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Friday, May 4, 2018

May 4, 2018

One year ago today: May 4, 2017, 15 cents.
Five years ago today: May 4, 2013, the problems were immediate.
Nine years ago today: May 4, 2009, a proclivity, that’s it.
Random years ago today: May 4, 2004, the database strikes again.

           By 9:30AM it was already too hot to work outside. I fed the birds but other than that, two saw cuts and I was ducking inside. I’m indifferent about the smell of fresh tarpaper in the early morning. Shown here. Lots of tarpaper, if nothing, this place will be weather proof. I
changed the station to WRLN, I could not stomach any more of that Tampa liberalism. They were going on about how the fisheries in Maine can’t find any workers to process the lobsters because the INS rounded up the illegals. Good going, Mr. Trump—that is why the Americans elected you. Those fisheries were breaking the law. Now they can start paying a living wage or let in new businesses that do. I mean, Tampa, where the hell are you coming from?
           I still cannot find that Presidential quote, but I think it was Roosevelt. He said, “Businesses that rely for their profit on paying their workers less than a decent living wage have no place in America.” It’s sick to destroy America’s way of life so tomatoes cost less per pound.

           Who’d think I’d ever live to see the day when I got up into the attic to escape the heat? That got me thinking. What if the attic is cooler than the house? Insulation works both ways. So give me time to think that one through. It’s like the airplane on the conveyor belt question. What, you don’t know that one? I could let you look it up, but basically, you have an airplane with its wheels on a giant conveyor belt. As the propeller starts to pull the airplane forward, the conveyor belt turns backwards at the same speed as the airplane wheels. Will the plane ever be able to take off?

           I never heard Jimmy Buffet’s “There’s a Party at the End of the World”. I think that’s the title, I’m knocking off for the day at noon and I’ll hit the Internet. The new but not better Internet. The goings-on all seem to do with copyright infringement. My stance on that is if you don’t want it copied, don’t put it on the Internet in the first place. Hint: none of my music ever gets copied because I perform it live. Now, could that mean my music is so bad they won’t copy it? Let’s let the tip jar answer that.
           And this strange search function in Windows. My music is triple backed up. Y’day I alluded to the Beatles’ “When I’m Sixty-four” and played it several times. Now the search says not found. All three copies. And the files are too massive to start searching manually. I’ll find it, but what a hassle.

           In strange law cases, two items are in the news. One is these two blacks suing a coffee house for having them shook down. Looks like they may get $200,000 in damages. Profiling and prejudice they screamed. But I want the other side of the story. What is it they did that gave the employees the impression? The Tampa media won’t say a word about that part of it. As far as I can tell, they’ve even conspired to never print any pictures of those poor, innocent victims. Personally, I think Trump might just decide to round up that whole crowd with the facial tattoos as well. I mean, nobody is really going to hire them, so what are they doing for money?
           The other case is the twit suing the carnival because he claims his kid hit his head on roof of the ride. The Department of Agriculture, which I believe was hosting the fair, showed that for that to happen, the kid would have to be at least seven feet tall. I hope the Plaintiff loses and gets his ass counter-sued off. The charge? Malicious and predatory prosecution. It is more likely the kid did something like get loose of his harness, in which case it is a parental disciplinary problem, not the fault of the ride. It just sounds to me that it wasn’t the kid whose head was damaged.

           Another annoyance is the way the Internet is blocking content. I mentioned it last day, but this time I mean the way it is doing it. Instead of just not appearing, an in-your-face announcement pops up that what you want is there, but you can’t have it. Not available in your country. N’ya n’ya. Well, screw you, that’s got Millennial written all over it. All polite and kewl and correct until you can’t tell who they are, then it is bastard rat time. I worked with a pack of Canadians like that one. Put on a good show at all costs. They would even vote against their conscience if they thought it made them look more perfect than they already thought they were.
           Anyway, it’s a fact. All Beatles content has been removed from youTube. This type of nonsense is what is wrong with music these days, or a good part of it. The Beatles could probably care less about the supposed royalties they are not making off these 60 year old songs. But the people who bought the “rights” are out to make sure they squeeze every pfennig they can out of it. I doubt these new owners are musicians or even care for the music. It’s all about money. Maybe it is just the couple items I’ve mentioned, but it’s the start of the downfall of any free speech on-line. I’ve got that suspicion that the wired in gang is going to find out the hard way what those 55,000 extra lines of code are doing lurking in Windows 10.

