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Friday, March 9, 2018

March 9, 2018

One year ago today: March 9, 2017, not motorcycle weather.
Five years ago today: March 9, 2013, talent is no shortcut anymore.
Nine years ago today: March 9, 2009, another useless guitarist.
Random years ago today: March 9, 2014, the world hates png.

           Here’s the red scooter as she’s been setting for the past six months. Looking a little more like the Confederate flag as she fades. Yes, that is duct tape on the seat and the glove box is stuck open. But she starts fine with a little coaxing, made necessary by the morons who cooked up this 10% ethanol hoodwink. This morning I got the carcass dusted off and ready for haulage to the east end. The front tire was so seized up the rim would not turn, so we took an impact wrench to the bracket nut and we got it moving. But getting the machine up onto the truck bed took a little doing.
           Hence, I’ve sketched out a ramp. I’ve got tons of space in the yard. I distrust those aluminum ramps which are not really suitable for a motorcycle anyway. Why a ramp and not a pit? Because if I wanted a swimming pool, I’d build a swimming pool. Gotcha! Agt. R thinks sinking any cash into the scooter is wrong. Use the car he says, be comfortable. Like JZ, he does not see the adventure in waiting out rainstorms and risking a breakdown on every trip. No sense of daring-do those boys. Or is that derring-do?

           The shop on Combee Road is about as redneck a junkyard as you get, right down to the vicious dog. I told them just the brakes, the rest of the broken parts I can live with. I don’t want to end up with the proverbial ten dollar horse and a forty dollar saddle. One thing for sure, they’ve got a limitless supply of spare parts over there. By the acre. Coincidence—it is just a few blocks from where my guitar lady lives.
           The round trip was forty minutes, giving us time to kick around business ideas. Every month there is a street fair and car show downtown near his house. Since we know we’ll make money at anything we do, he’s suggested a hot dog cart, the perennial hot dog cart. I’ll locate my old files on the business plan I made up for Monika. Who remembers Monika? Got deported, she did. They only let the fat ugly ones stay. I’ve often said most American middle management could not successfully run a hot dog stand. If I go for it this time, I’d have the wherewithal to put that to the test, n’yuck, n’yuck.

           [Author’s note: this would not affect the larger business plans pending. Everybody in the lending business knows since the 1970s all new businesses have to be capital-intensive enough that it creates a barrier to market entry by any competition. Success by other means is so rare that if it happens, it’s front page news. It’s just my opinion but these days, I believe you need around $400,000 to distance yourself from any copycats. If you don’t want it, imitation can be the sincerest form of annoyance.]

Picture of the day.
Copacabana Beach (Rio).
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           Here’s the rig in transport configuration. She’s strapped in beyond tight, almost to robot club standards. This truck is due for replacement but I have not released the money yet. The reason is so esoteric, I’ll tell all. You see, I know that housing authority is examining his bank accounts, as agreed. He recently got a fat tax return. They are expecting that most people, irresponsible as they are, desperately need that tax money to catch up or pay bills.
           I want him to leave it in the account for a few weeks to dispel them attaching that lifestyle to our operation. As long as the truck runs, use it and let them see he’s got enough of a surplus to get by without the usual Florida windfall spending pattern. Even then, I’m not convinced the truck could be replaced with the funding available. If you spend less than $2,000 you might just be buying somebody else’s headaches.

           I ran in some wiring this morning, but otherwise the day wasn’t productive. Time to get up in that attic to install the bracing for the overhead lighting. I should be able to use thinner plywood than back when I was over 200 pounds. Now, did I slip that one in smoothly or what. I’m tempted to run in a switched outlet as well as the ceiling light. That has to be the final room in my life and I want it to be as comfortable as hell for the end times. It will be. I didn’t get back here until nearly dark.
           That explains the aroma. I have fourteen plump chicken breasts in the oven. You can have all the chicken you want on this diet. Just not any gravy or fixin’s. I’m making enough for a week. Three each of different spices, you can also have all the spices you’d like. So if one batch aromafies the house, think what four batches will do. Cause it is doing it right now. That’s the big premium no steroids white boneless breasts, extra large.

           The liquor license lottery is normally a low-key affair, but the moment I looked at it, four large newspapers suddenly start blasting it over the airwaves. Three days solid now. It probably won’t matter because all the media is stressing is how the chances are better than the lottery and the low $100 buy in. Nobody is telling that even if you do win, there is a county licensing fee and a compulsory $10,750 “donation” to some alcohol abuse program. That’s all the disincentive needed to scatter most of the small fry. Most people in Florida don’t even know anybody who has that kind of money. Investment, my eye.
           There are also other sub-conditions. I think the license has to be kept current and there is a minimum number of days certain conditions must be met. I’ll see if I can locate the manual, but you know that the chances of somebody just making the rules available on-line as a service are slim. That reminds me, the state requires bartenders at private social functions to be licensed. This rule is not strictly enforced. Still, I advise you play it by the book if you want this license. And be aware the ID and fingerprinting are part of the process, you must undergo that indignity even if you are not the person who actually uses the license. Only individuals can apply, not corporations or trusts.

           So I looked into the requirements for this license. The Internet is the usual millennial runaround. A dozen sights all pretending to be official and government-affiliated. They all say a course must be taken, but then present you with four or five courses. But not a word of which or how many must be taken. They all say pick the course that you want in a situation where what you want is probably not a factor. It’s the old Internet scam, they want your credit card number to sign up for the course. The catch is, the way the order form is worded, you are actually signing up for all five courses. Not one of the websites gave a straight answer about what course or courses were actually obligatory.
           This method of doing business is so disgusting it is beneath contempt. On they go about how the state requires licensing, then steer you toward their courses without committing a word that said courses have anything at all to do with the licensing. Courses like how to “spot a person who has been overdrinking”. Dude, she’s like barfing all over your carpet, okay. Even the government site only says that courses are necessary, not which courses or where to get them. And they wonder why they get no respect.

           Here’s some additional info I found. If you get the license, you must activate it and pay into that “treatment and prevention” program (fine job that they are doing), and an annual fee to the county, an unspecified amount. You must then either place the license in escrow or operate an alcohol sales business for minimum eight hours per day for 210 days of any twelve month period (careful with that) or the license can be revoked. The last sentence in the rule book says that if you sell the license within the first three years, there is a “transfer penalty” of $27,300.
           So you are out close to $40,000 after you “win” that lottery. And, it has been my experience that to wade through this process to actually making any money off this situation requires a level of business savvy that’s miles over most people’s heads. Of course, the party who bought hour license would have to cough up the money, but my advice is make sure you can lay your hands on the cash yourself before you go escapading like this.

Last Laugh

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