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Saturday, December 16, 2017

December 15, 2017

One year ago today: December 15, 2016, “even guiltier”.
Five years ago today: December 15, 2012, but I like BB King!
Nine years ago today: December 15, 2008, a generic day.
Random years ago today: December 15, 2014, The NYT declined the dare.

           Nothing happened here today. I did not work on the yard or plan anything. It was my day off and I treated it as such. Okay, I did do some reading in the library and sit around thinking for quite a while. I read that Canadians who work now pay 42% of their total income in taxes. That would include income tax, sales tax, and I once read that when you buy a loaf of bread in that country you are paying something like 432 hidden taxes. (Other than that, the medical is free, bwaaa-ha-ha-ha.) This information is from the Fraser Institute, one of the few media sources in Canada that is not controlled by the government. It is illegal in Canada to embarrass the government via the media, to arrange your affairs to pay less tax, or to deny the Holocaust. (Other than that, there is free speech.)

           If you work for a living and need to peek ahead at what a liberal America holds in store for you, look at Canada. They are brainwashed from birth that it is a mortal sin to object to any form of liberal agenda. I’ve seen it first hand. Their attitude they don’t care if they have to pay 42% of their pay in taxes as long as they can force you to pay as well. Like America, the elite who own the country pay nothing, really. It’s pretty amazing to watch. There is no voting on the issue, tax rates are decided behind closed doors. When there is any change in the tax laws or policies, the rich are informed of the change in private a month or so before the news is released.

           The upside? Unless you were born rich or are able to get on welfare, there is no upside. There is virtually no social mobility. The majority of Canadians die in the same income bracket they were born into. I downloaded some other reading material, but par usual, the library computers have been reset by some millennial goof and it saved the files in a format incompatible with my home system. This is the same logic that went into the door locks on my Taurus. It gets into a mode where you cannot lock the doors from the inside without restarting the car, but it will lock you outside in a wink.
           Like most millennial-programmed devices, it is missing the most important button. The one that says “manual override”. Wait, I just remembered, there is something unusual for today. For the first time in maybe 15 years, I used one of those hand-spray car washes.

Picture of the day.
Bergen, Norway.
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           How about an extra coffee break? Good, that was the plan. I worked the crossword but not in comfort. It was a warm afternoon and they had the A/C cranked. I had a jacket and sweater on and still was numb by the time I got outside. The New York Times puzzle was the usual masterpiece but suffers badly by including propaganda in the clues and answers. I was stumped trying to fit ‘maypole dance’ when the answer was ‘gay parade’. Here’s a bra design from the 1950s. Millennials did not invent bad fashion, they just made it more common.
           Another article I read was about Tesla coils. There is nothing mysterious about an electromagnetic field that sets up around a coil. Tesla did not invent this effect, he was just the one that noticed that field was strong enough to light the right type of bulb and deflect compass needles. No, it cannot transmit power through the air. The field strength diminishes geometrically as you move away from the source. And the coils generate an enormous quantity of heat, which is mostly wasted.

           I sure miss my spare time to read about electronics and tinker with it. All my gear and breadboards are still packed away. JZ called to say the power steering and brakes went bad on his Blazer. He says I should drop by for Xmas, but unless I take the train for a day or two, I’m not so sure. Once again, I miss playing New Year’s Eve for one reason or another. But mostly from lack of a guitar player who can do the job. I’m tempted to run another ad, see what rustles up.
           Did I mention there is a “rich widow” advertising on-line? I should not say rich, but she says financially independent. I’ve been watching the ad run as it is a real tear-jerker. Somebody should text her and explain what she’s looking for does not exist. She’s 30 years too late writing an ad like that. Nobody wants to die old and alone but face it, a lot of older women just have nothing to offer in exchange for even light companionship. If you took her to the flea market as just a friend, she’d just get in the way if you met somebody. Anyway, I’m watching. Maybe she’s the one who posed for that 1950 bra ad.

           Net neutrality. That’s the concept that allows everybody equal access to Internet bandwidth and such. It would probably help that cause if they could name it something that people understand. Are you for or against net neutrality? Apparently you should be for it so that people who can afford the best don’t take priority over usership. Did I just coin another word? While I agree everybody who goes on-line should have equal status, that situation is already biased toward those rich enough to have service in the first place. The theory is that without net neutrality, the situation becomes that of haves and have-nots.
           Since I think the Internet should be free and anonymous, I’m against any of the big players instituting a metered billing system because it would totally strip away any privacy and anonymity. They are two different things. Privacy is when they know who you are but not what you are doing, anonymity is they know what’s happening but can’t identify who’s doing it. I’m not so much against metered service as I am against the near total abuse that would happen if it is allowed.

Last Laugh

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