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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June 18, 2018

One year ago today: June 18, 2017, on travel after age 50.
Five years ago today: June 18, 2013, ape-like brain wiring.
Nine years ago today: June 18, 2009, on scripts & bundles.
Random years ago today: June 18, 2007, a great practice . . .

           I have a car again, and I have car repair bills again. This time the rear brakes. Without warning, they began making that scouring noise. The new rotors new brake pads noise, to the tune of $281. With the trailer hitch, that’s $758 extraordinary expense this month. Then again, the repairs are being done in a licensed shop. And we know what the system does to anyone who shows a little initiative. That means I have to leave the car in for a day, so expect some break in the routine this week. I’ve not yet found any contractor to finish the porch. They all balk at the same point, the job is too small.
           So taking my mind off that, here is another mystery object for you city types. I shouldn’t say that because this is the first one I’ve ever seen myself. One of these photos shows other models, so this was at some point a very common tool. Any guesses? Peer at the second photo and you can see the markings around the perimeter. Yes, it is for measuring something. But what? I’ll bury the answer so you have to read to find it. That’s why you like this blog. You learn things here, which is more than can be said for the competition.

           And after three weeks JZ finally answered the phone. In a terrible mood. That gets to anybody who lives in Miami-Dade too long and he’s been there his entire life. Never even checked his mail, since he was unaware of the hotdog cart. He’s on the mailing list so he’s got piles of pictures beyond what appears here. By noon it was too hot to endure anything but the insulated and air conditioned back room, so I found a really bad old movie staring Chuck Connors, the “Rifleman” guy. The jacket says, “The Proud & The Damned”, but the movie says, “The Proud & Damned”. Subtle difference? Depends if you see the movie as an early action plot, or as one of the worst troops of actors that killed all their careers at one glance. Let me check the date on this. Hmmm, it’s well hidden, but the DVD was released in 2004.
           Wasn’t there a singer called Smokey Robards? If so, he was in the movie and sang the songs. I read the end credits and my guess is the movie is 1960, as it was in color.

Picture of the day.
My kind of gal.
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           Here’s a picture of a paper milk carton. I’m off powdered milk for the duration of my diet and this product is the substitute. There’s a variety available from soy milk to 2%, I opt for the 1%. Why not powdered or fresh? Because it must be either bought sporadically or used up quickly. That’s too tempting when you’re watching totals. This way, I can keep six cartons in reserve. I rarely drink it raw, but for cereal, it’s got a distinctive taste you get used to. I remember when such a product was never seen, it was unthinkable to not drink fresh milk every day. I can even recall the first time I saw milk in a paper carton (‘Tetra-pak’). I was six years old. I watched, fascinated, as my mother opened the spout from the wrong side. I heard the inventor of that carton died a millionaire, and that’s only right.
           I couldn't find the photo of the milk, so next time. Meanwhile, here is s diagram of the hot water tempering tank I mentioned last day. It works entirely on the existing line pressure.
           Yep, crackers and cereal, sometimes both on the same day. Lucky me. Today on the radio for the first time I heard Rush Limbaugh? Lumbaugh? That dude. I mean, I’ve heard of him before, just never thought of him as a radio type. Well, for all I know, he could be TV. And his name made me think he was liberal. I got that one wrong. Liberals despise the guy, in the few minutes I listened, he made a sport of playing back sound bites of liberals who think it is okay to lie to accomplish their agendas. Starting with Hillary. Crackers and cereal.

           While I could agree with a lot of what he’s saying, it would be because this blog says many of the same things—except I don’t have any background in poli-sci or that brand of history. So yes, I’m amused when somebody with an in depth knowledge of the system finds the same things wrong as I do from a cursory glance. Like the way the libtard media continually tries to present tiny incidents as a popular uprising against Trump. Who, but the say, finally called down the Democrats for blocking his wall. I hope he gets back on that tack, and names names.

           The guy who sold us the hotdog cart said all you need is a vendor’s license. That’s true, only if you already have a business license, a tax number, are registered with the Dept. of Professional something or other, supply a scale drawing to the Planning department and have the cart inspected if it has been out of use for more than a year. So watch for the pitfalls. If you look over the types of business organization, the LLC remains the most viable option.
None of the advice books tell you how to fill the forms out, copping out by saying it is different in each jurisdiction. Like you didn’t know that. Here’s some guidelines that fit most of them.

           1) You can’t use a P.O. Box, because they said so, that’s why.
           2) Tell them you won’t have any employees.
           3) You may need a sales tax bond, so estimate your sales to be < $1,000 monthly.
           4) You'll probably have to post a fictitious name notice.
           5) You are required to fill out a W9 tax form.

           I’m reading the fine print now, but nobody tells me if hotdogs are taxable. If so, you absorb the tax into the sales price for ease of making change. Remind me to look up the prescribed automobile rate, the last time I looked some 15 years ago, it was 48.5 cents per mile. Ah, I see a few quizzical looks. When you use your personal car for business, it can be a hassle to always estimate the portion of gas, insurance, and depreciation. So the government says just keep track of the mileage, multiply it out and you don’t have to worry about itemized all the deductions. It is called by non-accountants the Standard Mileage Allowance. Not to be confused with a real allowance.

           Blog rules says mention food again. Twice in one days. And those rules made this blog a survivor. Summer swelter time, and that means 10:00AM is the latest you can work in the heat. So I go and work till noon and had to peel the clothes off to hit the shower. I haven’t turned shower water that color since I worked on the farm. And, for the record, I feel great for a change, so I had my raisin bran with brown sugar. I remember promising you something new and different, so take a gander at this object. The package, shown first, has no markings. But it sure accurately depicted the innards, shown next.
           To some it is obvious, a wooden lemon squeezer. I thought it dumb to make such a thing from wood, so I speculated it to be a Xmas ornament or for making designs on cake icing and such. Then, I’m getting air headed on this, the 200th day of my diet. My daily weight is fluctuating sometimes 3 and 5 pounds, which is from a food intake perspective, impossible. It’s been so long since I’ve gone through this that I can’t remember exactly, but I’ve got this inkling this happened in reverse as I was gaining. And I’ve got this psychological feeling all the time that my system is fighting back. Oh, the feeling is quite real; my imagination does not work that way.

           [Author’s note: Today I worked in an aerobic sweat for 7 hours, another first, and my total intake was 920 calories, all what you’d call health food.]

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