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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25, 2018

One year ago today: July 25, 2017, a generic day.
Five years ago today: July 25, 2013, on dragnetting.
Nine years ago today: July 25, 2009, the other one isn't.
Random years ago today: July 25,2008, the washboard player.

           Today, I’m just dropping by to say hello. I spent the day tidying up, and take this opportunity to remind everyone following along the saga of the hotdog cart that the data I present here is representative. If you want hard facts, go dig them up yourselves. For example, the 8,000 carts referred to recently is based on the number of registrations reported by Tallahassee. I do no actually know if these were specifically hotdog carts to be operated in Florida. My incentive is to seek why, with a large number of carts, one does not see them on the roadsides on the scale of ten years ago. Was there a crackdown?
           I found the barbeque supply place, but ten minutes after it closed. It’s near Combee. I’ve got a few chores in that part of town, so I’ll be back soon. Rehearsal was a bit of a dud, we’ve hit that stretch where Twood can only play the large number of tunes by comping—but his comping is much improved. He is not a confident strummer and doesn’t let the strings ring. I work with what I’ve got. He’s playing through the tunes yet seems to have forgotten the way we’ve been practicing the strums. It will work, but he’s barely going to be noticed on stage. Then again, that may not bother him.

           For the record, I have spent 62 hours trying to locate those burner rings missing from the cart. I have gotten zero hours help from anybody, except Agt. R on cleaning the unit up a bit. All the chasing around, the batteries, paperwork, signs, materials, cleaning supplies, and even finding out what needs to be done has been 100% done by me. And that, folks, is why I get the lion’s share of the profit.
           It’s the same old story. Everybody else is too busy, too broke, too ill, too pre-occupied, has company, doesn’t know how, or isn’t good at what needs doing. Like somebody comes along and tells me how to get all these things done. Like I don’t have work that needs doing at my house. Everybody wants to sell the hotdogs, nobody wants to help get things to that stage. You what I should do? Just take a week off and say, hey, let’s see what gets done when I’m not around.

           I went to four barbeque or grill supply stores and two restaurant stores that advertise barbeque parts. Bloody waste of time. You go in and show them a picture of the part. Folks, when the information desk asks you what it is, you just know how far that’s going to go.

           “Burner ring? What’s that? “
           “Oh, we sell barbeque parts, not parts for barbeques.”
           “Is it for a charcoal grill?’ (Seriously, she was that stupid.)
           “Have you checked on-line.”
           “What’s the make and model number.” (Like I’d need them if I knew that.)

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