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Friday, July 6, 2018

July 6, 2018

One year ago today: July 6, 2017, for his own good.
Five years ago today: July 6, 2013, redneck bingo excerpts.
Nine years ago today: July 6, 2009, not in my real name, of course.
Random years ago today: July 6, 2008, an echo from the past?

           I’ve been up since before dawn working. I’m not in the greatest mood. You’ll see. And I put an hour into the cPod (pamcamper), not that it needs much work. It is already trip-shape and my additions are minor comforts. For the record, the camper is not solar-powered. That was never the intention. The solar panel is to charge a small battery that suffices to keep one strip light on and charge the cell phone or computer in an emergency. The solar panels are not large or powerful enough to charge a car battery. That was an experiment that failed except as a learning objective.
           My plan is to overnight one time in the camper before taking it on the road. It’s a safety precaution mainly, but I am ready to travel. Then my hot water line breaks. I have all the pieces and tools to commence the repair, I’ll be dry-fitting the pieces later today or on Saturday. It’s the day off thing again, and I went out for coffee twice. But so you’ll know, the main power in the camper comes from a super-duty marine battery that must be kept topped off by a dedicated trickle charger, which I install separately. I install a flip switch that will recharge the camper from the car battery if nothing else is available. The switch is to make sure that only happens when the car is running. This picture shows the entire amount of electronic gear, including the meter. It isn’t much.

           Today I work on getting some hot water happening around here. Not the hot soup kind, I’ve got plenty of stove space, but the shower kind. I used two hours last evening to sketch out the ten feet of line that needs work. It’s that pipe that is broken inside the tap that worries me. But that will wait until I get back from the library. Incidentally, I found the missing check this morning around 6:30AM. It’s in Clearwater, out past Tampa. I’ve scheduled a car with two men to head out next week to personally get it. Some people don’t grasp the concept that a check made out to me is my property, not theirs. I leaned on them, they caved.
           This is vaguely related to the new hotdog business. Let me explain something because you won’t get this brand of insight anywhere else. There are thousands of business startups every day in America, but few of them succeed. The reason, and this will be on the exam, is that most Americans don’t want to start businesses. It has become a complicated and government-controlled affair. What! Did I just say most don’t want a business? Yep, and that goes against everything we’ve been taught. It is not the businesses that fail, but the owners get fed up with red tape and walk away.

           The fact remains they don’t want a business. What they really want is something they can do to make extra cash part time. This is fundamentally different than a business, which ties you down and sets you up. The system has made it so. Look at what I’ve already gone through to start a hotdog cart. Yes, it is a headache and I have to file reports and keep records and follow rules and obey idiotic laws and so on. Now, does it make sense when I say most people don’t want that? And guess what else makes sense in that same light? Playing in a band.
           Why can’t Americans just get a cash job under the table? Because the Democrats have allowed in 30 million illegal immigrants who took all those jobs. Don’t make the mistake of calling them the Democratic party, that’s Democrat party, and they are not democratic in any form. I am for a user-pay society, so thus I do not support them. They want to pay with your money. I side with whoever said it is wrong to steal money and it is just as wrong to elect somebody to steal it for you. How about that ignorant woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty to protest immigration policy. What country was she from and why wasn’t she protesting over there? Because she’s a Democrat, that’s why.

           Yep, it’s pretty amazing the mess this wired generation has made for themselves. It’s like a contest to see who can be the most clueless. Fine examples of their handiwork are the multi-function phone button and how the have never managed to perfect a simple, reliable wireless Internet connection. This morning I got four “no connection” messages from a site I know is working fine. Instead they have squads of coders (since there are not real programmers left, just coders) working on the next game variation. That’s a variation, there are seven basic games and they have never been able to invent an entirely new one.
           Other signs they are missing the shuttle are everywhere. Judging by the arrangement of my keyboard and commands, these Millennials must spend countless hours each day renaming batches of files in all-caps. The surest sign of stupid people is the way they assume everybody else is as equally stupid. Here’s a Millennial stupid test. What would you suppose the user wants in these four situations:

           i) Taps on a word processing file.
           ii) Clicks on a picture file.
           iii) Selects a music file.
           iv) Presses page down on a blog.

