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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

August 1, 2018

One year ago today: August 1, 2017, New Zealand or Mars?
Five years ago today: August 1, 2013, free shed-cleaning.
Nine years ago today: August 1, 2009, where I lived 20 years ago.
Random years ago today: August 1, 2003, looks like a million.

           What a day, yet no excitement since it was mostly business and having Twood cancel the rehearsal. And next Wednesday, I’m in Miami. I’m planning four days for the trip, but I’ll actually be leaving on Tuesday and returning that Friday. All I can cheer you up with is the hopeful news that things are building up. Nothing much will happen until the band is gig-ready and the hotdog cart is, what, bun-ready? August is showing I have that $210 surplus, maybe more if I don’t go out in Miami. If you are over 24, don’t bother going out in Miami, or you deserve what you get.
           I didn’t spend my mad money last month either, so I bought myself a Blue Ray Disk player. Half price at Wal*Mart. Here’s a picture of the unopened box, or maybe you are suspecting it’s a ploy to get in a photo of the progress on my chalk desk. Yes, it has gone from green to black. Visible in the photo around the edges is my unfinished plywood floor. It’s not a priority, and I was raised in a house with a plywood floor. Yes, it was G1S. For those unfamiliar with the designation, it means “good one side”.

           That is, one side of the plywood has the knots removed and it is sanded smooth. Pssst, millennials, that’s the side you put up. What’s with the dig at the greatest generation? Well, it’s because to buy this BluRay thingee, I had to comb over the specs to make sure it was compatible with my existing files. There was a time when some integrity existed in the computer field and everything was backward compatible. But what is known as leaded edge marketing cured me of ever buying any new media until it has beyond doubt become a standard. (Many seasoned players accomplish the same by merely avoiding anything Sony.)
           The books are closed for the hotdog month of July, 2018, during which there was no revenue. Zero. But expenses hit $654, including an allocation for paid up government fees that are being used up as we wait for other government documents. Unless you memorize each departments procedures, which are designed for their convenience, not yours, it is in practice impossible to get all the required paperwork done by a predictable start date. That date could be in October because my instructions were not followed last month. But that’s another category of obstacle altogether.

           Say, did you hear on the news that the State of California is going to allow the Trump supporters who were attacked in San Diego to sue for damages. Good. San Diego is a hotbed of illegal aliens and some of the most uneducated Liberals in the nation. Highly indoctrinated, but uneducated. For those who don’t recall the incident, it was the one where the local police made the Trump supporters exit in single file past a paid mob of protesters. They were shoved around and spit on while the police stood by and did nothing. The mob lawyers are screaming freedom of speech and one of them declared that the Trump supporters should have “expected” trouble. Yep, when the police and the lawyers go libtard, it’s time for a shakedown.
           In sort of good news, the agriculture department has announced the discovery of a fungus that attacks the insects that spread citrus greening. That would be a godsend to the industry, doubly so since it comes from an agency that has apparently discovered nothing else in living memory. What? And lose their jobs?

Picture of the day.
Flight of the Bumblebee.
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           Time for that kitchen A/C unit. I’ve hesitated because it has to go on the south wall, directly in the sunlight. I’ll put up an awning. The kitchen gets too warm and it is becoming the focal point of the building, as was intended. For instance, to day I was again experimenting with boxes, this time the medicine box. See the nice handle I put on it? Handles are easy, what I can’t do is hinges. Yeah, I’ve read the instructions and watched the how-tos, but I always seem to have problems that are not covered. Like, how do I mount hidden hinges? If they are hidden, how to they get lined up. Measuring doesn’t work for me, they are always out some.
           Sorry about the poor quality photo, it was taken by lamplight. And my camera does get dark, it reverts to a lower resolution, shown here. If the electric bill is low this month thanks to the attic fan, I may go for one of those dovetail jigs. The part I don’t like is the videos all show them using parts that don’t come with the tool. Like router collars and depth gauges or whatever they are. But any jig is an improvement for me and a learning process.

