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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November 1, 2017

One year ago today: November 1, 2016, don’t be a perv!
Five years ago today: November 1, 2012, definitely a DNS transcript.
Nine years ago today: November 1, 2008, 116,700 pounds.
Random years ago today: November 1, 2006, a day at work.

           Well, you know, this is the day each year I review the continued production of this journal. It has not made me rich or famous, which is hard to understand, this being the only blog with indented paragraphs, and the only blog untainted by advertising concerns. To date, my income from this blog has been $0.00. And every year around this time I ponder if this should continue. As far as I know, this blog is one of a kind but that has not translated into any fame and fortune.
           The quote of the day has to go. Maybe by the end of this week. The quotations are not random, but sifted through to find the unusual, which consumes time. Picture of the day stays, and of course the last laugh. That one is an institution. I’ve gone through some fifteen cameras without finding one that fits the bill. In the shed I have all them cameras in a box, that would make an interesting photo.
           Anyway, the blog is destined to become shorter and contain fewer photos. Experimentally, I mean. Fewer addendums. This is just a plan, mind you. The blog is highly evolved and resists change.

           I’ve begun reading the chapter on ballistics. Oddly, this book became less interesting after the first 50 pages. Like so many, it began to dwell on the tired examples in English law. The poison deaths and the well-know forensic cases. There are few pistol murders over there, but what is lesser known is the increasing number of crossbow deaths. No sound, no recoil, and it has proven very difficult to match the bolts with any given weapon. It will be curious if the English ever admit this and to discover what they do about it. Another peculiarity is how many crime-fighting methods are pioneered in England before they are adopted over here.
           Another book I’m re-reading is “A Reverence for Wood”. It examines various types of wood and their preferred usage. This time, I’m giving it the deep read since to me, wood means lumber and that means generally whatever I have on hand. I removed the doorstep from the front of the house and wedged the door back into place. Later today I’ll decide what I want to do with that segment. The logical plan would be to build that porch, using new pylons to brace up the front of the building. A semi-major undertaking.

           The photo? This is part of the replacement emergency rations. They get used up every hurricane so that the stock gets replaced. This bags of potato flakes are a new item donated by Agt. R. I gave them a fair try and they can’t be beat for convenience. I question how durable those plastic bags are and may seal these in a larger container to be on the safe side. The canned food is bought by weight so I’m not usually sure what is actually there.

           Now so you know I would not leave you with a picture of potato flakes (unless I could work in a joke there about Ken Sanchuk), so the above is a picture this morning from one of my exes. This is her patio.

Picture of the day.
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           Feeling chipper, I dug a shallow footing trench along the front of the building eight feet out. My porch-building experience amounts to nil. I talked to the neighbors, none of whom bothered ever getting a permit for their additions. Next, I took two hours off and sketched out the foundation and deck for a landing that would measure 8’x30’. It would improve the looks of the house from the street, some might say greatly. I lifted more ideas from the pictures of Georgia mansions to decide on six pillars. These would be evenly spaced except for the entrance, which I would leave four feet wide for now.
           This porch was always planned as an improvement to the side of the house facing the street. I tore out the offending door stoop, see photo. Not sure how to proceed, I believe I’ll put up some temporary pylons inside the building. Then replace the entire section around the base of the door.

           Today’s Total Jerkoff Award goes to MoneyGram Payment Systems for the design of their money orders. These ape-shits have made the payee space (that’s the ‘pay to the order of’ thingee, there, Ken) only 1-15/16” long. That’s where you are supposed to get a magnifying glass and write in something like “Polk County Tax Collector”. Way to go there, MoneyGram. It’s pretty obvious you and your bosses all like a tight fit. It is sickeningly disgusting how stupid some people can be. Make the part that everybody has to read the smallest line on the document. Jesus roller coaster Christ how lame can they be up there in Michigan? It must be the cold weather. They have to spend all day wanking off to keep warm and have no time left to do anything right.

Last Laugh

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