           If you said in each case, his intention was to “post to a device”, “flag as unread”, or “upload to cloud”, you may be a Millennial. I mean, could there be any other reasons why he would choose a music file? Or how about the speed dial where you have to push twelve keys? Another fave has to be LG, where you click on a name in your phone contact directory and it puts you in edit mode.
           But the all-time loser award goes to MicroSoft, with Adobe and Firefox as runners-up. The constant “updates” that nobody wants. MicroSoft gets top dickhead award for fixing it so you can’t turn the updates off. The fact you cannot use the computer while these gimptards are “updating” should give you a hint about what is really going on. Isn’t it fun to sit there for five minutes watching the screen say “update is 100% complete” while it is draining your battery. And those ridiculous battery usage times are another sad joke.

Picture of the day.
California sea lions.
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           There was something wrong with the library computers, they could not get e-mail all afternoon. Apparently some Firefox update does not like hotmail. I knew the rain was coming, so I zipped out to Pierce to the old Thrift. And she was there. The blue-eyed skinny redhead. So totally my type she’ll never know. Wasting her charms in the middle of nowhere. When she could be here, wasting them on the front lines of nowhere. I could not explain why, after just seeing her for a few minutes, I went out and bought four Georgia peaches. And ate them all.
           There’s something that might surprise a lot of people. Most of the women I find attractive do not have personalities anything like mine. The boat book I’m reading, the one where the author must have had a life-altering experience at chapter 12, he writes something that connects with my choices in women. That could explain why I say all the good ones are gone. Because the personality traits that I like could never go unnoticed by even the most unaccomplished of men. That’s what the author mentions that interested me, even if he was making some other point.

           He goes along the lines that it is better to die young as a hero than to do something great in your youth and live thereafter on remembered glory. However, he was referring to athletes, where ability declines with age. I’ve had the opposite experience. While I never made the big time (I never stood a chance), I can look back on countless small successes that man people never achieve. No, not events that occurred while I happened to be standing nearby, but things I had to stick my neck out and risk failure. Notwithstanding that music has become the dominant aspect of my life, I have often kept myself going because I did have earlier triumphs to balance my failures.
           Contrast this to others, where it seems they continually daydream of one day doing something, but have nothing to look back on. These are scary people to be around. I see what the author meant. The Ted Bundy type who had that one lucky touchdown in high-school and that was it for life. In my life, at least I’ve eaten more than my share of peaches. How did that, and this photo, ever get past the censors?

           Getting weary of that inane “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past”, like they all kept their bodies, right, I threw on the first DVD I’d not seen. It was “Human Footprint” by National Geographic. It was billed as an accounting of how humanity impacts the environment, but the theme was something far more evil. It was entirely an indictment of the American lifestyle, insinuating that all American consumption was excess. They make a few attempts to be neutral, but it was clear from the opening scenes that we were not going to get a fair hearing.
           No attempt was made to explain that it costs more to raise children who are healthy, happy, educated, and a host of other gems the rest of the world rather ignores. No mention is made of effectiveness or efficiency, just scene after scene of the piles of food and plastic. No comparison is made to the fact that per individual, other countries are far more wasteful because they copy American ways but don’t have the infrastructure to balance the waste. They dump it in the ocean.

           Plus, they avoided the primary counter-argument: that maybe an American does use more resources than a Tanzanians—but he produces many times more, such as children that live past infancy. NG goes on about how far away bananas and oranges are shipped from. But is that the fault of us, or of the people who ship them that far? It’s nothing I could put my finger on, this anti-American spin on everything. Like even as a baby you are guilty of using diapers. After about an hour, I shut it off. I get it. It costs too much to raise white babies, so white people should stop having them. Then just think of all the non-white babies that could be raised with the money saved. Millions, maybe billions. I mean, their ancient civilizations have been so successful with their own resources to date, that’s why they are after yours.

Last Laugh
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