Picture of the day.
Largest coffee plantation.
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           It takes approximately 40 minutes to finish each batt of attic insulation. Not including cutting and pre-forming the tarpaper, each segment involves fitting the tarpaper with staples, then feeding in the batt and fastening it smoothly as well. This involves crawling in and out of each rafter space four times. You quickly figure out four because if you don’t double up the routines, you’ll be going for six or more. Since you are confined to planks placed over cross pieces that have to be moved along, this phase has already taken three to four times longer than expected.
           The calm space inside the rooms is more the tarpaper. I mean, the rooms were drywalled when I moved in but it wasn’t until the tarpaper was finished that one became aware the place was formerly drafty. Combined with the insulation, that’s where the comfort zone comes in. A single fan in the corner is enough and it was over 90°F out there by noon. There’s the 2:00 PM church bell and I’m knocking off for the day. I’m itchy from feeding twelve batts of insulation through the hatch. It feels like my arms are on fire. I ran out of peach tea and would up drinking a quart of pomegranate juice. I wear work gloves but still manage to get slivers. This calls for an evening off.

           I would not call my budget “tight”. That would mean scrimping a lot and while I forego a few things, I never have that sense of penny-pinching. (Gimme a break, I planned ahead better than that.) I can tell the gasoline budget is knocked in half, but there are actually to gas budgets. One for in town and one for travel. I’m only going to Miami every third month nowadays. Where is this topic going? Well, it means I have a small but unused travel budget.
           Getting the scooter back has also rationalized the car mileage, so putting these together, a weekend jaunt has suggested itself. There’s a cartographically interesting northwest of Jacksonville. Part of the Okefenokee wildlife area, I’ve been around both sides of it, I think one time in the dark I may have even gone through it by sidecar. I call it the Florida Nipple, it’s that piece of land that juts down from Georgia at the center of this map. There’s a settlement called Saint George. Chances are this area is just another stretch of bug-infested east coast swamp but I got nothing else going on. Anyway, just an idea. An idea with $260 unspent dollars behind it.

           Has my posting been a little haphazard lately? Good, you get up in that attic and see if you feel like writing later. Like all heavy duty construction worker types, I head out for a brew afterward. Actually, I went for coffee first and got to Karaoke really late. On the positive, it was one of the best singing jobs I’ve ever done. Things just fell into place. I normally have to concentrate to stay on key. This time it came naturally and I surprised myself. This remains Florida, mind you, so Friday night payday and all, there was not one attractive woman in the entire place. Just small town leftovers. It’s not the small town aspect either, I added that to emphasize unattractive personalities as well. It got the same in the bigger cities, but occasionally you at least got to see a sexy babe out there.
           This outspoken married lady I know was there. She knows my taste and mentioned the lack of even passable-looking women. Yeah, but after a certain age, that’s what you get. She still thinks I should dye my hair and noted I’d lost weight. You want to know something weird? My heart attack, the one that turned my hair white overnight, it killed something in my hair. What I mean is if I use a darkener like Grecian Formula, it doesn’t work on me. The theory I heard is because that product does something to the proteins inside your hair shaft. If so, then I have no proteins left. That’s right, I can bath my hair in the stuff with no effect.

           For those keeping score, it is day 155 of my diet and I’ve lost just 28 pounds. Barely a third of my goal. My charts only to ahead until July 31 and at this rate, I’ll only be down another 10. And you know how I overcame my dislike of needles by always taking my cholesterol injections in the right thigh? Well, I can now report my right thigh is completely cholesterol-free. Say, that reminds me, I’ve got a fat check due from them. They pay me handsomely for this, you know. Handsome? Well, handsome enough. I’ve never had any lady call me ugly to my face, if that’s where it’s going. My trip budget just doubled. See you in Moniac? I dunno, now I could afford to go to New Orleans, first time since 1984.

           [Author’s note: these small trips are nothing compared to my younger days. I used to spend $6,000 at a time to fly to Thailand for a few days. That’s more than twice that today. I once spent ten years going nowhere but Venezuela on my holidays. But the heyday of globetrotting is over. I no longer like airports and I don’t like the people who run them. I dislike the tourist industry, except unless they want to buy hotdogs, maybe. The nature of air travel changed after 9/11 to the worse. So you’ll know, the signs were already there before that incident that the authorities were already looking for an excuse to start collecting ID on everybody who traveled. Not bad guys, but on everybody.]

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