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Sunday, December 17, 2017

December 16, 2017

One year ago today: December 16,, 2016, the Rebel 450, R.I.P.
Five years ago today: December 16, 2012,college student, my eye.
Nine years ago today: December 16, 2008, it takes two to Ponzi.
Random years ago today: December 16, 2011, rape or shoplifting?

           It’s not your imagination. Household pests prefer the same conditions you do. A food supply, warm place to live, and some water. Did you know that 80% of the insects in the world live in the tropics? End of trivia. Take a look at this nice pitcher gnawed through by a rat. It held a supply of bird seed and the spout made it easy to refill the feeder. Not no more, I heard something early this morning, so it took that rodent less than minutes to chew his way through to the goodies. The feral cats in the neighborhood are so well fed that the critters of the night can roam around. Then again, there is no floor in my living room at the present time.
           Which brings up the subject of work today. Yep, I got the easy half done last time. This afternoon I spent two hours positioning the second last concrete block pier. It’s still not right but it got too dark to work. Each adjustment involves lifting it out of the hole, tamping, and replacing the blocks. Which are glued together, so they are not easy to shift around. For some reason it came out too high or too low four times in a row. What counts is I’m getting close. By tomorrow, if all goes well, I will laminate the girder together and think about laying down the floor boards.

           Once again, I advertised for a rhythm guitar player. I was more specific this time, based on the results of last year. For example, if they cannot already play the classics, they must be able to practice on their own time. They must have a good stereo to do that. They must be able to clearly hear the bass in every song. I learned that over that New York bozo who was bewildered how the bass worked until I discovered he was using a smart phone. He could not even hear the bass. How dumb can you get?
           And I specified they must be able to strum through entire songs. It is truly amazing how many guitar players cannot do that. The people who can’t strum usually have no idea about the circle of fifths, song structure, music theory, or the dozen other related skills involved with stage performance. I’m reminded of when I lived in LA, the number of actors you meet who think it is enough to memorize their lines and wing it from there. For exactitude, I placed this graphic at the top of my ad.

Picture of the day.
For Detroit camping?
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           It would be safe to say I know about running a water level by now. There are things I haven’t figured out yet, but I want that porch covered and screen pronto. The biggest mystery is why, when you move either of the ends, the water level changes. Here is a demo. Just moments before this picture, the level was where I’m pointing, which is also the top of the small wooden block just behind my finger.
           Seems to me once I find a level, I should be able to move the other end all over the place as long as I keep it in the range where nothing spills. Nosiree. I moved it 8 feet away, pounded the stake into the ground to the same level, and it was out by the 3 inches shown here. If you want to give it a try, be my guest. This is a situation where a thought experiment should be enough, but I’m telling you the water level has changed every time I moved the stake. It usually goes higher, so I drain it past the low point and use a squirt bottle to gently top it back up. A bit tedious, to be sure.

           Wow, has 280-spot Twitter ever bitten into my blog readership. Down by a third. We've seen it all before and we will recover once the shine wears off. Think of it this way, when the day comes that Twitter expands the limit to the 2,309 words of this blog, you'll be glad you never bothered with their shallow content in the first place. There is a reason Twitter opted to call them tweets and not twits.
           Is all I'm sayin'.

Last Laugh

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