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Friday, November 3, 2017

November 3, 2017

One year ago today: , no empire has survived . . .
Five years ago today:
November 3, 2012, Florida isn’t my destiny.
Nine years ago today: November 3, 2008, retarded space cadets.
Random years ago today: November 3, 2007, Miami’s thrilling design district.

           Sorry for the delay, but things were busy here for a day. But I’ll tell you who is not going to be busy. These entitled millennials, that’s who. When this picture flashed on the overhead at the coffee shop, which was full of the types just mentioned, only myself and the black lady who works at Burger King knew what it was. This is in France, not in China. These four men are the highly skilled technicians who are assembling robots to take jobs away from the brainless. Their rate of pay is classified, but you can bet it is more than the $15 per hour the hipsters think they can vote themselves.
           It is rumored these workers were specially recruited from the best over at the French aircraft companies. Once again I found the statistic that robots cost $13.65 per hour to operate. And they operate round the clock without complaint, medical plans, or time off to pick up the kids at soccer. I revise my guess that these robots will begin taking jobs in 2030. I believe they will begin devastating the unskilled labor industry by 2020.
           The unskilled had it coming, if you ask me. Suing hotel guests and demanding respect they have not earned. If you are sensitive to being called a peasant, stay in school. The shop floor is not the place to insist on shaming others into political correctness. You want respect? Earn it. And a post-graduate degree is a great way to go about that. See also the pristine work environment in the photo. Isn’t it ironic that what will replace Caucasian manual labor is being created on an assembly line?

           I base this on the German auto industry, which is mind-bogglingly different than the unions in America. Northern European labor unions operate less on rates of pay and more on I guess what you’d call tradition. Those who are hired are more assured of a job for life than anything over here. They are fully aware of the implications of these robots and have complete training programs for every worker. Here, why invest even in your own training? The job you train for may not exist by the time you graduate.
           That’s pretty gloomy. So I have some trivia for you. Everybody pretty well knows they tore down London Bridge and sold it to some gambling casino in one of the desert states. No, no, not New Jersey, I mean the kind of desert you can see in the encyclopedia. Ah, but who knows why they took down the bridge? You heard it here first. The reason is the spans were built close together with old Roman technology. On the occasional really cold winter, the ice floes would jam together under the arches. This slowed the river down enough to completely freeze over. Commerce would come to a stop and there is no Anglo equivalent of FEMA. Now you know.

Picture of the day.
Tidal wave.
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           Gossip. The Hippie was on the phone again. Something about me insulting his mother? Don’t ask me where he gets this crap. I vaguely remember his parents and they were nice people. Meh, wouldn’t be the first time he flew off the handle over nothing. He says he’s going to get me. Clearly he doesn’t remember how easily I bounced him off the wall when he took a swing at me back at Captain J’s. That boy seems to learn best the hard way.
           Wait, there’s more. He’s giving clues as to what’s egging him these days by calling me Hitler. He thinks he’s insulting me, I guess, by calling me old and broke, so that’s another thing that bothers him. I planned for getting old and value my solitude. He should be the one worried about dying in obscurity.

           Oh, and don’t believe his claimed hundred thousand blog views for a second. Even if true, that’s because people are searching on the 420 word, not seeking his personal opinions. Dude, why not put “oriental hooker” in the meta tags and get a million hits. Again, I’ll get you the transcripts, but the guy has obviously been drinking steadily since noon a day or two ago. Possibly since last Saturday.
           So the Hippie may not be Jewish, but he acts like one. He knew the score, that if he lied to get me on stage, I left the moment he insulted me or played anything not on the list. He insulted me by saying the song “only has three chords”. His usual insult is “the bass is easy”, though he doesn’t have a foggiest clue whether it is or not because he can’t play bass. What? Of course I’ve heard him try. That’s how I know he can’t play bass.

           How does he act Jewish? Well, the Hebrew religion teaches that it is not a sin to lie to Gentiles. And I’m about as Gentile as it gets. See photo. That’s my second cousin Ernst right behind the guy in the black uniform where you can’t spot our family resemblance. Ernst never gave a rat’s ass about any car; he just showed up for the free liver paté. Too old for active service, Ernst went on to become a junior advertising executive with the commercial arm of Messerschmitt. However, seven years later when he retired, the only things still flying in German airspace were nasty allegations.
           Anyway, let the Hippie call and leave threatening messages. We had a laugh listening to him on the speaker phone. I guess he thinks because I don’t brag or talk about women that I don’t have any in my life. Wrong. I just don’t have any I want to keep, which somebody should inform him is my decision. Furthermore, I have something he doesn’t. Colleagues and friends. So the Hippie is invited to come up to Polk to carry out his threats. A few people would like to meet him, they say, because they have “a lot of years of pent up anger” and they would love to go halves on it with him.
           But Friday is my day off, so let the guy stew in his own juice.

Quote of the Day:
“Tell him his brain is an app
and he might start using it.”
~people who know the Hippie.

           I miss my easy chair, but until I level that next section of floor, I have no place to put one. Maybe that will get me moving on it. I decided not to head for the club in Winter Haven, but my commitment to train myself to stay home on Fridays (unless I’m gigging) won out. Baked a massive Shepherd’s pie, it’s a mashed potato thing. Do you need any potato flakes? I’ve got lots, y’know. There’s been a dearth of DVDs and I’ve watched most of my current collection. Worse I seem to have hit a batch of the job vs. family plots. Yes, we all know the drill. The guy busts his chops to give his family everything and his wife bitches he’s never at home until she runs off with the mailman.

           One of the movies was “Click”, about this guy who gets a remote control that gives him the ghost of Xmas future experience. Here is a still from the movie end credits. Nanxy Tong-Heater? Give me a break.
           I have some statistics for you. The black rhino’s horn is considered an aphrodisiac to old Chinese men. This can hardly be tradition since the rhino is not native to China. Less than fifty years ago, there were 65,000 black rhinos. Today, there are less than 2,500. Could that explain why there are so many Chinese? Just kidding, the sad part is the lack of value placed on human life in China. As I said, to the Chinese, human lives are a just another renewable resource. A million die in the mines, another million take their place. No problem with that.

           Continuing to read “On Death’s Bloody Trail”, I’ve finished the chapters on ballistics and fingerprinting. It should be taught at school level to every citizen in a democracy that fingerprinting is circumstantial evidence unless the accused can be manipulated into lying about something that the presence of the print shows to be false. Once again, there is a strong bond between European police practices and America. First with England and a bit less with France. I like the writing style, it often presents an idea I wouldn’t think about otherwise. Such books are a treat.
           An example of that would be the way the police determine if the gun was a revolver or an automatic. Can you guess it? No fair if you already know this one. With the revolver, the empty casings remain in the chambers. An automatic ejects the spent casings. That’s why the pro assassins in the movies always pick up the empties. One less clue. Um, a bunch of the DVDs I got last week are overdubbed in German with no subtitles. I tried to watch one but got every second or third word. I was okay with numbers. They found $17 million in stolen gold in an old mine WWII shaft.

Last Laugh

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