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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

November 8, 2017

One year ago today: November 8, 2016, logs this size.
Five years ago today: November 8, 2012, 1940 technology.
Nine years ago today: November 8, 2008, Amtrak, after 30 years.
Random years ago today: November 8, 2006, Donald Trump lectures, 2006

           Absolutely nothing happened today. If you are expected to be entertained, boy are you out of luck. My camera and magic wand batteries all died at the same time. I forgot my phone on the charger. My work computer is issuing a low memory warning. You are simply going to have to wait for some news to happen before I can post anything. Here’s a picture of the car in the morning dew.
           Wait, there was something. I had to file a motion and it turns out the courtroom is in Bartow, which if I recall has no parking. Anyway, I go take of my watch, glasses, keys, etc. and leave them in the car. I go racing through the detector and the alarm triggers. Dang, I forgot my belt. So a minute later I’m racing up to the wicket and there is the sexiest damn black lady I’ve seen in years.
           So picture this, I am running toward this black lady, holding up my trousers with one hand with my belt in the other pleading with her, “Ma’am, ma’am this isn’t what it looks like.”

           Here's a picture to liven the day up. It's from a Bollywood movie. I have no idea what is going on, but I got the lowest number of hits in maybe ten years y'day, and I'm not above getting attention by whatever means possible.

Picture of the day.
Queen of Rivadavia.
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           By noon, still nothing. I found a nice leather jacket at the thrift for $15, though who needs a jacket in Florida? Well, I didn’t say it was for Florida, did I now? Maybe it has something to do with Operation Early Monday. Just so you know, the frost line in Florida is only an hour north of here. I spent half the afternoon busy over a typo, one of the kind not a candidate for search and replace. I’m looking to buy a quality camcorder, by that I mean in the $300 price range. Here, look at another picture of the
Taurus over at Agt. R’s place this afternoon while I go buy a terabyte of memory. Did I ever mention my first memory device was a whopping 8 megabytes? That was in 1981 when today’s “experts” weren’t born yet.
           But for those who remember 1981, that is the year MicroSoft decided they know more about what you want than you do yourself.

Last Laugh

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