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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

June 26, 2018

One year ago today: June 26, 2017, if thinking hurts . . .
Five years ago today: June 26, 2013, hey, thanks, Milton!
Nine years ago today: June 26, 2009, no personal recollection.
Random years ago today: June 26, 2004, springtime on Neptune.

           I attended a local town meeting, I recognized a few people. After removing my porch, I wanted to be able to recognize who was who. Everybody sooner or later appears in my audience, strangely enough, many don’t recognize me for quite a while. The porch cost me $700 but I learned that it was not about safety or code or permits. It was about them winning and you losing. Now I know why there are so many run-down buildings in this town. So much for codes improving the place. Well, the codes might improve, but how the codes are uses is destructive.
           And that crazy inspector, actually, maybe he isn’t crazy but his social ineptness comes across that way. He’s loopy as hell, but he sure knows when to behave himself. As soon as the magistrate was in the room, he was Mr. Wimp. Two-faced and crazy, that’s a combination I’ll steer clear of. I drove home by 10:00AM and had a Swiss Miss (hot chocolate drink) and planned my next move. It’s to register the hotdog cart to my trust. It turns out it isn’t like other property, you have to go through more hoops. But I’m already more knowledgeable about those hoops than the next thousand guys. But the first thing you learn about a trust is the system will not tolerate anonymity. That alone defeats much of the purpose of a trust.

           Agt. R is on a mission to make the cart self-contained. Notice the condiment table to be mounted above the fender. He wants the umbrella and as much as possible to fit into the wagon. We have two more coolers, as research taught me that people want sodas, diet sodas, and juice drinks in separate containers. I don’t mind fishing around an ice bucket, but the best practices says let them go directly to what they want, the idea is speed. Get them out of the way for the next customer. That, I agree with instantaneously, because I’ve so often seen jerks who purposely block the line. It makes them feel important. I never could understand people who need to feel important.

Picture of the day.
Submarine kitchen.
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           We worked until the heat got the upper hand, that means around 2:00PM, then pack it up. Here’s me with another session of scraping away. The wood is sound but the builder used untreated lumber, hoping the paint would weatherproof it. It did, until the paint flaked. Every piece of exposed wood now has a layer of primer. I learned the hard way to double prime the undercoat where there was bare pieces. I mean, the paint didn’t stick to it for some reason, right?
           I paid extra for the primer that is supposed to soften the old or brittle existing layers slightly. It has an ammonia-acetone smell you would definitely not like, but it dissipates in minutes. It makes the old paint a bit tacky, so only paint one layer and do it fast. The seller told us both propane bottles were full but park them for two years and maybe not. I dispatched Agt. R to get them filled so we are starting from a known point. The 650 cranking amp battery is only putting out 100 amps, so prepare for another expense. This is why I prepared a pessimistic budget, guys.

           I destroyed photos of my clothes slicked tight from perspiration. We ran out of all cold drinks, it was tempting to stock up the big cooler just for ourselves. Sure, we could use the cart as it is, but there’s a lot to do to get it up to our standards. By sunset, I was home watching the next scenes of “Coyote Ugly”, the guy putting the squeeze on the babe is smoother than I was in my prime. I never was a movie star, but I knew better than to fall into the old hustle routines. You might say, doing nothing is what made me smooth. The totally fake make-out scene was fine, mind you. She was totally hairless and tattooless, something to die for. As for the guy actor, he just kept getting in the way.

           Say did I forget to tell you what the mystery object was of June 18, 2018. Here’s another one to keep you guessing. What is this? Hint, the stick is a ruler that goes from 1” to 18”. The metal pieces on top will clamp together, and the notches you can see are one inch apart. It’s a device for measuring the length of skirt hems. When the clamp is closed, the seamstress can accurately pin the cloth is place for sewing. And the mystery object? It is a wheel that you roll it around the outside rim of wagon wheels to make sure the diameters are the same, or the cart will pull to one side.
           I took the remaining day off at the library, I still cannot find a definitive source of what I have to do to get that cart licensed. I had already checked all the qualifications and I have all the requirements, but now I find some of the paperwork has to be done in order, and that’s what they are keeping a secret. What I really want to do is take a week off, finish the bedroom, and go for a drive with the new camper. The July newsletter is going to be dominated by the hotdog cart, so I wrote it up early.

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