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Thursday, May 3, 2018

May 3, 2018

One year ago today: May 3, 2017, his most famous photo.
Five years ago today: May 3, 2013, food.
Nine years ago today: May 3, 2009, not the best examples.
Random years ago today: May 3, 2014, the Rommel photo.

           Here’s the view from inside the attic looking toward the new gable fan. You can make out the fan blades just above dead center. The circulation problem I tackled by brute force. I used some scrap drywall to fashion a 5.5 inch venturi on the other side, you can’t see it.
           Unless you really want lessons on how to clamber through an attic, you might find this curious. Last evening at the coffee shop, I had to totally side with this guy when everybody was getting on his case. I didn’t really defend the guy, but pointed out that in my experience, he was right about what he was saying. What’s happening is he was being hit with the aftermath of some very serious lobbying by a special interest group, and didn’t seem to know his accusers were indoctrinated.
           It started by him saying he didn’t like men. He didn’t like organized sports, he didn’t like gang showers, he didn’t like men urinating next to him in an otherwise unoccupied restroom. The crowd, especially the women, immediately got on his case saying he was “homophobic”. That, peeps, is effective lobbying. Think of how successful queers had to be to indoctrinate women to that point.

           It is no longer possible for these women to even think a man could dislike queers without being afraid of them. Political correctness aside, I just felt they were rude and inconsiderate to jump to that conclusion, even before he finished talking. Think about it. How would you like it if some guy appeared in your space, demanding that you “accept” him, demanding that he can do anything he pleases, and if you don’t like it, brands you a phobic. That’s what is going on, but it amazed me to see how completely that group has brainwashed the public. It’s not a matter of tolerance, it is a matter of whether or not you are allowed to have your own personal likes and dislikes.
           While I didn’t agree with him totally, I felt he had a point. It’s not that I particularly dislike queers (I do not use the word “gay”, it is not the correct term for the situation). It’s that I dislike the majority of men when it comes to personal habits and body functions. We know you burp, fart, and puke, but please don’t do it around me, thank you. My two brothers are case examples of how utterly disgusting men can become, but nobody is suggesting I’m scared of them. Yet, if they were queer, then I would immediately be accused of fear. That folks is level 99 lobbying. And I was shocked how well it has worked on women.

           Myself, I just hold that there are certain things best kept private. Non-mainstream and abhorrent behavior are in the top ten. What I dislike most is how such people pushing their issue always involves changing the subject to themselves. My social distance from male strangers is a good two or three feet out of arm’s reach and it’s been that way long before I even knew what normal meant. Contrary to that old wive’s tale, test after test proves people are actually very good at judging others by their looks. If it walks like a queer duck, and quacks like a queer duck, you instantly fill in the blanks. I do not hate or fear such groups, but I do believe in Equal But Separate. Everyone, including minorities, should do their little numbers when there is nobody around to offend. It ain’t that hard to leave people alone.
           Where did I read that article about studies that confirm this avoidance of other men is far more widespread than you’d think. Drop a note if you know where to find it. It’s that experiment where people who have been shown a photo of people sitting around in chairs. When asked to go into the vacant room later, men will avoid the chairs where other men were sitting. Women, the opposite, they will often compete to sit in the chairs where they’d seen men sitting. And they prefer the chair where the most “confident looking” man was sitting, even if he wasn’t the hunk most women claim to prefer.

Picture of the day.
Mogadishu - before the war.
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           I had time to cut the holes for the recessed closet lights, but didn’t reckon on the deteriorated drywall on the ceilings near where the termites gained hold. The chalk had gotten wet at least once, so I’m going to wiggle in there and replace the pieces with plywood. Once the attic cooled nicely, I got about a third of the tarpaper in place but not fastened. The radio downstairs was on Tampa radio so it was listen to the BS or climb down there and change the station. Man, it is so amazing how may of these liberals are in denial that Trump won. Every week, it’s something else. You know the ploy, keep flinging shit until something sticks.
           What truly aggravates is that announcer with the lisp. That’s bad enough, but he has that whining little kid tone that if you don’t hear him out, he’ll cry himself to pieces. Trump said this, Trump said that, you can’t trust him. As if trust was the issue. Personally, I trust Trump more than I would any politician because he isn’t a politician. I have first hand experience with left-wingers. When you change your mind, to them that is lying.

           No, I don’t think people with lisps make good announcers. I don’t think overweight grandmothers make good race horse jockeys and I don’t think those who fear heights make good airline pilots. Maybe it’s just me but I doubt that. I really don’t mind people striving to be something they are not if they can make the grade. But I don’t like people who try to lower the bridge and raise the water to suit themselves. That announcer can take his hidden agenda and do what with it. This whole “acceptance” thing is out of hand. For example, did you hear about another cargo plane crashing?
           I predicted back in the 1990s this was going to happen a lot. I took a good look at the education system before deciding to branch in to accounting. I didn’t like the results. In time, I new it would begin wholesale graduating the type of half-educates that became known as Millennials. I said, woe to the business community and volunteer army when these sort begin performing tasks that require personal responsibility. The system rather than fostering responsible thinking, works to destroy any that might be there. I could tell by the multiple choice exams I read. The correct answer was the one that pleased the teacher.

           A seven-hour day, congratulate me. And the fan is proving its worth. There is a slight hum audible both in the house and outside facing the vent. It easily draws the attic down to the outside shade temperature, which is damn nice. Inside the main house, the effect is an even stillness to the rooms. Before, you could tell which side was south on even a mildly hot day. The part of the roof insulated before was not the most intensely sunlit. This time, the insulation is first going over the kitchen. I’ll report on how that works, but I have good hopes just over the fan alone.
           Music-wise, I used the piano to figure out four of those fancy Bluegrass fiddle-picking song endings. Which I reduced to a string of single notes and translated to bass. See, Ray-B, now I’m playing fiddle on the bass. Yep, and I’m learning some flashy fills, like the ending to “Fat Bottom Girls” and that riff at the end of the instrumental in “Magic Carpet Ride”.

           Sixty songs. I ran through them all, and I’m planning to do the Sunday show. I even picked a few more to give the “bass treatment”. Over time, different riffs are in vogue so I sometimes revisit old tunes with new bass lines. I have two excellent candidates for solo work. “Do Wah Diddy” with a bass line that matches the melody line, and the old Beatles tune, “When I’m Sixty-four”. I mentioned my preference for room air conditioners over central.
           The attic fan is doing a wonderful job. Before, I kept the office area cool. It was refreshing to dip in there and cool down. However, the fan appears to keep the whole house uniformly cool. I used to think nothing of just closing the door when I wanted one room quite cool. I forgot to close the door and when I got down from the attic, the whole place was cool from the single A/C unit in the far back bedroom. And I’ve never had to turn that unit on the high speed setting yet.

           Have you seen the new youTube? Totally watered down. The whole Internet is a shadow of what it was intended to be. The USA, the supposed paragon of free speech is now blocking foreign content. How long before they start blocking states or cities or individual computers? Or individuals. Well, you complacent Millennials had it coming. And now, unlike people like me, you have no other resources or skills to do anything for yourselves. You used the wired in world to separate you from any semblence of functioning independently. You need an app to scratch your balls.
           I’m itching to get back on some more bass, so check in later. Maybe tomorrow. I’m also itching a bit because I had to drag four of the insulation batts past my stomach area. Hey, at least I still can.

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