery software I can find.
           Except the places that advertise file recovery on-line. The ads read as if you can download the software and test it. All fakes, the download buttons put goofware on your computer. I will never understand why the government has never outlawed this swindle. Worse are the places that say upload your contents. They’ll recover the files and send them back to you, they say. Heck no, they won’t keep copies. They don’t care what could be so valuable that you’d risk using their service to get it, why, that thought never crossed their minds. They only want to help you. Think of it. Recover files on-line. Could anybody really be that stupid?

Picture of the day.
Oak Alley Mansion.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           What could be a better follow on to a nothing morning than a nothing afternoon. I’m idle and I don’t like that. Idle time is wasted time. America needs new heroes and I’m sitting around on my fanny, careful not to be letting my legs brush against any of the hardware. I would also like to put to rest the rumor that I hung up the phone on the Donald himself. Well, I mean, I did, but I thought it was a couple of the guys playing a prank.
           Here’s a mystery picture for you. It’s the paralleled input leads from the old cPod solar panels. I rigged them up to have electric light during the power outage. This is a bit rough but you know what they say, if it works then it isn’t a dumb idea. I could not find the real connector but ordinary automotive splices are almost the same size as the panel cable ends shown here. I still have the three panels but the single electric light required only two.

           I’ve budgeting $200 per month to operate the car, including gas and insurance. I’m still shopping around and it is clear that most people buy insurance with monthly payments. I wonder why that is, the payments are not that much. But not cheap either, the first place I checked wanted $1,340 per year. That’s outrageous yet for all I know, that’s the going rate. This makes sense when you learn that motorcycle premiums are so high, you are smarter to just set the same money aside and pay for your own damages, if any. I have yet to hear of a motorcycle totally maiming or killing anyone on the scale that cars do it every day. Plus, I already carry full medical and life, so why pay for it twice?

           Next, Pastor Bob came over to help me rearrange the heavy object in my yard. I wasn’t much help so I plumped down to watch an old DVD movie, “K-19”. The widowmaker is the subtitle, but widowmaker is over-worn. I’m always amused by the claim that nuclear war could destroy the entire world or human population ten or twenty times over. Says whom? I always felt that was some spastic calculation that mankind would perish if the major cities were destroyed, which is simply not so. What scrap of shit would I care if New York City or Washington D.C. were wiped out? Nomsayn? Once over is good enough, twice over for good measure and just to be sure.
           I know this comes across as a callous disregard for the humanity east of the Mississippi, but hey, they started it. I detect no difference between taxing a man 10% for ten years over taxing him 100% for one year. Either formula condemns him to a tortuous death; the only difference is the velocity. Don’t rule out the sizable contingent who considers wiping out the cores of most eastern cities, beginning with Detroit, as an overall system gain, as it were.

Quote of the Day:
“eleven plus two = twelve plus one.”
~ another anagram.

           Have you ever tried to get an insurance quote without revealing your identity? That’s another scam that needs looking into. I could see entering your demographics, but these on-line quotes are similar to filling out a credit application. In a way, I suppose that is what you are doing but why are they so insistent over a simple price quote? Answer: there is a lot more to that situation than meets the eye. Of course, you don’t put in your real information. There are all manner of sites that will show you how to spoof past the “required fields”. Required by whom? Bozo? Mickey Mouse? My favorite is the VIN number generator.
           I asked around and nobody knows about EFR, the old evidence of financial responsibility option. I heard the phrase once, infinitely long ago. I wonder if was just a figure of speech? What I have heard is so places are “self-insured”, but nobody at street level can give me any details on that. It seems to apply to fleet insurance, since all you meet around here are the drivers, never the owners. I’ll look into it but it seems the regular channels are going to want $1,300 per year out of me. Despite the fact I’m one of the safest drivers on the road. I have never been in a collision that was my fault. I’ve never had any vehicle infractions, never even a speeding ticket. This insurance industry smells more than a little bit off.

           And here is something else that is more than a little off. This photo shows that squirrels know that GMO is not food and you should not be eating it. It is estimated that within 3 hours of eating genetically modified corn, your body begins to digest itself. Nearly 100% of people with non-birth food allergies have one thing in common: they eat genetically modified food. American food products that have genetically modified ingredients are banned in 22 countries, including all of Europe.

Last Laugh

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