           One thing I learned is I do not have an HDMI cable anywhere in my vast collection of interfaces. So no BluRay movies until at least tomorrow. I’ve already go a few that were in with DVDs when I bought them by the box at yard sales and such. I have a 32” TV, or maybe bigger, that I picked up for ten bucks or so a while back. I was going to use it as a computer monitor, but I’ve planned for years to watch all the old movies and whatever new ones cost less than $20 a disk. It’s no wonder each new movie breaks the record opening week. They are measuring inflated dollars. It’s like saying Michael Jackson outsold The Beatles. Nonsense, do the conversions. Also, it is unfair to count only album sales, because The Beatles also sold a lot of 45s.
           There’s the TV, sitting up on top of Theresa’s old armoire, which is now serving as an electrical and stationary supply cabinet. The most expensive piece of junk furniture I own. Dumb broad, you know if she had simply did what she promised, she’d be living damn large today. Instead, she kicked me when I was at my lowest ebb. Strange how some people are like that. The novelty of this photo is it also shows the last unfinished area of the house except the kitchen. Visible is the insulation which forms the backdrop of the partition for the newly located water heater.

           Now the kitchen, that will be done last. Everything works and it will be expensive so I’m in no hurry. I’m running in the subpanel shortly, this aims to isolate all the A/C units and required kitchen and bathroom circuits on dedicated breakers. Some items won’t be connected until later, but the wiring is going in as soon as I can afford it, which means pretty soon. I also want an underground feed to the back shed, where I miss my evening work sessions. I’ve calculated the requirements to have a small A/C unit. I can’t add on to the shed, but I can put up a canvas shelter to work in the shade.
           I take this opportunity to remind all that my work shed and tools are not designed for major projects. Most of the tools are robot grade and the fact that I can do some small woodworking projects is a reflection that the chosen robot medium was wood instead of plastic or metal. That kind of happened after the day I set my pants legs on fire with the welder.

           I roasted a chicken. After 250 days of dieting, I’ve stopped losing, but have remained on a low calorie regimen. So that’s just the chicken, no potatoes, no stuffing, no desert. You can have all the chicken you want, but no gravy. It’s a lot like going to college in the 70s. Some things caught my eye today. How about this Intel “quantum” chip. It looks decidedly not like any core I’ve seen before and they have not described how this quantum circuitry will work. I’ve concluded it may be possible for them to go partially quantum, or to have only certain parts operate on that basis.
           The main impetus behind these developments is government code-cracking. Make no mistake about that, they have recorded all electronic transfers for the past twenty years on the premise that one day they could read them. The cover story is the same, public safety or catching bad guys, but rest assured the technology will be turned on the citizens at every opportunity. Don’t look at me, I’ve been warning about this as long as the talk-show hosts, and besides, I never transmit any sensitive information verbatim anyway. Even if deciphered, what I say would not make much sense to a snooper.

           Google claims to have working software, but I dunno. Unless they’ve upset the entire computer industry in complete secrecy, they would still be using C+ code and C+ programmers. So the best I’ll admit is they can fake certain aspects of quantum computing, but I doubt they are close to the real thing. Until then, my advice remains do not presume enciphering is secure if you send private matters in plain text. While it is probably impossible to exist anonymously, you should always play it so they go after the easy targets first. Make it as difficult as you can to pry into your affairs, but not to the extent of drawing attention. It’s easier than it sounds. Start by quitting giving out your information at the checkout.
           Speaking of backlash, have you heard the big grocery chain is talking about boycotting Visa? The reason given is Visa’s fees are too high. I’ll be watching that development, since in my opinion 1% is too high. I hope it works, but my word, with out credit how are these millennial types going to pay for their groceries? Cash is so last century, particularly to those with no net worth.

           What’s more, that $5 billion dollar fine that Europe handed to Google doesn’t seem to have taught them much. Instead of backing off with the identification and tracking of users, Google has instead gone deeper underground. That should give a few of the people with nothing to hide plenty to worry about. When people start gathering personal information covertly, there is something about to change. Usually somebody on the inside knows something, and I suspect it is an imposition of a cashless society or a red money day, which are fast becoming the same thing.
           Double checking my calendar, yep, Twood gets two weeks off. He said he’s become discouraged, but perked up when I reminded him at first rehearsal almost to the day he’d get that feeling. I will be in Miami next Wednesday, so he gets a full two week break. I advised him to begin practicing the set lists rather than the individual tunes. This has the effect of making weak areas stand out and they get more attention than just playing the song over and over. Set lists raise the bar.

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